Inseparable. Brenda Jackson
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Moments later, Reese brought the sandwiches to the table along with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a pitcher of milk. She glanced over at him when he sat down. “You never did say why you and Alyson broke up,” she asked as she poured a glass of milk.
He glanced over at her. “You never asked.”
Point taken.
Had she asked, he would have told her, since there were no secrets between them. The fact that he didn’t know that she was attracted to him didn’t count. “Okay, I’m asking now.”
He poured a glass of milk. “She was becoming too possessive, and after a while she became jealous of you.”
Kenna winced. “Of me?”
“Yeah. She started questioning our friendship. Said she didn’t believe we were just friends.”
Kenna nodded. “But she does now?”
“We’ll see.”
For a moment Kenna couldn’t do anything but stare at her milk. Did that mean Reese was giving Alyson another chance? Was she going to reclaim the spot she’d once held with Reese? He had hung in with Alyson longer than any of his past girlfriends. A part of Kenna knew she should be glad he was on the verge of possibly getting back together with Alyson, but…
“I need to meet with Dex later today at the office. Do you want to come with me?” he said, interrupting her thoughts.
A few years ago Reese had accepted a position with his cousin Dex’s company, Madaris Explorations, and a couple of months ago he had been promoted to foreman. He had been ecstatic, elated and honored. He also knew he had big shoes to fill—those of Trevor Grant, the previous foreman. Trevor and two of his Marine buddies had decided to open a tactical operations firm.
In college, Reese had followed in Dex Madaris’s footsteps and had gotten a degree in geology. And like Dex, he began working with Remington Oil right out of college. He’d traveled extensively when he’d worked for Remington, and had gotten the chance to work alongside some of the world’s most renowned scientists and researchers.
Kenna glanced up and couldn’t help but stare at how his mouth had widened to take a bite of his sandwich. She could just imagine that mouth touching her body in a number of places. She took a sip of her milk, not liking the way her thoughts were going. But how could she make them stop moving in that direction?
She glanced up at Reese. “Yes?”
“Do you want to go with me to the office?”
She shrugged. “Sure. I can unpack later. Besides, I need to stop by and see Clayton and Syneda. Now that I’m living in Houston, I want them to handle all my legal affairs, especially the foundation I’ve established in my grandmother’s honor.”
“Okay. I have a couple more things to do around here and then I’ll be leaving around three,” he said.
“I’ll be ready.”
He leaned back in his chair and looked at her with his deep, piercing brown eyes. “Something is bothering you, Kenna, I can feel it. And I want to know what it is.”
Kenna swallowed hard. There was no way she was going to come clean and tell him what was really on her mind. It was her problem and not his. And truthfully, it shouldn’t have been her problem either. He wasn’t a fantasy she should be entertaining. She decided to feign nonchalance. “Nothing is wrong with me, Reese, other than I’m anxious about my job. You know how I am about starting something new.”
She saw his body relax a little. “But that was one hell of an offer the HPD made,” he said.
“I know,” she said with a heavy sigh. “But still, change isn’t easy for me, and other than you and your family I don’t know anyone here.”
He nodded slowly. “That’s why Alyson thinks the party is a good idea. Are you sure you want one?”
She shrugged. To be perfectly honest, she didn’t, but she wouldn’t tell him that. He worried about her enough as it was and she didn’t want to come off as ungrateful. “I don’t want to put anyone out by having them throw a party for me. But if that’s a way to meet people, then yes, I’m fine with it. It might be fun.”
“First of all, you aren’t putting anyone out. I should have thought of doing it myself, but I didn’t. So maybe Alyson has the right idea after all.”
She took a sip of her milk. If for one minute he thought Alyson wanted to throw this party for anything other than her own selfish reasons then he needed to think again. And now that she knew why Alyson and Reese had split, Kenna figured the woman had a good reason for wanting her to meet other people.
Fortunately for Alyson, her little plan just might work. In order for Kenna to rid herself of all these crazy, far-out fantasies she’d been having about Reese, she needed to meet someone, and the sooner the better.
She glanced up at him. “Yes, maybe she does have the right idea.”
Reese bit into his cookie. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Kenna was having second thoughts about moving to Houston, even though, like he’d said, the offer had been a good one.
He of all people knew how Kenna felt about change. When she’d told him about the offer, he had all but talked her into taking the job, mainly for his own purely selfish reasons. She was his best friend and he wanted to have her close by. Why? So he could look after her, of course. Without him around, she would work fifteen-hour days and not take care of herself. Being only a few miles away and in the same city was a lot better than being a hundred-fifty-plus miles away in another city. He’d never regretted the times he’d made the drive or took a flight to Austin to see her. But still…
“Want some more milk?”
He glanced over at her. “Yes. Thanks.”
He watched as she lifted the pitcher and poured the milk into his glass. “So what about that guy you were seeing, Curtis Purcell?” he asked. “The two of you didn’t want to do the long-distance romance thing?”
He wondered why he was asking her about it when he hadn’t asked about him for months. She hadn’t brought up Purcell either, which had been just fine with Reese, since he didn’t care for him. Come to think of it, he’d stopped liking him the night when he had shown up at Kenna’s house to surprise her, only to discover she was out on a date with Purcell. Reese had let himself in, made himself at home and had been there when Purcell had brought her home.
The man had kissed Kenna good-night when she got out of the car, but hadn’t bothered walking her to the door. How tacky was that? As far as Reese was concerned, a gentleman not walking a woman to the door after a date was downright disrespectful.
She glanced over at him. “No. Why do you ask?”