An Earl In Want Of A Wife. Laura Martin
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Although he couldn’t see her expression Daniel rather thought she’d smiled.
‘Almost.’ She sighed. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sure I’ve ruined your...’ Instead of finishing the sentence she waved a hand in his general direction. ‘Whatever it is men wear to these balls.’
Daniel found himself leaning in a little closer, trying to make out what his mystery woman looked like. He knew she was tall, with a slender waist and delightfully curvy hips, but he wished he could catch a glimpse of her facial features.
‘I just wanted some peace and quiet, just for a few minutes. When you coughed you startled me and I tripped.’
‘I wanted you to know you weren’t alone.’
Daniel felt himself drawn to this woman and started to gently trace his thumb backwards and forwards across her hand. He knew it was wrong and he knew he should send her back inside immediately. If they were found in this position, outside and alone together, there would be a terrible scandal, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to send her on her way just yet.
‘Why did you want to escape the ball so much?’ Daniel asked. ‘A lovely young woman like you must be the centre of attention.’
He could tell she grimaced even in the darkness. ‘I feel like an antique up for auction.’
Daniel laughed, he couldn’t help himself.
‘Not that I think I’m any kind of prize, quite the opposite,’ she rushed to reassure him. ‘It’s just when you know people are only interested because of money...’ She let her sentence trail off.
Daniel suddenly felt a little guilty. All evening he hadn’t thought of anything but securing himself a wealthy wife. He hadn’t considered what his potential spouse’s feelings would be on the matter, hadn’t even thought of her as a real person. That must be what this young lady felt like, an object up for auction. Daniel pushed his qualms aside. He would treat his wife well, give her anything she asked for, and all he needed in return was for her to save him financially. It wasn’t even as though he’d squander all her money gambling like most husbands; her fortune would be going to a good cause.
‘We should get you back inside before you’re missed,’ Daniel said reluctantly. He didn’t know why he was so loath to let her go, he was certainly enjoying himself more than he’d expected to at a ball, but he knew she had to return to the ballroom before someone noticed she was gone.
‘I am sorry I fell on you,’ the woman repeated.
Daniel stood and offered her his arm. She stood up rather too abruptly and he found himself face-to-face with her. Even in the darkness Daniel could make out the curve of her lips and suddenly he had an overwhelming urge to kiss her.
Without thinking of the consequences Daniel lowered his lips to hers, feeling the sharp intake of breath as she realised what he was about to do. He half expected her to push him away and storm off, but for a few seconds she stood frozen, as if too stunned to react. Then he felt her body melt into his.
It was the first time she’d been kissed, Daniel was sure of it, but her lips were full and inviting and Daniel knew he wouldn’t be able to pull away. He breathed in her scent and pulled her closer to him, revelling in the small moan that escaped from her lips as they kissed.
Suddenly she stiffened and Daniel knew the moment was over. Even though he’d met this woman only a few minutes previously he knew she wouldn’t become hysterical, just that she’d come to her senses. Slowly he pulled away, keeping one hand resting gently on her waist.
‘That... I mean... Well.’
Normally Daniel would have prided himself at rendering a woman speechless, but already he was beginning to feel like a churl. He’d just seduced an innocent young woman he had no intention of marrying. It went against everything he believed in, every code of honour he lived his life by.
‘That was unforgivable of me,’ he said softly. ‘I just couldn’t help myself. I wouldn’t have been able to resist kissing you even if there was a sword to my heart.’
‘I should go,’ she said, pulling away. Almost immediately she stumbled and Daniel sprang forward, steadying her so she didn’t lose her feet.
‘Can I at least know your name?’ he asked quietly.
It seemed like an eternity before she answered and Daniel had the absurd feeling that she might give him a false name.
‘Amelia,’ she said eventually. ‘Amelia Eastway.’
Daniel felt the bottom drop out of his world as Amelia slipped from his grasp and started to ascend the steps back to the terrace.
‘May I call on you tomorrow?’ he called after her.
He wasn’t entirely sure, but he thought he saw her nod her head before she disappeared into the darkness completely.
Lizzie was a bundle of nerves. It didn’t help that she hadn’t slept much at all. Every time she’d closed her eyes she’d been back in the Prestons’ garden being seduced by a mystery man. She didn’t even know his name. Even now she could feel the faint tingle of desire as she remembered his hands on her waist and his lips brushing her own.
She wondered if he would call on her, as he’d said he would. She didn’t know if she even wanted him to. She was torn. Half of her wanted to meet this man who had kissed her so passionately the night before, but the other half wanted to hold on to the dream. If he saw her in the light of day, Lizzie knew he’d realise he’d made a mistake. Perhaps it would be better if their dalliance was kept as something magical, something Lizzie could hold on to for the rest of her life. It wasn’t as though he would desire her once he actually met her properly and maybe it would be better if she didn’t actually see the disappointment in his face as he looked at her in the daylight.
‘Look, Amelia,’ Aunt Mathilda said as she entered the room, ‘these have just arrived for you.’
She was carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers, tied with a red ribbon. Lizzie found herself smiling, wondering if they were from her mystery gentleman the night before. She hadn’t even found out his name, she realised.
She took the card from Aunt Mathilda and felt her smile falter slightly as she read it. No, these certainly weren’t from her mystery gentleman. The card was signed Mr Anthony Green and Lizzie found it hard not to shudder as she remembered their encounter the night before. She’d been introduced to many eligible gentlemen, both young and old. Most had been pleasant, although she suspected had been more interested in putting a face to the dowry than actually making her acquaintance. Mr Anthony Green had been repulsive. Not in looks—in fact, he was quite a handsome man in his early thirties—but in manner. He’d lingered over her hand just a little too long and gone out of his way to touch her upper arm at any opportunity. That in itself, of course, didn’t make him repulsive, but she’d found that he had spent more time ogling the fine jewels that hung around her neck than actually looking at her. And he’d spoken of her fortune and her dowry to her face. It might have been Lizzie’s first night out in society, but even she