Christmas At Pemberley: And the Bride Wore Prada. Katie Oliver
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And she had to tell her today.
‘Oh, very well,’ Caitlin grumbled, and made her way towards the baize door, and the kitchen. ‘I’ll help you. Just let me have my tea and toast first, while I can still keep it down.’
‘Are you coming, Miss Thomas?’ Colm asked from the doorway. ‘I’ve no time to dilly-dally.’
Helen hesitated. She knew he’d question her about her meeting with Tom the minute they got in the truck, and he’d want to know why she hadn’t mentioned it to him.
And she really didn’t have any answers to give him.
‘I won’t, thank you.’ Her gaze slanted away from his. ‘I think I’ll stay here and help decorate.’
‘Suit yourself.’
With a curt nod, he thrust his flat cap back on his head, and left.
Gemma took delivery of the big white box and carried it upstairs. Thank God it was here! With the wedding only days away, she’d worried it wouldn’t arrive in time.
She set the box down on the bed and lifted the lid.
There it was, she reflected with satisfaction, Dominic’s morning suit...the suit he’d wear in just a few more days, when they got married.
She picked up the jacket by the shoulders and lifted it out, admiring the dark-grey cashmere wool with white pinstripes and the excellent tailoring. Dom would look divine – dashing, and every inch the future Lord Locksley. A pity she hadn’t convinced him to wear a kilt.
Oh, well, this would do. All it needed was...a top hat.
A frown marred her perfect brows as her search came up empty. Where was it? It was imperative that Dominic wear a proper top hat. Grooms at all the smart weddings wore one. Yet there was no hat box in sight.
Swearing under her breath, Gemma stalked out of the room in search of Dominic. What if he hadn’t gone to the hatter’s to get fitted, as she’d asked him to do weeks ago? What if he had no hat to wear at their nuptials?
Her eyes narrowed. First, she’d find him.
Then she’d kill him.
There was no place Dominic could hide that she wouldn’t search, Gemma vowed as she marched down the hallway to the stairs. And when she did find him, she’d tell him in no uncertain terms to get his arse to the nearest hat maker’s to be fitted for a top hat, pronto.
The trouble was, she reflected as she descended the staircase, she’d no idea where to find him. The sneaky little sod had made himself scarce of late, no doubt avoiding the wedding preparations.
Gemma decided to begin a room-by-room search, starting with the drawing room. She’d find her wayward fiancé if she had to look in every room in the castle – all one hundred and bloody fifty of them.
Although she checked in the kitchen, dining room, drawing room, and library, she had no luck. She pushed her way thought the baize door and paused in the middle of the entrance hall. There was no sign of Dom anywhere.
She stalked up the stairs, determined to visit each and every bedroom, study, morning room, and tower in Draemar Castle if need be, until she ran the little bastard to ground.
She looked up, still scowling, to see Tarquin coming down the stairs towards her. ‘Oh. Hello, Tark.’
‘Is everything all right? You look a bit upset.’
‘It’s Dominic,’ she said bitterly, ‘same as it always is. I need to find him, but he’s disappeared.’
‘Are you sure he hasn’t left the castle? Gone into the village, perhaps?’
‘No, I’m certain he’s here. He hasn’t a car, after all, so he can’t have gone anywhere.’
‘He might have called a taxi,’ Tarquin pointed out reasonably. ‘Was there somewhere in particular he needed to go?’
‘Not that I know of. His morning suit’s just arrived and I need him to try it on, and there’s no top hat with it, but there should have been, and now I c-can’t even find D-Dominic to ask him about it!’ she wailed, and burst into tears. ‘What if he’s scarpered? I’ll be one of those s-saddo brides left standing at the altar! I’ll be an object of p-pity and s-scorn, just like Miss H-havisham!’
‘Oh, surely not,’ he reassured her, and patted her – somewhat awkwardly – on her arm. ‘I’ve no doubt Dominic will turn up. Would you like me to help you look? I know this castle like the back of my hand, after all.’
Through sniffles and sobs, Gemma nodded. ‘It’ll take me a week to find him by myself. Thanks, Tark.’
‘Always happy to help a lady in distress,’ he murmured, and held out his arm. ‘Shall we begin?’
Together, she and Tarquin ascended the stairs, and began their search for the elusive Dominic Heath.
Helen took her cup of coffee after breakfast and went to the library to have a quiet moment and a think.
She sat on the window seat and stared outside at the sun glinting off the snow, and found herself once again wondering how Colm had gotten that faint white scar on his thigh. He said it happened on one of the freighters he’d crewed on. Twenty-seven stitches... She shuddered. That was one hell of an accident.
Despite herself, she still had a few lingering questions about Colm...questions he’d thus far avoided answering. Why?
What was he hiding? Was he hiding something?
She didn’t want to dig into his past, truly she didn’t; it felt like the worst kind of betrayal. But she needed to know more about the man she was falling in love with before things between them went any further. A bit of due diligence was called for before her relationship with Colm went any further, if only to protect herself.
Clutching her coffee cup, Helen returned to her room and switched on her laptop.
She logged on and typed ‘Colm MacKenzie’ into the search engine. Nothing came up, save for links to a few other, different Colms – a writer, a doctor, a plumber.
Why was there no mention of her Colm?
She frowned. Was Colm MacKenzie even his real name? Had he changed it for some reason? She stared at the screen as she recalled what he’d said to her on Sunday night, the night they’d spent together.
The McRoberts were good, decent people...they gave me a roof and fed me.
On impulse, she typed in ‘Colm McRoberts.’
Immediately the screen