Family Lessons. Allie Pleiter
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He immediately put up his hand. “I don’t think I’m your man.”
“I couldn’t disagree more,” Mayor Evans said.
“Nor I,” added Miss Sanders with an enthusiasm that burrowed under his skin.
Even Miss Ward joined the campaign. “I have to insist you serve, Sheriff. We have no idea what kind of element we may be bringing into this town with these children.”
Did she think he could spot a future bank robber in a ten-year-old boy? Glory, he hated how she was itching to see the worst in everyone. “I highly doubt there’s any danger.”
Miss Sanders gave him a look that told him she’d need an ally to hold off Beatrice, and she was dearly hoping it was him. Hang her, she somehow yanked the words out of him before he could stop the mistake. “All right.”
“Thank you.” Her smile made him regret it already.
“I do appreciate it, Sheriff,” Mayor Evans said with an equal smile before turning toward Miss Sanders. “Before you go, Holly, could you stop by town hall with me a moment?”
As Miss Sanders and Mayor Evans headed toward the door, Mason turned toward the Reverend. “Have you got a minute to talk with me about Arlington before I take Miss Sterling over to the wire office?” In truth, he had no reason to discuss the agent with Turner at all, but he surely didn’t want to have one more word of discussion with Beatrice Ward. Ill-acquainted with God as Mason was, even the Reverend was better company than a Beatrice who hadn’t gotten her way.
Or had she?
* * *
As she walked out with Pauline into the bright noonday sun, Holly saw the town in a new light. Yes, buildings were still stained and damaged from the flood. Everything still had the gray-brown tinge of mud crusted in its corners, but it felt as if April had finally poked its head through the trials of March. Evans Grove had turned a corner; she could feel it. The funds were here to help pay for repairs and now eight children would call Evans Grove their new home. Funds. Here it was noon and she hadn’t even thought to ask a vital question: “Pauline, were Sheriff Wright and Mr. Brooks able to get the safe open this morning?”
“It took a bit of doing, but Charlie Miller came over with some tools and they were able to pry the safe door off its hinges. According to Mr. Brooks, everything is bumped up a bit, but intact. We transferred all the gold coins to the town hall safe so all is in its proper place.” Pauline adjusted her wrap. “Which brings me to my point. How does Mr. Brooks strike you?”
At first Holly was going to retort that she hardly knew the man, but they had been through a great deal together, so it was a sensible question for Pauline to ask. She thought for a moment before replying, “He seems genuinely interested in helping the town. Of course, he’s very refined, but not in a bad way. How he kept so calm with those bandits threatening him is beyond me.” She paused when she noticed Pauline’s troubled expression. “And of course, he sent the money more quickly than any of us hoped. Why do you ask?”
Pauline crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s exactly that. He sent the funds so quickly and came here personally.” She gestured around the square. “I have trouble seeing why we merit such interest from a big Newfield bank. Naturally, I’m glad...but a tad suspicious. I was hoping you’d have a solid impression of him one way or another.”
“Mr. Brooks hasn’t done anything that would make me doubt him or his motives.” She thought of his fine brocade vest that had torn during the robbery, and the monogrammed handkerchief he’d handed little Lizzie without hesitation when she’d gotten a bloody nose. “I’d argue Evans Grove is a bit...rustic for his tastes, but if you’re asking my opinion, I find him trustworthy.”
Pauline stopped and turned to face Holly directly. “Do you think he trusts us? I can’t help but think he insisted on coming with you because he’s concerned the money won’t be handled well.”
This was why Pauline made such a good mayor. Holly would have never considered such a thing. “I don’t know,” she confessed.
Pauline sighed looking up and down the numbered streets than ran north-south through town. Evans Grove had a total of eight streets, but Pauline was proud of them all. “I don’t, either.”
“He seemed to be thinking of a long stay, if his bags were any indication. It looked like he brought at least a week’s worth of clothes.”
They reached the front steps of town hall. “That sounds to me like a man ready to scrutinize.”
She sounded as if she were personally under scrutiny. Holly put her hand on Pauline’s arm. “You’ve done such a fine job under such dreadful circumstances. Even if he is here to watch over things, all he’s going to watch over is how well you handle that money. Let him look all he wants. He’ll only find out what a wonderful place this is.”
Pauline’s eyes widened. “That’s a perfectly brilliant idea, Holly.”
“What is?”
“Let him look all he wants. Let’s ask Mr. Brooks if he will serve on the Selection Committee. We can tell him he’s a needed objective viewpoint. He’ll meet everyone and see how well we handle challenges.”
Holly gave Pauline’s arm an encouraging grasp. “You do make a fine, fine mayor. I think it’s an ideal plan, but I won’t take one bit of credit for it. I think you, Mayor Evans, should extend a formal invitation to our new friend Mr. Brooks as soon as possible.”
Pauline turned and went back down the town hall steps. “No time like the present. I think I’ll head over to the hotel right now. Are you headed back to the schoolhouse, then?”
Holly peered down across the square to where she could see Rebecca coming out of the wire office with Sheriff Wright. She looked upset. Who wouldn’t be after having to wire such tragic news? “Charlotte and Amelia are tending to the children this morning. I think I’d best see to Miss Sterling. I’ll need to find out how the placement meetings are run, and she looks as if it’s been hard to send that wire.”
Pauline’s expression tightened. “Of course it’s hard. She’ll need a friend.” She turned to Holly. “Good thing she found one on the train.”
Holly smiled. “She did, didn’t she? Maybe some good can come out of this yet.”
“If you ask me, it already has.”
* * *
Rebecca dabbed her eyes as she and Holly walked toward the schoolhouse. “I knew that wire would be difficult to send, but I’d hoped to handle it better.”
“You’ve been through a tremendous shock. And you’re far from home. No one faults you for grieving Mr. Arlington’s loss. It’s the worst kind of news to have to wire home.” Holly took hold of both of Rebecca’s hands. “And now you’ll have the best kind of news.”
The OSS agent shook her head. “I still can’t believe they agreed.”