Overtime in the Boss's Bed. Nicola Marsh

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Overtime in the Boss's Bed - Nicola Marsh

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      She didn’t second-guess her decision, didn’t give it another thought as she drew his face back to hers and plastered her lips to his, arching her pelvis, locking her legs tighter around his waist and squeezing.

      His low, guttural groan ripped the air as he deepened the kiss, ravaging her mouth, their tongues mating in a sensuous dance as old as the waltz.

      Long, hot, moist French kisses went on for ever, bringing her to the edge without him laying a finger anywhere near her throbbing core.

      Tension tightened within her body, built, climbed, until she was boneless with desire. She clung to him as he left her mouth, his lips trailing downwards, nipping her erect nipples through the thin silk of her dress. His hands toyed with the edge of her panties beneath her bunched skirt.

      Clamping her knees around his hips, she groaned, arched upwards—demanding more, demanding everything he had to give.

      ‘If you keep making sounds like that, this isn’t going to last long.’

      ‘Fast is good,’ she bit out as he nibbled her neck. She grabbed his hand from her butt and guided it between their bodies. ‘Hard and fast.’

      He tensed, every magnificent inch of him straining towards her. ‘You sure?’


      Holding on tight, he moved her from the wall to a nearby chair, rested her butt on the padded edge before leaning back to devour her with his hungry gaze.

      ‘You’re gorgeous,’ he said, his husky tone bordering on reverent as he made quick work of the buttons holding her dress together, almost ripping it in his haste to get her naked.

      She quivered with anticipation as he let out a long, low whistle, snapping the front clasp on her bra, pushing it aside before ducking his head to feast on her.

      First the right breast, then the left. He licked and suckled and laved until her head thrashed, her hips arched and her hands delved between them, eager to feel him inside her. Now.


      Her hand briefly encountered an erection, a very large erection, and then he pulled back.

      ‘You want fast? I’m assuming not that fast?’

      She laughed, amazed they were trading banter as if they’d known each other a lifetime.

      Sex with Sergio had been lacklustre, had never given her the true intimacy she craved. Not that this mind-blowing foreplay with a guy she’d just met could be classed as intimate, but there was something about him that set her at ease, despite the fact she was almost naked in front of him.

      Reaching up, she scraped her nails lightly down his chest.

      ‘I want you. Now.’

      ‘Decisive. I like that.’

      He tugged her panties off, delved his fingers into her slick heat and pleasured her until she screamed his name. Twice.

      ‘You’re so hot,’ he murmured, reaching into his back pocket, pulling a condom out of his wallet and sheathing himself before she’d even realised he’d ditched the pants.

      Eyeing his impressive arousal, she said, ‘So are you.’

      His blistering stare never left hers as he slid into her, inch by exquisite inch, until he filled her, fulfilled her.


      He braced himself over her, moved out a fraction, back in, the delicious erotic friction sparking fire as her hips bucked, her insides clenched.

      With a low moan he drove into her, again and again and again, harder, faster, his breathing ragged as her hands dug into his hips, urging him on.

      This time her orgasm smashed into her with the force of a Sydney hailstorm and she arched upwards, her mouth slamming into his as he tensed and exploded in his climax.

      His barely audible expletive echoed her thoughts, echoed what they’d just done.

      She’d just had mind-blowing sex with a virtual stranger.

      The best sex of her life.

      A life which was out of control—which explained why she’d done this.

      What she couldn’t explain was the compulsion to do it all over again. Repeatedly.

      Holding her close, he strummed her back and she closed her eyes, blindsided by the yearning to have him hold her and do this all night long.

      ‘I should leave,’ he said.

      He should.

      But she didn’t want him to—didn’t want to spend her last night in the only city she’d ever truly called home alone.

      Leaning back, she cupped his cheek, looked him in the eye.

      ‘Don’t go.’


      STARR stared at the rumpled business card clutched in her hand and reread the address twice, before hoisting her backpack higher on her shoulder and pushing through the wrought-iron gate—the side gate, which would have been imposing in itself if it hadn’t been positioned next to the hugest pair of intricately carved black iron gates she’d ever seen.

      Some place, she thought, straining for a glimpse of the house as she strolled up the hedged garden path.

      Sydney Harbour was lined with posh suburbs, with mega-million mansions vying for the best views and highest position, but from what she’d seen of the swanky Melbourne suburb of Toorak, it had its fair share of ritzy manors too.

      She’d once dreamed of living in a place like this—around the time she’d scored the coveted lead dancer role at Bossa Nova. Ironic that now she might be working in one.

      With her résumé and reputation she should have waltzed into a top dancing role in Melbourne. But Sergio’s vengeance knew no bounds, and the few doors she’d tentatively knocked on had been well and truly slammed in her face.

      He’d been at fault, unable to keep his tights hiked up while getting it on with a fellow dancer, and she’d gladly left him—yet she was the bad guy in all of this?

      Prima donna. She should have left him a long time ago—had chastised herself countless times since for sticking around so long for the convenience of having a great apartment within walking distance of work, a partner who understood the demands of being a dancer, and a guy she felt comfortable around.

      Waste of time and money, considering she’d ended up paying the rent while he invested in a new dance company for them.

      He’d promised her stardom and she’d let her ego get the better of her—had ended up almost broke when she’d walked out on the jerk.

      No home, no money

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