Bring Me Home For Christmas. Робин Карр
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“Oh, I don’t know,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Because you’re his ex-girlfriend? Because this is a guys’ hunting trip and you’re not a guy and everyone will have to take care of you?”
“No one has to take care of me,” she said indignantly. Then she smiled very sweetly. “I’m anxious to meet your other friends. And to hunt—I’m anxious to hunt.”
He scowled. “Right,” he said. “You expect me to believe you’re going to shoot a duck and pluck it?”
If I have to pluck it with my teeth to be convincing, she thought. “Of course! I’m a little more excited about fly-fishing, though. I can’t wait to try that.” She opened her door. “You about ready?”
He grunted. “Do not be a problem. Do not be a pain in my ass for a week!”
“Do not be a jerk,” she countered.
Becca had arrived at Rich’s town house at three in the morning, big suitcase and shotgun in hand. When he opened the door, wearing nothing but boxers, she said, “Guess what? I don’t have anything to do this week, so I’m coming with you. I’ve never been duck hunting or fly-fishing.”
“You’re out of your mind, right?” he said, scratching his hair, which was crazy from bed. “Didn’t you tell Mom and Dad you were going home with Doug for Thanksgiving?”
She shook her head. “That isn’t going to work out and I don’t want Mom and Dad to cancel their trip plans just so I’m not alone on Thanksgiving.”
“Why isn’t it going to work out?”
“Doug’s way too busy—he’s going all the way to the East Coast for two days. Come on, this is a great idea. A little last minute, but it’ll be fun. Be a sport.”
“And what about Denny?” he asked. “Your ex?”
She put a hand on her hip. “It’s time we all moved on from that, don’t you think? I have no hard feelings and I’m sure he doesn’t. He probably has a girlfriend. This is a perfect opportunity to make sure it’s all cool between us. I mean, really—since you guys are good friends and all… And it was a long time ago.”
“Yeah, but it was brutal,” Rich said, looking down at her suspiciously.
“We were young,” she said with a shrug.
“And what does Doug think about this?” Rich asked.
“Doug isn’t the jealous type. He told me to have a good time. Anyway, Doug is not your problem.”
“I know,” Rich said. “Apparently, you’re my problem.” He let her come into his town house. “You better know what you’re doing,” he said. “If you screw up my hunting trip, you’re going to pay.”
Becca’s decision really hadn’t been as spur of the moment as she had pretended. A lot of planets had converged and she found herself planning, quickly. Rich had been talking about this hunting trip for weeks, with good old Denny—the guy she once thought she was going to marry. The guy who broke up with her three years ago. The guy she still thought about way too much. Then the elementary school where she taught shut down, due to financial issues they just couldn’t resolve, and she found herself suddenly unemployed. And Doug, the law student she’d been seeing for the past year, asked her to look at engagement rings.
She would have had nothing to do besides look for work during the Thanksgiving holidays—a dismal prospect—and worry about the fact that Doug was probably leading up to a marriage proposal while the last guy was still on her mind. All the time.
She didn’t get it. Why did she still think about Denny, dream about him? Was it just wanting what was out of reach, rather than appreciating what was right in front of her? When Denny broke up with her before going to Afghanistan, she had been devastated. By the time he looked her up two years later and suggested they give it another try, she had been furious and told him he was too late, she wasn’t interested. Then she met Doug Carey a year ago, a good-looking, second-year law student, and her mother had been so relieved! Beverly Timm found Doug so much more appropriate for her daughter. Doug had it all. He was a good guy. Becca enjoyed spending time with him. He had a bright future. He came from a successful, financially secure family. He loved her. His family had their own sailboat! It made absolutely no sense to continue to think about Denny.
There was a time when Becca had dreamed of a Christmas proposal and a beautiful ring under the tree. Christmas was her favorite season—the sparkling lights, the carols, the time with her family. Now she feared it. She wanted to want to marry Doug Carey, but she just couldn’t commit to him while this ghost haunted her. It would be so wrong. So unfair to both of them.
So she had decided. She was going to force Rich to take her with him to this Virgin River, the place Denny had chosen as his home. She’d hunt and fish and try to figure out why she just couldn’t let go of the guy. She would see him again and come to the conclusion that it had been a crush, a first love between a couple of kids, that she had idealized in her mind. Then she’d go home to the perfect man, finally appreciating him as much as he deserved. They would live happily ever after and the image of Denny would disappear.
She looked around the town once more as she went up the steps of the log-cabin bar where they were all meeting. “Seriously?” she said again under her breath. It was kind of a dumpy old town; the houses were small, a lot of them had peeling paint. There weren’t even streetlights or sidewalks. Besides a little grocery store and the bar, there didn’t appear to be any other businesses. What did these people do for entertainment? For fun? “Hunting and fishing,” she reminded herself. “Whoopee.”
Yeah, she was hopeful. Just a look at this backwoods little town was promising—she’d figure out what happened with Denny, where it all went so wrong and why. They’d been so different in the first place. Now she had to find a way to move on, so she could happily marry a man with a law degree and his own sailboat.
Denny Cutler had come to Virgin River in search of roots, and a year after stumbling into Jack’s Bar, he was sure he’d found the place where he would live for the rest of his life. He had friends who were as tight as family. He also had a career, one he had never in his craziest dreams envisioned—he was a farmer! An associate in Jilly Farms, an organic farm that promised to grow strong and profitable.
It had been Jack’s idea that Denny reach out to a couple of his buddies, maybe from the Marine Corps, where he’d spent four years, and invite them to Virgin River for a little guy stuff—hunting, fishing, poker. Jilly Farms wasn’t too busy in late fall and could spare him for a few days. He knew exactly which guys he wanted to invite. Troy, Dirk and Rich had been like brothers to him during his deployment to Iraq. Dirk Curtis and Troy were both reservists and lived near Sacramento. Rich Timm, also known as Big Richie or sometimes just Big, was from San Diego, where Denny grew up, though Denny hadn’t met him until the Corps. Rich got out of the Marines after two years, finished college and was now an engineer who worked for the highway department in San Diego, building freeways and bridges. All three of these guys loved camping, hiking, fishing, hunting—anything a little rugged. They would love Virgin River.
There was only one downside to his friendship with Rich—he was Becca’s twin brother. That’s how Denny had met his old girlfriend, through Rich, while they were on leave together back in San Diego, years ago. After Denny and Becca broke up, the continued friendship put Denny