A Baby Between Them. Winnie Griggs
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“Hey, sheriff.”
Gavin’s hail brought a welcome break from Cam’s muddled thoughts. “I’m listening.”
“I almost forgot to tell you—Mr. Lafferty stopped by while you were out fetching Miss Nora. He said someone’s been raiding his garden and he wants you to do something about it.” Gavin shook his head. “He sure was mighty angry.”
Ben snorted. “Amos Lafferty’s not happy unless he’s got something to complain about. Why, if someone walked up and handed him a fistful of coins he’d likely complain because it wasn’t in a shiny leather pouch.”
Cam grinned at Ben’s very apt description of the town’s most cantankerous citizen.
Ben leaned back in his chair. “It was likely just a deer or fox or some such deciding to take a midnight graze through his place.”
Ben was probably right. Still… “All the same, I think I’ll go have a look around after breakfast. If there is somebody raiding his garden I want to put a stop to it.”
Ben shrugged. “Suit yourself. If you want to go tromping through a muddy garden in the rain on a wild goose chase, that’s your business.”
“I don’t mind a bit of rain,” Gavin piped up. “Can I go with you?”
Cam eyed his overeager deputy, then nodded. “Sure. You can ride Ben’s horse since he plans to stay in out of the rain.”
He moved to his desk and gathered the few papers that had accumulated since yesterday and stashed them in the top drawer. That effectively turned his desk into a dining table at mealtime, with each of the four of them taking a side.
Right on cue, Nora bustled across the room carrying a large tray. He knew better than to offer to help since prior experience had taught him that she’d only lecture him on how he should get out of the way and let her do her job. Still he watched her, looking for signs that she was at all rattled by their earlier encounter. But she seemed as efficient and unflappable as ever. She didn’t once make eye contact with him, but that could be nothing more than her being distracted by planning for her new venture.
Five minutes later she had everything laid out before them and all four took their seats. After they said grace, Cam nodded to Nora. “Did you tell Ben and Gavin about your idea for a new business?”
Ben paused in the act of spreading jam on his biscuit. “A business venture? Are you going to be a woman of means soon?”
Nora laughed. It seemed there was no lingering nervousness on her part.
“Nothing so spectacular,” she said. “I’m thinking about baking a few extra pies and cakes to sell around town.”
“Well, now, I’m guessing you’re going to have people lining up to buy them.” Ben pointed his fork her way. “And if you need someone to do your tasting for you, I hereby volunteer.”
“That’s a mighty generous offer,” she said dryly, “but I don’t think I’ll need to impose on you.”
Cam noticed the way her eyes brightened when she was in a teasing mood. Not that he saw this side of her often. Which was really too bad.
Gavin, however, didn’t seem to find the subject a teasing matter. “You mean you’re going to be baking all kinds of desserts in here and we aren’t going to be able to eat any of them?” The boy looked absolutely crestfallen.
Nora laughed. “Don’t worry, Gavin, I’ll still make sure you gentlemen have something fresh for dessert every day.”
“Well, I for one think it’s a dandy idea.” Ben scooped up a forkful of egg. “And now that the folks in town have had a chance to sample your baking talents at your sister’s wedding reception, I don’t think you’ll be wanting for customers.”
Her cheeks pinkened. “Why, thank you, Ben. I certainly hope you’re right.”
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