A Second Chance For The Millionaire: Rescued by the Brooding Tycoon / Who Wants To Marry a Millionaire? / The Billionaire's Fair Lady. Nicola Marsh

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A Second Chance For The Millionaire: Rescued by the Brooding Tycoon / Who Wants To Marry a Millionaire? / The Billionaire's Fair Lady - Nicola Marsh

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did it for the children’s sake,’ she pointed out.

      ‘He could have got his children back if he’d played hard, but he wouldn’t do it.’

      ‘Good for him,’ Janine murmured.

      Amos scowled. He could forgive her sentimental view of life. After all, she was a woman. But sometimes it exasperated him.

      ‘That’s all very well,’ he growled, ‘but then the world imploded.’

      ‘Only the financial world,’ she ventured.

      His caustic look questioned whether there was any other kind, but he didn’t rise to the bait.

      ‘And suddenly he had a pittance compared to what he’d had before,’ he continued. ‘So he had to go back to that woman and try to persuade her to accept less. Naturally, she refused, and since the money had already been transferred to her he couldn’t touch it.’

      ‘You’d never have made that mistake,’ Janine observed wryly, perhaps thinking of the pre-nuptial agreement she’d had to sign before their wedding five years earlier. ‘Never give anything you can’t take back, that’s your motto.’

      ‘I never said that.’

      ‘No, you’ve never actually said it,’ she agreed quietly.

      ‘Where the devil is he?’

      ‘Don’t upset yourself,’ she pleaded. ‘It’s bad for you to get agitated after your heart attack.’

      ‘I’m over that,’ he growled.

      ‘Until the next time. And don’t say there won’t be a next time because the doctor said a massive attack like that is always a warning.’

      ‘I’m not an invalid,’ he said firmly. ‘Look at me. Do I look frail?’

      He rose and stood against the backdrop of the sky, challenging her with his pose and his expression, and she had to concede the point. Amos was a big man, over six foot, broad-shouldered and heavy. All his life he’d been fiercely attractive, luring any woman he wanted, moving from marriage to affairs and on to marriage as the mood took him. Along the way, he’d fathered five sons by four mothers in different countries, thus spreading his tentacles across the world.

      Recently, there had been an unexpected family reunion. Struck down by a heart attack, he’d lain close to death while his sons gathered at his bedside. But, against all the odds, he’d survived, and at last they had returned to their different countries.

      Now he had summoned them back for a reason. Amos was making plans for the future. He’d regained much of his strength, although less than he claimed.

      To the casual eye, he was a fine, healthy specimen, still handsome beneath a head of thick white hair. Only two people knew of the breathless attacks that followed exertion. One of them was Janine, his wife, who regarded him with a mixture of love and exasperation.

      The other was Freya, Janine’s daughter by an earlier marriage. A trained nurse, she’d recently come to stay at her mother’s request.

      ‘He doesn’t want a nurse there in case it makes him look weak,’ Janine pleaded, ‘but if I invite my daughter he can’t refuse.’

      ‘But he knows I’m a nurse,’ Freya had pointed out.

      ‘Yes, but we don’t have to talk about it, and you can keep an eye on him discreetly. It helps that you don’t look like a nurse.’

      This was an understatement. Freya was delicately built with elegant movements, a pretty face and a cheeky demeanour. She might have been a dancer, a nightclub hostess, or anything except a medical expert with an impressive list of letters after her name.

      An adventurous spirit had made her leave her last job in response to her mother’s request.

      ‘I was getting bored,’ she said. ‘Same thing day after day.’

      ‘You certainly won’t get that with Amos,’ Janine had remarked.

      She was right. After only a few days Freya remarked, ‘It’s like dealing with a spoilt child. Don’t worry. I can do what’s necessary.’

      Luckily, Amos liked his stepdaughter and under her care his health improved. It was she who now came bouncing out onto the balcony and said, ‘Time for your nap.’

      ‘Not for another ten minutes,’ he growled.

      She smiled. ‘No, it’s now. No argument.’

      He grinned. ‘You’re a bully, you know that?’

      ‘Of course I know that. I work at it. Get going.’

      He shrugged, resigned and good-natured, and let her escort him as far as his bedroom door. Janine would have gone in with him, but he waved her away.

      ‘I can manage without supervision. Just keep your eyes open for Darius. I can’t think what’s keeping him.’ He closed the door.

      ‘What’s going on?’ Freya asked as the two women walked away.

      ‘Goodness knows. He was supposed to arrive this morning but he called to say there’d been an unexpected delay.’

      ‘And then all the other sons, Leonid, Marcel, Travis, Jackson, just a few days apart. Why is Amos suddenly doing this?’

      ‘I can only guess,’ Janine said sadly. ‘He puts on this big act of being fully recovered, but he had a scare. He’s seen that his life could end at any time, and he’s…getting things sorted out, is how he puts it, starting with changes to his will.’

      ‘Funny, he’s so organised that you’d think he’d have fixed that ages ago.’

      ‘He did, but I believe he’s taking another look at all of his lads and deciding—I don’t know—which one will manage best—’

      ‘Which one is most like him,’ Freya said shrewdly.

      ‘You’re very hard on him,’ Janine protested.

      ‘No more than he deserves. Of all the arrogant—’

      ‘But he’s very fond of you. You’re the daughter he never had and he’d love you to be really part of the family.’ She paused delicately.

      ‘You mean he wants me to be his daughter-in-law?’ Freya demanded, aghast. ‘The cheeky crook.’

      ‘Don’t call him a crook,’ Janine protested.

      ‘Why not? No man builds up the kind of fortune he did by honest means. And he’s taught his sons to be the same. Anything for money, that’s how they all think. So if one of them can talk me into marriage he’ll cop the lot. Was Amos mad when he thought of that? Nothing on this earth would persuade me—there isn’t one of them I’d ever dream of—ye gods and little fishes!’

      ‘Don’t tell him I told you,’ Janine begged.


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