The Rancher's Answered Prayer. Arlene James
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He didn’t answer. God never seemed to answer her prayers.
She’d prayed that her mother’s marriage to Dodd Smith would last. As easygoing and affable as he was hardworking, Dodd had been Tina’s friend as much as her stepfather. After only nine months, however, Gina had declared herself bored beyond bearing and ended the marriage.
None of her prayers for her own marriage had been fulfilled, either, with one exception. Her son.
Now Layne wanted to take him, too.
For Tyler, she had left Kansas City and come here. For Tyler, she would put up with the Smith brothers and do everything in her power to make this move work.
“I’ll trade you housing for help fixing up the house,” she proposed, glancing from brother to brother.
She had taken a seat at the table in the dusty kitchen. The brothers had positioned themselves around the room. Wyatt leaned against the sink, his arms folded. Jake stood at the edge of the hallway as if listening to his son playing with hers in the laundry room, where the boys were taking turns rolling small cars into the corner of the sadly sloping floor. Ryder had hopped up to sit on the counter between the sink and the stove. Ryder Smith was only a few years her junior, but he had a sweetness about him that made him seem younger.
“I don’t mind helping out,” he said.
Wyatt shot him a glare. Ryder shrugged. “And once the house is fixed up, what then?” Wyatt wanted to know.
Tina lifted her chin. “You’ll need to find other accommodations. I plan to turn this house into a bed-and-breakfast.”
Jake snorted, and Wyatt rolled his eyes. Ryder, however, lifted his head in surprise and blurted, “Well, that makes sense. Uncle Dodd used to take in folks who came to visit family and friends in War Bonnet.”
Tina could have kissed him. She noticed Wyatt again glared at Ryder. She knew instinctively that Wyatt was the brother she had to convince.
“We have a ranch to get going,” he stated flatly. “We don’t have time to remodel an old house.”
“And we’re going to live where while we’re getting the ranch going?” Jake wanted to know.
“We can convert the bunkhouse into our living quarters.” Wyatt turned his glare on Tina. “The outbuildings belong to us.”
“I never said otherwise.”
“Okay,” Jake interjected, leaning a shoulder against the wall. “So, where do we live while we’re converting the bunkhouse? It hasn’t been used in decades, so I doubt there’s even plumbing.”
“Besides, why does it take all three of us to work the ranch when we don’t even have any cattle?” Ryder wanted to know.
“We’ll have cattle soon,” Wyatt insisted, shifting his feet. “Rex Billings is going to help us find the livestock we need, including horses.”
“You and Delgado can handle that, can’t you?” Jake asked. “Meanwhile, I can work on the bunkhouse and Ryder can start putting this place to rights.”
“What do a mechanic and a fight—” He broke off midword and scrubbed a hand over his face, heavily shadowed now with a day’s growth of beard. “What do you and Ryder know about construction?”
“We know as much about carpentry as we do about ranching,” Ryder put in softly. “I don’t say we can do everything that’s needed, but we can do a lot.”
“Actually,” Jake said, “we know more about construction than ranching. You forget that I remodeled my own house while Jolene was deployed and that Ryder worked in construction before...”
Tina glanced between the brothers, first at Ryder’s bowed head, then at Wyatt, who studied his youngest brother with undisguised concern, and back at Jake. She saw sadness in all of them, deep, heavy sadness. But why? Some time ago, Dodd had mentioned that Jake’s wife had died, but Tina sensed something else going on here.
Wyatt shook his head, then he looked at her and nodded. “Fine. Ryder will work for you while Jake takes care of the bunkhouse and I get the ranch started.”
She doubted she would get a better offer. Still... She made a final demand.
“And you agree to deed me the land that the house sits on.”
Wyatt’s dark gaze held hers for several long, tense moments. “We’ll see. I might just buy you out.”
Surprised by the suggestion, Tina again glanced around the room. Apparently, Jake and Ryder were equally surprised.
“What makes you think I’ll agree to that?”
He shrugged. “Maybe you don’t have the money to renovate this old house.”
He was right, but she’d learned a few things over the years, and she did have some connections to draw on. She knew where to find the very best bargains on building supplies and could call in a few favors.
“I’ll manage,” she told him.
“What about meals?” Jake wanted to know.
“I can cook,” Tina drawled, “if that’s what you’re asking.”
Jake looked pointedly at Wyatt, who seemed to require a moment to tamp down his irritation before saying, “We’ll buy the groceries if you’ll cook the meals.”
He waved a hand. “I suggest we figure out who gets what bedroom and settle in.”
Jake pushed away from the wall. “Frankie and I can share.”
“Actually,” Ryder said, “we may all have to share. Some of the rooms are empty of furniture. Two are uninhabitable. The window is missing in one of the rooms, and either the roof leaks or something’s chewed through the ceiling in another.”
Dismayed, Tina gasped. All eyes turned her way.
“What do you mean the window is missing?”
“I mean that it’s gone.” Ryder spread his hands, palms up. “Including the casing.”
“And something chewed through the ceiling?”
“Well, there are tiny teeth marks around the opening.”
Wyatt let loose a long, gusty sigh. “Okay. Get up to the attic and see what you can find. But watch yourself. The last thing we need is for anyone to get hurt. Jake, you and Ms. Kemp look at the other rooms and decide who goes where. I’ll start unloading our gear.”
“Call me Tina,” she corrected. If they were going to be living in the same house, it seemed only right to be on a first-name basis.
Wyatt inclined his head, laying a hand to his chest. “You can call me Wyatt.”