Sex, Lies and the CEO. Barbara Dunlop

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Sex, Lies and the CEO - Barbara Dunlop

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style="font-size:15px;">      She gave him a jab in the ribs with her elbow. “You know what I meant.”

      “Doesn’t mean I can’t tease you.”

      “Are you always like this?”

      “Like what?”

      The song changed, but she pretended not to notice. “So friendly and familiar with people you’ve just met?”

      “Are you?”

      The question took her aback. He made a good point. She was just as guilty as he was.

      “I’m not,” she said. “Never. That’s why I assumed it had to be you.”

      “I’m really quite aloof.”

      “Sure you are.”

      “Ask anybody.”

      “I will.”

      “Ask Tuck.”

      “I am going to ask Tuck.”

      It was a lie. She didn’t expect to ever see Tuck again.

      Shane went silent for so long that she began to worry.

      But then he spoke. “You never dated Tuck, did you?”

      Her worry fled, and she sputtered out a laugh of surprise. “I’ve definitely never dated Tuck.”

      She realized now would be the time to confess that she didn’t even know Tuck.

      “Because that would be awkward,” said Shane. “Tuck and I are very good friends.”

      Darci didn’t know how to react to the statement.

      “And you can’t,” Shane continued. “You know, with your best friend’s ex. I mean, it’s not a 100 percent rule, but it’s kind of ironclad.”

      “Two hours,” Darci felt compelled to point out. “Do I need to remind you again that we’ve only just met? We’re not dating.”

      “We should be dating.”

      “You’re out of your mind.” She could assume only that this was some kind of well-practiced, pickup strategy.

      He was pretty good at it, but she wasn’t going to let herself take him seriously.

      “What are you doing on Friday?” he asked.

      “I’m working.”

      “You know I meant Friday night.”

      “I’m working then, too. I have my own business, and it’s very busy right now.”

      She also had a secret job at his company, a mystery to solve and a huge vendetta against his family. He might be handsome and charming, but going on a date with Shane was out of the question.

      “Give yourself some time off,” he said.

      “I have clients and deadlines.” There was no way in the world he was talking her into a date.

      “We could do dinner or take in a play. Or both. You like comedy? The Twist is getting rave reviews, and there’s a great little seafood place about a mile from the theatre. Very posh, very exclusive.”

      She tipped her head back. “You do understand that I’m saying no?”

      “You do understand that I’m not giving up?”

      “I won’t go on a date with you, Shane.”

      “Do you have a boyfriend?”

      “No.” Then she mentally kicked herself. A boyfriend would have been the perfect excuse not to see Shane again.

      “Something a little more active?” he asked. “The park? The jazz festival? Or, wait, a harbor cruise?”

      “Shane, stop.”

      “Or we could have a date right here,” he carried on without stopping for a breath. “The gardens are gorgeous on a summer night. We could dine out on the deck, pick ourselves a fine bottle of wine from the cellar, now that you know what you like.”

      As he spoke, Darci’s brain locked on to an idea. If she came back to the Colborn mansion, especially if they went down to the wine cellar, she might have another chance to snoop around. Getting to know Shane on any level was a big risk. But she’d never get back into the mansion without getting to know him at least a bit better.

      A male voice interrupted them. “Why are you hogging Darci?”

      Shane stiffened against her. “Hello, Tuck.”

      Darci twisted her head to see Tuck, shocked that he’d remembered her.

      “I’m cutting in,” said Tuck.

      “No, you’re not.”

      “Of course I am.”

      Shane looked to Darci, eyes narrowing. “I thought you said you’d never dated him.”

      “I haven’t,” she managed in a strangled voice, feeling the walls close in around her.

      Something bad was about to happen.

      “Quit messing around,” said Tuck. “Petra’s hot on my trail. I need a dance partner.”

      “Find another one.”

      “What is your problem?” asked Tuck.

      “If you were interested in Darci, you should have said so before now.”

      Darci jumped in. “Listen, I—”

      “Before now?” asked Tuck in clear astonishment. “When, before now?”

      “I don’t know,” Shane drawled. “In the months, maybe the years since you met her.”

      If the floor would only open up and swallow her, maybe she could get herself out of this.

      “Shane?” came a new female voice.

      Shane turned his head.

      “Looks like Maddie needs you,” said Tuck.

      Then he deftly tugged Darci from Shane’s arms and twirled her away.

      She scrambled to get her feet sorted out beneath her, regretful to leave Shane and also realizing she’d just blown her opportunity to return to the mansion. She should have accepted his invitation as soon as he’d offered it.

      “Sorry about that,” said Tuck, as they settled a little awkwardly into dancing. “But Petra’s one determined woman.”


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