The Soldier's Legacy. GINA WILKINS
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“After seeing her beaming at the dinner table while the kids were scarfing down their food, I totally believe you.”
They smiled at each other, and then Jade looked away, her gaze turning upward toward the night sky. Leaning back on his hands, Trevor followed her example. The stars were beautiful, like flawless diamonds scattered carelessly over black velvet. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d simply sat and looked up at them. A breeze rustled the fronds of the palmettos planted around the patio and played in the leaves of the old live oak trees bordering his property. The rock waterfall, glittering in the illumination of built-in canister lights, provided a soothing, almost musical accompaniment.
He’d owned this house for four years, yet he could count on one hand the number of times he’d simply sat by the pool and completely relaxed. It felt good. He glanced at the attractive woman sitting quietly beside him and realized it was even nicer to have someone to share the peaceful interlude with. Jade looked perfectly comfortable with the companionable silence.
It had been a long while since he’d enjoyed one-on-one time with an appealing woman. He’d tried to convince himself he was too busy with new work projects, but the truth was he’d simply gotten tired of dealing with conventions and expectations.
He heard Jade draw a deep breath, as if taking in a long taste of the night before she asked, “How was your business dinner?”
Grateful to be distracted by a topic that was much more comfortable for him, he shrugged and replied, “It was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Mary Pat told us during dinner that you’ll be traveling to your resort in Texas tomorrow.”
He nodded. “I’m planning to spend the weekend there. I’ll be back Sunday evening. In the meantime, I hope you and the kids make yourselves completely at home here. The pool and the rec room are at your disposal as much as you like. And if there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to let Mary Pat know.”
“Thank you. Caleb and Erin are already looking forward to getting in this pool. They love to swim.”
“Any time. Mary Pat knows where all the switches are for the pool features. It has lights for night swimming, too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Trevor found himself fantasizing for a moment about seeing Jade in the pool under the twinkling stars. He’d bet she looked damned good wet.
What was wrong with him tonight? Telling himself to stop being such a guy, he looked back up at the sky.
After a moment, Jade pushed herself to her feet, stretching as she rose with a grace that reminded him of a sleek cat. “I should check on the kids. And then I’ll turn in. Good night, Trevor.”
Shifting his weight on the tile, he cleared his throat. “Yeah, um, good night, Jade. I think I’ll stay out here a few more minutes.”
He watched her walk away. Had she taken ballet lessons? Something about her posture and the way she moved brought the question to his mind. Well, that and a few other things a good host probably shouldn’t think about in regards to his guest.
* * *
MARY PAT HAD a hearty breakfast ready by the time Jade and the kids came downstairs Friday morning. As much as she enjoyed the pampering, Jade still felt uncomfortable about being waited on this way. She’d hired babysitters and once-a-week maid service when the children were little and she was in nursing school, but she’d never had a live-in housekeeper and cook. It felt too decadent.
Trevor joined them for breakfast before leaving to spend the weekend at his second resort on the Texas Gulf Coast. Erin and Caleb chattered at him throughout the half hour he sat with them. Jade was impressed with his patience in answering their questions and responding to their random comments, even though it was obvious to her that he was keeping a close eye on the time, preparing for his departure. He went out of his way to include shy Bella in the freewheeling conversation, eliciting a few smiles and even a couple of soft laughs from the child in response. Jade was content for the most part just to listen while she enjoyed her waffles, contributing only when she was directly addressed. Mary Pat bustled around the table like a proud Southern grandma blissfully feeding her brood, settling only occasionally into her own chair.
Trevor made his excuses before the others were finished with their meals, explaining that he had to get to the airport. He encouraged Jade and the children again to use the pool and other amenities, adding he was sure Mary Pat would take good care of them. Jade noted that he squeezed his housekeeper’s shoulder lightly on his way out and Mary Pat patted his hand in response, an affectionate exchange that demonstrated their mutual fondness.
She and the kids had several errands scheduled for that very warm day. When they returned to the house, Jade, Caleb and Erin made good use of the swimming pool. Bella, who was afraid of water, sat on the side and entertained herself with toys while the others laughed and swam and played on the tall, curving waterslide.
Jade climbed out of the pool first, telling Caleb and Erin they could play awhile longer before getting ready for dinner. Toweling her hair, she divided her attention between her older two, who swam like playful dolphins, and her daydreaming youngest nearby. Jade realized she was sitting in the same spot she’d shared briefly with Trevor the night before. She couldn’t help thinking again that he seemed like a genuinely nice guy. It was a wonder such a handsome, successful and charming man lived alone in this lovely home.
Was he still grieving the young wife he’d lost in a traffic accident? She remembered hearing about it at the time from her mother. Saddened by Trevor’s loss, Jade had been unaware, of course, that she would be widowed herself within a few short years.
She could understand if Trevor found it hard to allow anyone new into his heart. She wasn’t sure she would ever take that leap again herself. She’d been so deeply in love with Stephen during their somewhat unconventional but passionate marriage, and the grief of that devastating loss had been grueling to get through. She’d managed somehow for her children’s sakes, but it had been a tough time for them all.
“Mom, Mom, watch this!” Erin called from the top of the slide. “Headfirst!”
Pulling her attention back to her maternal duties, Jade called out to her daredevil daughter to be careful, then settled back to watch, putting both the past and Trevor Farrell out of her mind for now.
“MARY PAT, STOP HOVERING. I’m fine, okay?” Trevor hated sounding cross and ungrateful, but he disliked even more being dependent on anyone. He’d spent the latter half of last year recuperating from the motorcycle accident that had come too close to ending him, and he’d only been off crutches for a couple of months since his last knee surgery. Now damned if he hadn’t injured the knee again, though fortunately not nearly as badly this time. But that didn’t keep it from hurting like hell.
Though his original injury had been due to a distracted driver crashing into his motorcycle, this time it was entirely his own fault. He’d thought his knee was recovered enough for some energetic kitesurfing,