The Montoros Dynasty. Katherine Garbera

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The Montoros Dynasty - Katherine Garbera

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head rested on her arm.

      “Are you asleep?” he asked, smiling though she couldn’t see him.

      “Just catnapping. Keep up the good work.”

      “I never knew you were such a smart-ass,” he teased. He withdrew and thrust firmly, burying himself all the way to the hilt and making each of them gasp in unison.

      “I’ve been on my best behavior at work.”

      “Will you be insulted if I say I like this version of you even more?”

      He curled an arm around her hip and reached for the spot that controlled her pleasure. Toying gently with the small nub, he slowed his penetration to enjoy her restless arousal.

      “Not insulted,” she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

      He felt his climax bearing down on him and willed it back. “What will you do for me if I let you come?” he asked, the words ragged.

      “Anything, everything. Damn you, Alex. Please...”

      She tried to twist in his embrace so she could face him, but he held her firmly. Already he felt small contractions in her sex that told him she was close, so close. “I like it when you beg.” He bit the back of her neck. “Will you let me kiss you in public?”

      He didn’t even know where the question came from...hadn’t realized he was about to ask it.

      Maria stiffened, the small shake of her head unmistakable. “Not that. Nothing out in the open. I’m offering you this room, this weekend, these two nights. Anything and everything. No holds barred.”

      Though her words promised a sexual carte blanche, he was pissed at her refusal to have a real relationship with him in the light of day. Really pissed...but not enough to let her go. “Fine.” He forced the word past clenched teeth. “But I’ll make you pay for that.”

      He couldn’t wait any longer. Cursing softly, he released the tight control he’d maintained and plunged wildly, taking her again and again with a force and fury that rocked the bed and sent them both into a fiery crash with orgasmic pleasure so intense they collapsed instantly into a deep, sated sleep.

      * * *

      Maria awoke completely disoriented. For a split second she thought she was in her small apartment in Alma. Then gradually, everything came back to her, including the fact that a large, naked man held her tightly with both arms locked around her even as he slept.

      For a moment, she remained still, struggling to assimilate everything that had happened. Fragments of memories...pieces of the night before, sent hot color to her face and made her wonder how much was dream and how much reality.

      But when Alex murmured in his sleep, his face buried in her hair, she couldn’t pretend any longer. She and Alex had made love...repeatedly. And the experience had changed her forever. She had given him a part of her soul and it wasn’t something she could or would take back.

      Panic rose in her chest. She had done the one thing she knew was dangerous. She had let Alex get too close. It wasn’t just the sex, though that was bad enough. But even worse, she had let down her guard with him...let him see who she really was.

      Whatever professional distance had existed between them had been obliterated in one unprecedented night. Alex clearly wasn’t alarmed by that. He seemed to have some notion that it was no big deal.

      But Maria knew the truth. Soon they would return to Alma, and there it would be impossible to continue whatever this was between them. Alma was struggling to assimilate the fast-moving future with their traditional past, but it was a struggle that would take more than a week or a month or even a year. In the meantime, the old lines of class and social standing would remain mostly intact.

      Not only was Maria not a native of Alma, she was a woman with no past. No father, no relatives, no lineage. Only a hardworking mother who had done her best to keep food on the table.

      Oh, what the hell. Just because heartbreak lurked around the corner, it didn’t negate the benefits of a weekend in bed with the man she lo—

      She pulled herself up short. Love was an inappropriate word in this context. She wasn’t in love with Alex. In lust maybe. But who could blame her? He was smart and sexy, and underneath that oh-so-serious exterior, he was an animal.

      Even so, one of them had to show some sense. Carefully, over the space of at least a minute and a half, she stealthily eased out of his embrace and off the bed. Poor man never even moved. He had expended an impressive amount of energy in the past twelve hours.

      Maria’s insides clenched in helpless longing as she remembered the crazed fervor of his lovemaking. He’d been like a man possessed, as if trying to make up for lost time. Or maybe, deep down, he knew as she did that their time together was limited.

      In the bathroom with the door closed, she showered, dried her hair and secured it at the back of her neck. The comfy clothes she’d grabbed while in her room last night would be perfect for an informal workday.

      She’d expected to find Alex awake by the time she finished. Opening the door to the bedroom stealthily, she saw that he still slept. Only now, he was facedown on his stomach. His broad, muscular shoulders and smoothly tanned back narrowed to a taut waist and buttocks that was a good thing the sheet hadn’t slid any lower.

      She jumped when low, amused words startled her. “Are you going to stand there staring or are you going to come back to bed?” He reared up on one elbow and turned to look at her. His voice sounded as if he had swallowed sand.

      “It’s nine o’clock. We need to order breakfast and get to work on the proposal.”

      He sat up and scrubbed his hands through his hair, yawning. “Are you always so perky at this hour?”

      “If you’re trying to make me mad, it won’t work. Tell me what you want to eat and I’ll have it waiting when you get out of the shower.”

      When he swung his legs over the side of the bed, she held up a hand. “Wrap the sheet around you, for heaven’s sake.”

      He stretched, the muscles in his broad chest doing some kind of mesmerizing flex and ripple. “Are we shy this morning?”

      “Not at all,” she said primly. “But we don’t need to get sidetracked. There’s work to do.”

      He stood up, sans sheet, and crossed the room in three long strides. Putting a finger beneath her chin, he tilted her face up to his, searching her eyes. “You okay, sweet thing? We got a little crazy last night.”

      She couldn’t do a thing about her blush, aggravating as it was. “I’m fine. Better than fine. But seriously, Alex. It’s late. One of us has to remember why we’re here.”

      He kissed her long and slow, telling her in no uncertain terms what he thought of her work ethic. Her arms went around his neck and clung. Every inch of his big, honed body pressed against hers, stealing the oxygen from her lungs.

      When he finally released her, she had to grab hold of him for a few seconds until her world settled back on its axis. “Stop that,” she whispered, going up on tiptoe to kiss him again.


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