Orphan Train Sweetheart. Mollie Campbell

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Orphan Train Sweetheart - Mollie  Campbell

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took her eyes off the shadowed space. Simon had decided that she must be a little crazy when he heard scuffling sounds and the slight sniffle of a runny nose. A few seconds later Charles’s face appeared, tear-streaked and dirty even in the dimness of the alley. Simon’s heart lifted in relief. They had found the boy, at least. But now to get him to tell them what had made him run.

      When Charles stepped out of the shadows, Cecilia knelt and wrapped one arm around his thin shoulders. “Tell us what happened. Why did you run away?”

      The boy scuffed his feet in some loose dirt at the edge of the boardwalk, head down. “That old man, he was looking me and Patrick all over. And not very nicely, either. But then he grabbed my face hard and started trying to look at my teeth. Yuck.”

      Cecilia spoke in a soothing tone but Simon didn’t hear her words. Anger burned in his chest and he forced himself to relax, trying to calm it. It wouldn’t do the children any good for him to lose his temper with some old farmer who didn’t think before acting. Smoothing Charles’s messy hair with one hand, he spoke with as much calm as he could muster. “You let us handle Mr. Hartley, Charles. Please come back with us. I know there’s a good family in there waiting to take you home.” At least, he prayed with all his heart that there was.

      Heaving a deep sigh, the boy nodded. Cecilia kept one hand on his shoulder as they walked in front of Simon back to the school. Watching them, Simon’s mind turned to his own childhood, as it did during every orphan train stop. How many young lives would have turned out better if there had been a good woman around who cared about them? Could some observant adult have stopped the tragedies that marred his memories?

      Shaking his head to clear away thoughts of things that couldn’t be changed, Simon reminded himself that he was that adult. He was doing everything in his power to make certain these children found caring homes. His only purpose in life was to place as many children as he could, in the best homes that could be found. No matter that he sometimes longed for his own family. God had placed Simon with the Children’s Aid Society so that he could make up for his failings.

      Back in the schoolroom, Cecilia walked Charles to the line. Simon looked around the room, noticing that three of the girls and two of the boys were gone. Striding over to the table where the approval committee sat with their paperwork, he said, “Gentlemen, could one of you tell me if Mr. Hartley left with a child?”

      One of the men dug through a sheaf of papers and pulled one out, handing it to Simon. “Yes, here’s the form. He took Patrick Dalton.”

      Worry settled in Simon’s heart. “Do you know this Mr. Hartley well? One of the children was frightened by his behavior. I can’t let Patrick stay with him if the man isn’t kind to him.”

      The committee head, Mr. Collins, raised his chin high, voice cold. “I can assure you that Mr. Hartley has been here for several years and I’ve never known him to be anything but a good fellow. This committee would never approve a placement that we know would be harmful to a child.”

      Tension started to creep up Simon’s shoulders at Mr. Collins’s offended tone. And the uncertain looks the other committee members shared didn’t help any. “Of course, I know you wouldn’t. I didn’t get the opportunity to meet the man, that’s all. I prefer to know who the children go with. But I’m sure the placement will turn out fine if you say so.”

      Turning away from the table before Mr. Collins could berate him again, Simon went to join the line of children. Charles was the only boy left. Simon was surprised to see that a young couple had gathered James and both of his sisters, Gertie and Helen. People rarely took more than one child. Would the siblings be able to stay together?

      Fifteen-year-old Ada was the only girl left. She stood with her arms crossed and her face holding a deliberately disinterested expression that Simon knew all too well. As he watched, an older woman with a kind, wrinkled face hobbled up to the girl. He couldn’t hear what they said, but it only took a moment before Ada’s face relaxed and the girl threaded her arm through the woman’s. He nodded to Ada in encouragement as the two went to the approval committee together. That might be the perfect companion for an independent, older girl.

      Movement at his side caught Simon’s attention. Cecilia, looking at him with shining eyes. Eyes that he could get lost in if he let himself. But he couldn’t do that. His mission was to rescue children from the streets. Romantic thoughts about a pretty woman in some frontier town would only hinder his goals. No matter how much he might wish otherwise.

      * * *

      Cecilia watched Simon, wondering why she was so drawn to him. He was grumpy and often sharp. But when she’d looked over and noticed a sappy, approving grin on his face, something inside her had to know what had made him so happy. Until he looked at her and glared. Why did he glare so much?

      Refusing to allow his attitude to affect hers, Cecilia nodded in the direction of the approval committee. “Did you see the sweet couple that was talking with Gertie, James and Helen? They’re so kind and I think they might consider taking all three children.”

      She watched his gaze shift to the cluster of people at the table. Eleanor and Robert were new in town, but she had spoken to them several times and very much enjoyed their company. They had been married for a few years and Eleanor had confessed her disappointment that they didn’t have children yet. She had been so excited about the orphan train stopping in Spring Hill.

      But Simon’s expression remained stoic. Didn’t anything please this man? She tried again. “Isn’t it wonderful? Three siblings staying together and going to a happy home. I doubt you could ask for a better placement.”

      Watching his face, Cecilia thought she saw his jaw relax and lips soften for a brief moment before his expression hardened again. “That would be nice. But I doubt that young couple can handle three older children. I’m afraid they’ll change their minds in a few weeks. James can be quite a handful.”

      Cecilia couldn’t help herself. His tone was so condescending. Resting her hands on her hips, she faced Simon head-on. “I’ll have you know, that’s a lovely couple and I have no doubt that they understand what they’re getting into. They can handle three children.”

      Finally meeting her gaze, Simon raised one eyebrow with deliberate slowness. “I’m not saying they aren’t good people with good intentions. But taking on three orphans is a lot of work that they might not be prepared for. I’m not going to intervene in the placement. I just don’t think it will last.”

      “That’s awfully cynical. I would have thought that someone who helps create families for orphans would have a little more faith in people.”

      His eyes slid away, focusing somewhere on the floor behind her. “Actually, it does the opposite. When it comes to orphans, most people aren’t as kind and compassionate as you are. I know that from personal experience.”

      Trying to determine from his expression if that comment meant what she thought, Cecilia refused to let the moment pass without finding out a little more about him. “You’re an orphan, too?”

      His jaw tightened. “Yes. And no, I don’t want to talk about it. Believe me when I say that I know what they’ll face in life. And it isn’t always nice, even if they do find a good home.”

      Cecilia glanced at the children again, her heart aching for them and for Simon, for the pain in their lives that she didn’t understand. She couldn’t imagine the kind of hurt the little ones had felt over and over as they’d continued on the orphan train, stop after stop, without being chosen. “Well, I still think that Eleanor and Robert will handle those

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