Falling For The Brother. Tara Quinn Taylor

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Falling For The Brother - Tara Quinn Taylor

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href="#ubd035c7e-1cf8-5e5b-8bd0-632b3764e93b">Dear Reader,

      This is a story that has been toying with me for pretty much my whole life. It’s a story about family. About what makes family. It’s a story that throws down all the chips and waits to see what family really means. It’s the story of two brothers who both love the same woman. And the woman who, in different ways, loves them both.

      I’ve never been in love with brothers. Or personally known anyone who was. But I have always been a huge believer in family. In a body of love that’s yours no matter what you do. A body that might turn you in if you commit a heinous crime, but do it with tears on cheeks. A body that will then sit beside you in court and visit you in prison every single week. A body that, no matter what—no matter what—will love you.

      I believe in my responsibility as a family member. My heart is open and the love is there...always. No matter what. Life has forced me to see the proof of this, to live by it, and I now know the statement to be completely true. So...Falling for the Brother was ready to be written. And read.

      All the best,



      Cast of Characters

      Lila McDaniels—Managing director of The Lemonade Stand (TLS). She has an apartment at the Stand.

      Wife by Design (Book 1)

      Lynn Duncan—Resident nurse at TLS. She has a three-year-old daughter, Kara.

      Grant Bishop—Landscape developer hired by TLS.

      Maddie Estes—Permanent TLS resident. Childcare provider.

      Darin Bishop—Resident at TLS. Works for his brother, Grant. Has a mental disability.

      Once a Family (Book 2)

      Sedona (Campbell) Malone—Lawyer who volunteers at TLS.

      Tanner Malone—Vintner. Brother to Tatum and Talia Malone.

      Tatum Malone—Fifteen-year-old resident at TLS.

      Husband by Choice (Book 3)

      Meredith (Meri) Bennet—Speech therapist. Mother to two-year-old son, Caleb.

      Max Bennet—Pediatrician.

      Chantel Harris—Police officer. Friend to Max and his deceased first wife.

      Child by Chance (Book 4)

      Talia Malone—TLS volunteer. Public-school scrapbook therapist. Student of fashion design.

      Sherman Paulson—Political campaign manager. Widower. Single father of adopted ten-year-old son, Kent.

      Mother by Fate (Book 5)

      Sara Havens—Full-time TLS counselor.

      Michael Edwin—Bounty hunter. Widower. Single father to six-year-old daughter, Mari.

      The Good Father (Book 6)

      Ella Ackerman—Charge nurse at Santa Raquel Children’s Hospital. Member of the high-risk team. Divorced.

      Brett Ackerman—TLS Founder. National accreditation business owner. Divorced.

      Love by Association (Book 7)

      Chantel Harris—Santa Raquel detective. Member of the high-risk team.

      Colin Fairbanks—Lawyer. Member of Santa Raquel’s most elite society. Principal of high-end law firm. Brother to Julie Fairbanks.

      His First Choice (Book 8)

      Lacey Hamilton—Social worker. Member of the high-risk team. Child star. Identical twin to daytime-soap-opera star Kacey Hamilton.

      Jeremiah (Jem) Bridges—Private contractor with his own business. Divorced. Has custody of four-year-old son, Levi.

      The Promise He Made Her (Book 9)

      Bloom Larson—Psychiatrist in Santa Raquel. Domestic violence therapist. Divorced.

      Samuel Larson—Santa Raquel high-ranking detective. Widower.

      Her Secret Life (Book 10)

      Kacey Hamilton—Daytime-soap-opera star. Identical twin to Lacey Hamilton. Volunteer at TLS.

      Michael Valentine—Cybersecurity expert. TLS volunteer. Shooting victim.

      The Fireman’s Son (Book 11)

      Faye Walker—Paramedic. Divorced. Sole custody of eight-year-old son, Elliott, who is in counseling at TLS.

      Reese Bristow—Santa Raquel fire chief.

      For Joy’s Sake (Book 12)

      Julie Fairbanks—Philanthropist and children’s author. Sister to Colin Fairbanks.

      Hunter Rafferty—Owns Elite Professional event-planning business, specializing in charity fund-raisers. TLS is one of his clients.

      Falling for the Brother (Book 13)

      Harper Davidson—Former city police officer, head of security at The Lemonade Stand. Divorced. Has sole custody of four-year-old daughter, Brianna.

      Bruce Thomas—Decorated undercover detective. Harper’s ex-husband. Father to Brianna.

      Mason Thomas—Private crime scene investigator, national government security clearance. Estranged uncle of Brianna.



       Back Cover Text

       About the Author


       Title Page




       Dear Reader


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