Her Midnight Cowboy. Lauri Robinson

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Her Midnight Cowboy - Lauri  Robinson

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Ellis said, topping off both their glasses. “It’s not like her to expect someone to do everything for her.”

      “I don’t mind picking up things for her,” Rowdy assured him. “Or Mrs. Clayton. But, Ellis,” he stated sternly, “I’m not a slave to anyone. Never had been and never will be.”

      Ellis held up a hand. “I know, Rowdy. I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m just saying Angel doesn’t need to be coddled. She’s of good stock. Has what it takes to live out here.”

      Rowdy knew that, and admired Angel for her grit. But he frowned. A woman of Angel’s rank deserved to be coddled. Matter of fact, she should be spoiled rotten—treated like a queen.

      Ellis leaned back in his chair. “I do, however, appreciate the way you look out for her.” The man grinned. “Did you know she once freed a full-grown bear from a trap? And healed its wounds? The crazy thing shows up every once in a while, looking for a bowl of honey.”

      “Yeah, I know,” Rowdy admitted with a grin. He’d helped her more than once when an animal had looked to her to heal its wounds. “I’ve met her passel of critters. That one-legged rooster is nothing to mess with.”

      Ellis let out a laugh. “Last spring she convinced a fox to nurse a batch of kittens along with its cubs after the mother cat died.”

      “I believe it,” Rowdy admitted, grinning as warmth blanketed his insides. “She has a way with animals.”

      “Yes, she does. People, too.” Ellis was silent for a moment before he laid a hand on the table. “Well, now for the real reason I wanted to talk to you. Since you came to work for me…” he paused, glancing at Rowdy “…how long has it been now?”

      “A little over a year,” Rowdy answered without thought. Ellis was right. People, too, looked for guidance from Angel. The way she cajoled Hank to take it easy was remarkable. The old man didn’t know he was on light duty, yet every other cowhand did. And there again, she’d convinced them Hank wasn’t ever to know—and he wouldn’t. No one would go against Angel. Not because she was the boss’s daughter, but because she was Angel. There wasn’t a person around she wouldn’t treat just as she did Hank if the need arose.

      “You’ve made good progress in a year.” Ellis leaned forward and picked up his glass. He held it in the air, and Rowdy copied the action, but his salute was for Angel.

      They clinked glasses and each took a sip before Ellis started again. “Well, like I was saying, since you came to work for me, I’ve been able to slack off some, spend more time with Constance.” He winked. “I appreciate that, and I’ve been thinking I’d like to take a trip.”

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