Christmas Weddings. Georgia Hill
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‘Jed hasn’t been taking his allowance. I understand it has something to do with how you feel about trust funds? Something to do with proving he can manage without it?’
Millie let out a breath. One she hadn’t known she’d been holding. She felt very tired. ‘We had a conversation, an argument, I suppose.’ She shot Alex a rueful look. ‘I made it quite clear I don’t approve of those who don’t have to work for a living.’
‘Yes, he mentioned that.’ Alex spooned out a marshmallow flower and ate it cautiously. ‘I would imagine, by taking on this job, that Jed is trying to prove to you that he can work his keep.’
‘But why Blue Elephant, of all places?’
Alex shook his head. ‘I’ve no idea. He was rather keen to stay in Berecombe for when you came home. And from what I’ve gathered since I’ve been here, there are not many employment opportunities, and especially at this time of year. Maybe he had little choice?’
‘True,’ Millie said slowly. A thought struck. ‘Your mother can’t be very happy about it.’
Alex gave a short laugh. ‘I think that might be the understatement of the year. She’s apoplectic.’ He sighed. ‘Jed’s never really found what he wanted to do with his life. Or hadn’t until recently.’ He smiled kindly. ‘I’ve never known him so enthusiastic over anything as he was about your café. Your lifestyle. It really speaks to him. And this,’ he spread his hands to include the town. ‘Having spent some time in this part of the world I’m beginning to see the appeal.’
‘Then why hasn’t he said all this to me? Explained himself?’
‘Ah. May I tell you something about Jed?’
Millie nodded. ‘Please do. I feel as if I’ve never really understood him. Never really go to know him properly.’
‘I understand.’ Alex took a deep breath.
‘Jed has always had, shall we say, a difficult relationship with our mother. I seemed to fulfil her expectations as a son. Did what I was told, did well at school, university, went into a career of which she approved. Jed, on the other hand, was rebellious, even as a baby. Fought her on everything and anything.’
‘I can well believe it.’
Alex gave Millie an old-fashioned look and pushed up his glasses. ‘I’m not sure mother knew how to handle him after sailing though motherhood with me. But, even though Jed can be rebellious and doesn’t take orders very well, underneath it all what he most likes to do, especially for those he loves, is please them. Make them happy. The more pressure mother put on him to settle down to something, the more frustrated he became that he couldn’t find a career that both he and mother wanted. And I’m afraid, when Jed is in that position, he simply clams up. Keeps his secrets very secret.’ Alex leaned back and pursed his lips. ‘We all thought he’d settled to his management consultancy, he was certainly very good at it and then he met you and went in another direction altogether.’
Millie was silent for a moment, digesting this new information. It made a mad kind of sense. Whenever Jed had done something he thought she disapproved of, he’d simply avoided telling her.
‘It still doesn’t explain why he felt he needed to work for my biggest rival.’
‘No,’ Alex agreed. ‘It certainly doesn’t explain that.’ He stood up. ‘I’m sorry I can’t shed any light on that, my dear. But there must be a good reason. Jed doesn’t do anything to hurt people in such a blatant way. It’s simply not in him. He’s a loving man.’ Alex coughed again, embarrassed at all this talk of emotional matters. ‘And I think he loves you very much.’
Millie stood too. ‘He’s got a funny way of showing it.’
Alex’s eyes twinkled. ‘That, I can’t argue with.’
Eleri came to collect their empties. ‘Was everything alright?’
‘It was delicious,’ Alex said. ‘Especially the marshmallow flower things.’ He reached into his pocket. ‘I nearly forget to pay. That wouldn’t do at all, would it?’
Millie stayed his arm. ‘On the house. I appreciate you coming and trying to put things right.’
‘Just trying to help.’ He shrugged back into his coat and wound his scarf around his neck. He reminded Millie of a well-meaning giraffe.
‘Good morning, ladies,’ he said and went.
Eleri picked up their mugs. ‘What a lovely man,’ she said. ‘Such a kind face.’
‘He was very taken with you.’
‘Was he?’ She concentrated on clearing the table, but Millie detected a quickening of interest.
‘Absolutely. Wound up tighter than that cashmere scarf he was wearing, though.’
‘Yes, I got that impression too.’ Eleri laughed. ‘I’ll just have to try and do something about that then, won’t I, cariad?’ Then she rolled her eyes as Biddy shouted another demand from behind them.
Eleri was delighted when, only a few days later, Alex made a return visit to the café.
‘Um. Ah. Hello Eleri. Message for Millie.’
‘I’m so sorry, I’m afraid she’s not here this morning but she’ll be back in later, mind. Can I pass it on?’ Eleri was aware Alex was staring.
‘The message. Shall I pass your message on?’
‘That would be wonderful.’ He gave a heartfelt sigh.
Eleri put her head on one side. ‘If you don’t mind me saying, you look exhausted.’
Alex gave her a weak smile. ‘Knackered, actually. Bloody roofers.’
‘Ah. Having work done on the hotel, aren’t you? Millie mentioned something. Look, sit yourself down, lovely, and I’ll get you a coffee. We’re quiet at the moment, so I can join you and you can tell me all about it.’ As she went to go into the kitchen, she stopped and turned. ‘How about a bacon roll too? One left over from breakfast.’
Alex gave her a painfully grateful look before sinking into the same chair he’d sat in the other day.
Once he’d eaten and Eleri had served a couple clad in cagoules and walking boots, she joined him with two more Americanos.
Alex sat back in his seat and sighed again, this time happily.
‘Now then, you look a much happier man.’