Hot Single Docs: Taming The Bachelor: NYC Angels: Redeeming The Playboy / NYC Angels: Heiress's Baby Scandal / NYC Angels: Unmasking Dr Serious. Carol Marinelli
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‘You think it, though.’
Nina shrugged again.
‘I can’t afford to get involved, Nina.’
She didn’t buy it.
‘How can you not?’ She blinked at him. ‘You’re a brilliant doctor. I’ve actually seen you in action the rare times you’re hands on. You and I both know …’ She halted. There were some things that should perhaps not be said.
‘Go on,’ Jack invited.
‘I don’t think I should.’
‘Off the record?’ Jack smiled. ‘And, no, you can’t screw me here.’
He made her blush, he made her smile, he gave her permission to be honest.
‘I’m not criticising the other doctor, but I do think that had it been you who examined Tommy …’ She took a slug of her wine before continuing. ‘Well, things might have been picked up a little sooner.’
Jack would never criticise a colleague and certainly not to a woman he didn’t really know—idle gossip was a dangerous thing—but he absolutely agreed with Nina. He’d thought exactly the same thing.
Not only that, he’d had a rather long and difficult conversation with the locum registrar just that morning, not that he could share that with Nina.
‘I just think …’ She really should say no more, except his silence invited her to go on. Sometimes she was a little too honest and even as the words tumbled out, she wished she could take them back. ‘Instead of sucking up to benefactors, you’d be better off with the patients.’ She knew she had gone too far, knew from the flicker of darkness across his eyes that she’d overstepped the mark, and she recanted a little. ‘Certainly the patients would be better off …’
She was nothing like Jack was used to.
Nothing like anyone he had ever been out with before.
He could not think of one person who had ever spoken to him like this, yet over and over she had.
‘Do you ever got involved?’ Nina asked a little later, when she was scraping her dessert bowl. ‘I mean, do you ever get close?’
‘Are we still talking about work?’ Jack grinned.
‘Of course.’ Nina gave a tight smile. She already knew the answer in regard to his personal life. Jack saw the smile, matched it and then upped it, just looked at her and smiled till her face was pink and her toes were curling in her boots.
‘No,’ he said. ‘And no at work as well.’ Then he stopped smiling. ‘I’m not a machine, Nina. I get a bit upset sometimes, I guess, and some things get to me more than others but, no, I work better by staying back …’
He thought he might get a brief lecture, thought the frown was a precursor to criticism, but then, perhaps properly for the first time that night, her eyes met his. ‘You’d be really good at the pro bono centre.’
It was Jack frowning now. ‘I already do a lot …’
‘No.’ She shook her head. ‘I’m not asking you to volunteer. I’m just saying that someone like you would be really good.’ She gave him a smile when he had expected a rebuff. ‘I am sorry for what I said last night—I guess cool heads are needed at times.’
Except his head wasn’t so cool now.
And, no, he never got involved on a personal level either. Jack didn’t do dating and long conversations, and certainly no explorations into someone else’s past, except he found himself wanting to know about a younger Nina, found himself asking how she’d fared when her parents had died.
‘It was rough for a while, but I got there.’
‘I had friends.’ She gave a tight shrug. ‘Couch-surfed for a while …’
‘Slept on friends’ sofas.’ He watched her face burn and then blue eyes met his. ‘I nearly ended up on the streets.’
Jack could perhaps see why she was so angry at times, why she struggled so much in her efforts to keep families together—given the impact it had had on her life when she’d lost hers. ‘So how come—?’
‘I’m not going there, Jack,’ she interrupted.
‘Sure,’ Jack said. Usually it was him pulling back, usually it was him closing off and refusing to discuss things.
And so they chatted about other stuff when he really wanted to know more about Nina. He simply didn’t know how to play her, because when he glanced at his phone and saw how late it was, had it been anyone else, they’d have been back at his apartment and safely in bed.
Safely in bed, because that was what Jack knew and did best. He wasn’t used to that awkward moment when they climbed into his car, because usually both parties knew exactly where they were headed.
‘No, thanks,’ she said to his oh-so-casual offer of a nightcap at his place. ‘It’s already late and I’m the duty worker tomorrow night.’
So not only was Jack not used to going to back to her place, neither was he familiar with a smile at the front door and no invitation to come inside.
‘Thanks so much for tonight,’ Nina said. ‘It was nice to clear the air.’
‘Oh, we haven’t cleared the air yet,’ he said, and he gave her the kiss that he should have last night.
Not a gentle kiss, a very thorough kiss, a kiss that meant business.
She should have resisted, Nina thought as she kissed him back. She should have at least made some token protest, but there was something very consuming about being kissed by Jack, something that would make you a liar if you attempted to deny the effect, because like the man himself it was a top-notch kiss, and, like the man himself, very soon it went too far.
His mouth had left hers and had moved to her neck, his hands pulling her hips into him, and he was just as turned on as she was. He made sure Nina could feel it and then his voice was low in her ear. ‘Am I going to be asked inside?’
‘I don’t think so.’
‘Can you be persuaded?’
He kissed her again and, no, she couldn’t be persuaded, because she trusted her heart to no one and certainly she’d be a fool to trust it to a man like Jack.
She pulled away. ‘I’d better go.’
She was playing with fire here, Nina knew it. So she stepped back a little and went into her bag for her key.
‘Thanks so much for dinner.’
And she gave him a smile, stepped into the safety of her flat and closed the