A Hunter Under The Mistletoe: All Is Bright / Heat of a Helios. Karen Whiddon

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A Hunter Under The Mistletoe: All Is Bright / Heat of a Helios - Karen  Whiddon

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that body pressed against hers, she couldn’t deny the raw power she felt in the thick musculature beneath that finely cut suit.

      Oh, what would it be like to simply stay there, wrapped in the protection of that large, powerful body? He channeled it well, his physicality. Wielded it as easily as he wore five-thousand-dollar suits and several generations of Stavros wealth.

      Rafe moved through the gentle swish of electronic doors, the cool, refined air of the hotel wafting over them. His feet echoed on the thick marble floor, a sound of purpose and power, while her sneakers thunked and squeaked beside him. It was only when they reached the entrance to the spa that Evangeline registered their destination.

      “What are you doing?”

      “You need some rest and relaxation. As luck would have it, I can provide both.”

      “I’m not going in there.”

      “You afraid of a little massage oil?” The question was flat—bland, even—but Evangeline didn’t miss the unholy light that flared in his gaze. The normal storm-cloud gray had turned a liquid silver, tempting and oh so tantalizing as they stood in the entrance of the spa.

      “I’m not afraid.”

      “Then after you.”

      He gestured her forward and she had the choice to stay stubbornly still or nod and move forward.

      “Mr. Stavros.” The woman who headed up the spa—Madelina, Evangeline remembered—came up to them immediately. Her gaze showed nothing but Evangeline couldn’t quite squelch the urge to hide her dirt-stained hands behind her back. “How can I be of help today?”

      “My friend here needs the full spa package.”

      Madelina’s gaze shifted to assessing, scouring Evangeline head to toe, before she gave a solid nod. “Hot stone massage. Ninety minutes. Facial. Manicure. Pedicure. With paraffin, of course.”

      “Of course,” Rafe added, his voice solemn, even if that light in his eyes remained stubbornly, wickedly, bright.

      “I don’t need any of this. And I certainly don’t need goop on my fingers when all I’m going to do is shove them right back into the dirt.”

      She held out her hands proudly, trying to prove her point when Madelina’s elegant fingers wrapped around hers, stilling Evangeline’s movements. “Then it’s all the more important to protect your greatest asset.”

      “Call me when she’s finished.” Rafe bit out the edict before turning on his heel.

      Although it nearly killed her, Evangeline threw her last card. “I don’t have the money for this.”

      Rafe barely gave her a backward glance. “Then it’s good you know the owner. I’ve got plenty.”

      Rafe flipped through the file he maintained on Evangeline. He managed the materials himself, unwilling to go through the security team on the details of her or her background.

      Orphaned at seven.

      Bumped to several foster homes before declaring as an emancipated minor at sixteen.

      Worked multiple jobs after that, including a flower shop in Henderson, a crummy little casino barely making it down on Fremont, and wedding bouquets for a nearby chapel.

      “Doesn’t let any grass grow under her feet,” he muttered, an image of her doing just that filling his mind’s eye. She wasn’t going to give up on her supposed man on fire and he damn well knew a few hours of spa time wasn’t going to change that.

      Rafe continued scanning the file, his careful notes an accompaniment to the various pieces of intel he’d gathered over the past year. Her background had been surprisingly easy to uncover, even with his ability to get details on most anyone he wanted. There was easy and then there was easy, and Evangeline fell into the latter category.

      And what he’d learned during that investigation had stopped him cold.

      Her father had been a Hunter, focused in and around Las Vegas for the legion of Chaos-seekers who hunted Rafe and his people, the Helios. Their age-old enemies, the Hunters believed eradicating the Helios would unleash their master—Chaos—on the world.

      As with most things with the ancients, life was never that easy, and modern times brought modern challenges. There was plenty of chaos in the twenty-first century world, and Rafe doubted some epic battle with a band of zealots would change that much.

      None of it changed the fact he and his people were hunted. Plotted against. And constantly under threat.

      Was it possible Evangeline was one of them?

      The bio had been straightforward and bleak—Hank Kennedy had drifted in and out of jail throughout his late twenties and early thirties before turning his skills and his loyalty toward the Las Vegas area’s corps of Hunters. A suspicious fight in the desert late one night hadn’t ended well for Hank or a fellow addict and he’d left his wife and child alone and destitute.

      Nothing about the intel had sat well and Rafe had kept a purposeful distance from Evangeline over the past year, in favor of watching and monitoring her. Other than their bimonthly meetings to discuss the property, he avoided contact with her.

      And had been more than surprised to see she kept to herself, worked like she had no life outside the casino and generally flew under the radar.

      Until last night.

      Damn, why had he waited when he knew his Rejuvenation was upon him?

      Rafe’s head snapped up at the hard slam of his door. Gabe crossed the plush carpet soundlessly, even as his large frame quivered in agitated, restless motion. “You burned in front of her?”

      “Excuse me?”

      “Don’t screw with me. Last night. Evangeline Kennedy saw you? Midtransformation?”

      He never lied to his brother, but the anger and frustration laser-focused on him was barely an adequate mirror for his own shame and embarrassment. Hell, he hadn’t lost control like that since he was fourteen and coming into his power.


      “Mind telling me why you were hanging around, full well knowing you were running hot?”

      “I had a meeting that ran late.”

      His brother slashed a hand through the air. “No excuse.”

      “It is when you’re courting three foreign whales with several whale friends back home.”

      Gabe snorted, clearly unconvinced, even with Rafe’s argument about squiring several high rollers around the property. “It’s careless and unnecessary. Since when are you the only one who can court high-end guests and build relationships?”

      “I needed to check them out. See for myself. We know Hunter activity increases near the solstice, and something about the one guy’s backstory didn’t check out.”

      “So you went in alone?”


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