Secrets Of The A-List. Майя Блейк

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Secrets Of The A-List - Майя Блейк

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just as sullen as she’d been since the hospital, barely spared her aunt a glance. Luc grew tenser as Vanessa set down the tray of cocktails the chef had prepared then began handing them out. Mariella noticed that she set Luc’s vodka tonic down on the table in front of him rather than handing it to him like she did with everyone else.

      Dios mío...

      “Where’s my drink?” Ana demanded sharply.

      Vanessa stiffened.

      Mariella glared at her sister. “She wasn’t told you would be joining us, because you didn’t think to inform us of your plans.”

      “I need to send a memo to be included in predinner drinks? Am I not a member of this family?” Ana snapped.

      Mariella gritted her teeth and hung onto her last nerve. “Since you spent all morning sunbathing and the whole afternoon sleeping, we thought you would be continuing your very leisurely regime. In bed.”

      Ana raised an eyebrow. “Are you having the staff spy on me now, Mariella?”

      “I wasn’t aware your movements in my house were a state secret.”

      Ana locked gazes with her for minute, then flipped her perfectly curled hair over her bare shoulders. “Not to worry, my beauty sleep is all topped up. I’m good to go. So—” she turned to a hovering Vanessa “—I’ll have a caipirinha with an extra twist of lime. And tell the chef not to use overripe limes, would you? The ones she made me earlier all tasted off.”

      Mariella really didn’t need to know that her sister had spent most of the day drinking. It only meant that navigating any conversation with her now would be like walking a minefield.

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