The Montoros Dynasty. Katherine Garbera

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The Montoros Dynasty - Katherine Garbera

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likes the idea of starting over somewhere new, who knows? But we’re still being premature...right?”

      Maria sighed. “What’s so terrible about reclaiming a throne and a legacy that are your birthright? The history of the Montoro family is inextricably interwoven with Alma’s past.”

      “You’re talking about tearing my family apart. If Rafe agrees to this madness, he’ll move across the ocean.”

      “You’ve heard of jets, haven’t you?”

      Gabriel flicked water at her. “It’s not the same. My family is exceedingly close. If we agree to accept this offer from Alma, someone will have to stay here to run the business. Decades of work have gone into making our company a player on two continents.”

      “I don’t know what to tell you, Gabriel. This proposal from Alma to your family has taken on a life of its own. I sympathize with your position, but I have to move ahead with my responsibilities until someone tells me differently.”

      “You think our family is going to accept, don’t you?”

      She weighed her answer. “I hope so. Alma has suffered through years of deprivation and corruption and abuse. Now, finally, good things are beginning to happen. Having a Montoro on the throne again would be a huge boost to morale and for the identity of the people. Can you blame me for wanting to see that come to pass?”

      For once, there wasn’t a hint of humor or teasing on his face. “No. I suppose not.”

      “Let’s wait and see what happens. A lot of the outcome hinges on your brother. It’s a shame your father isn’t eligible to ascend the throne, though. He’s a very young fifty, and so exuberant and gregarious. I think he would have made an impressive king.”

      “My brother will, as well...if it comes to that.”

      “You’re very protective of your family, aren’t you? And very proud.”

      “Any one of them is worth three dozen of me. I’m a cynic, Maria...and I don’t trust easily. This whole monarchy thing stinks of self-serving on the part of your chosen country. It’s insulting for my family to be trotted out as puppet royalty so the merchants of Alma can sell postcards and T-shirts.”

      She studied his Greek god features, seeing the restless agitation and his genuine dismay. “Give us a chance,” she said quietly. “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you see the actual proposal. No one wants to diminish the stature of the Montoros. In fact, quite the opposite. You have royal blood. That means something.”

      His expression lightened, but she sensed he wasn’t convinced. They both clung to opposite sides of the ladder, their legs moving lazily in deep water. For a brief moment, she considered the odd situation. Perhaps this was the equivalent of doing business on the golf course.

      Although Gabriel was a big flirt, he had neither said nor done anything to make her feel uncomfortable at being so close to him and wearing such skimpy clothing. They had spoken of deep, important matters. If anything, being in the water had kept their conversation from overheating.

      It was difficult to fly off the handle when in the midst of such sybaritic surroundings. Truthfully, she felt sorry for Gabriel. It must be difficult to see the people he loved struggling with such gargantuan changes.

      “You’ll be royalty, too,” she said quietly. “If this plays out like I think it will.”

      “No way,” he said firmly. “If my brother decides he has to fall on the sword, I’ll support him in every way I know how. But I’m not going to be a damned royal. Bella tried to make me play Prince Eric to her Ariel doll when we were little kids. I didn’t like it then, and I haven’t changed in that regard. I know who I am and who I’m not.”

      She didn’t waste her breath explaining the role he would play in his brother’s coronation...or in describing the richly ornamental robes and jewels of state that had been hidden away for decades. Time enough for him to get used to all that later. Right now, she had two jobs. One—impress upon him the importance of the Montoros to Alma’s rebirth. And two—determine what, if any, of his bad-boy past might pop up and cause damage to the royal family’s reputation.

      “You can fight it all you want,” she said earnestly, “but blood will tell, as they say.”

      “You’re wrong,” he said firmly. “If I were to cut your arm or you mine, our blood would look the same. I’m an American. We built this country on principles of equality.”

      “That may be so, but you can’t rewrite history.”

      Bella lifted her head, sliding her sunglasses to the top of her head to glare at them. “Oh, for God’s sake. Give it a rest. Can’t we talk about books or movies or baseball? The two of you are giving me a headache.”

      Gabriel touched Maria’s shoulder briefly. “Though I hate to admit it, my sister is right. This is a day for relaxing.”

      * * *

      Alex stepped outside just in time to see Gabriel caress Maria’s bare arm. The surge of primitive fury that racked him found no outlet. He was forced to clench his jaw and walk forward as if nothing was wrong.

      Maria’s face lit up when she saw him, appeasing his displeasure somewhat. “Alex...did you bring something to change into?”

      Gabriel shaded his eyes. “Plenty of swim trunks in the cabana.”

      Alex debated his options. What he would like to do was spirit Maria back to their villa and make love to her until the sun came up. But since that wasn’t an option, he might as well make the best of things.

      By the time he had stripped down, changed and made it back to the pool, his feet were uncomfortably warm from the hot concrete. Even Bella had given up on sunbathing and was now frolicking in the water. Someone had set up a net midway across the pool, and brother and sister had apparently formed a team.

      Maria beckoned him. “Hurry. They think they’re champions, but I told them you were a big athlete at university.”

      “Not in volleyball,” he said mildly, sliding into the cool water with an inward sigh of bliss.

      “Doesn’t matter,” Maria declared. “I think we can take them.”

      Maria’s scantily clad body was a definite handicap to his concentration. But when Gabriel scored two points right off the bat, Alex dragged his attention from her rounded breasts and sexy wet hair to the competition at hand. With Maria gazing at him in supplication, he brought his A game. The adrenaline rush of competition was a great stress reliever. And it was damn fun.

      Maria and Bella were both nimble and coordinated. They set up shots and the two men took turns smashing points over the net. Time and again Maria dove for saves, her face dripping water and her eyes lit up with laughter.

      He was, at some level, struck dumb by her beauty. She was so alive, so eager, so joyful. He felt the pull in his gut and wanted badly to kiss her. Because of Alex’s addled state, Gabriel was able to spike the ball for yet another point. The smug smile on the other man’s face told Alex that his opponent might have put Maria on Alex’s team on purpose.

      Of course, watching her across the net with Gabriel would have been just as bad.


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