His Sweet Revenge: Wedding Vow of Revenge / His Ultimate Prize / Bound by a Child. Katherine Garbera

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His Sweet Revenge: Wedding Vow of Revenge / His Ultimate Prize / Bound by a Child - Katherine Garbera

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sighed at her silence. “I respect your integrity and your intelligence. I enjoy your company and I think you feel the same way about me. You probably thought you loved Baron Randall, but look at where that got you. Marriage to me would be a lot better for your emotional well-being than waiting around for another man like him to show up.”

      “If you feel that way about it, we can keep dating…take our time deciding if a future makes sense.”

      Something came over his expression, the ruthlessness she’d always been sure lurked under his civilized exterior.

      He shook his head decisively. “Some of the best decisions I’ve made in my life have been spur of the moment based on my gut instincts. Those instincts are telling me that a marriage between us would work.”

      This was beyond anything she could’ve imagined.

      “So, what? You want to fly to Las Vegas and get married tomorrow?” she asked sarcastically, trying to point out the ridiculousness of his attitude.

      “That would work,” he said musingly. “I think I could wait one more night to have you.”

      “You’re insane.”

      “Not even close. I’m merely sure of what I want.”

      She shoved her car door open, feeling as if she didn’t get out of that car immediately, she was going to lose it. “I need to think.”

      “You sure you won’t ask me up? I could work on convincing you.”

      “No!” She clambered from the car. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

      He didn’t appear worried by her rejection. In fact, he gave her another look filled with sensual confidence. “I’ll be by to take you to breakfast. We’ll spend the day together.”

      She nodded and reeled like a drunk up the walk and into her building. Luckily someone had left the front door unlatched because keys would have been beyond her right after she got out of the car.

      She wasn’t much better when she reached her door on the top floor. The phone was ringing when she got it unlatched.

      She rushed inside and picked it up, still feeling dazed. “Hello.”

      “Stellina. I wanted to make sure you made it inside all right.”

      “Yes, I’m here.” Which was definitely an exercise in the obvious, but scintillating, even intelligent conversation was beyond her.

      “I do not like the fact your building has only one locked exterior door and I noticed it was left open. It is old…even locked, it could easily be broken into.”

      “This isn’t New York, Angelo.”

      “Bad things happen here, too.”

      “I’m fine.”

      “Yes, but I’ll be glad when we’re married and I can know you are always safe.”

      She tried her best not to dwell on his use of the word when instead of if. “You mean if I married you, I could look forward to your hiring me a bodyguard?”

      “That’s an idea worth considering. I have plenty to go around.”

      She was still gasping with indignation and leftover shock when he said goodbye and hung up the phone.

      Surprisingly she slept well and woke up feeling refreshed before the alarm went off.

      The phone rang as she was getting out of the shower. It was Angelo telling her he wanted to take her to the beach and to dress appropriately. He also suggested she bring spare clothes in case they got wet or sandy. She couldn’t help wondering if he didn’t have plans to try to stay overnight, but she found herself packing the clothes and other necessities anyway.

      Was she engineering her own downfall? His proposal had fried her brain cells.

      Angelo parked his car in a spot near the entrance to the beach. Despite the warmth of the day and it being a Saturday, the spot was deserted. It was the reason he favored this beach over others and why he’d built a vacation home not far away. He liked the solitude.

      He’d take Tara to his house later, when her initial reticence to being alone with him had diminished.

      They got out of the car and stopped in unison to take stock of the view before them.

      “It’s gorgeous,” Tara breathed, her voice filled with awe.

      Blue water stretched out as far as the eye could see and waves crashed against huge, mountain like rocks jutting out of the water a couple hundred feet from the shore.

      “Yes.” He looked down at her. “But the view isn’t the only beautiful thing around here.”

      She averted her face, but he could see his compliment had pleased her. Once again, she’d gone for a very feminine look, wearing a cropped tank top and low rider shorts that showed lots of leg and the smooth skin of her stomach. Her sandals were strappy bits of nothing that accented the delicate lines of her feet.

      She’d pulled her thick chestnut hair up into a youthful ponytail again, leaving the slender column of her neck exposed.

      He leaned forward and placed a warm, lingering kiss against the sensitive spot behind one ear. He inhaled her fresh, sweet fragrance and nuzzled her. “You smell good.”

      “Thanks.” She pulled away with a jerky, nervous movement. “We’d better get down to the beach.”

      “We’re not on a timeline.” But he let her lead him away.

      He could afford to wait to solidify his advantage. He had no doubts about how this day would ultimately end. And he was enjoying the wait.

      They walked down a path from the parking lot to the beach. As soon as they hit the sand, Tara stopped and pulled her sandals off. She let them drop behind a log near the path entrance.

      “Are you sure they’ll be safe there?”

      “Do you see anyone around to steal them?”

      There was only one other car in the small parking area and the only other occupants of the beach were nothing but small dots in the distance. “Point taken.”

      “You should take off your shoes, too.”

      He hadn’t walked barefoot on the beach since he was a kid, but there was something about an untamed beach and sunshine that brought out even a tycoon’s need to connect more closely to the elements. He slid his sports shoes and socks off and left them next to Tara’s sandals.

      Then he put his hand out and she took it. They walked hand in hand to the shoreline, their silence surprisingly companionable considering the heavy subjects they had been discussing when they parted the night before.

      The sand was warm against his feet, but the heat generated from their palms pressed together was greater. He got a primitive charge out of touching Tara in any way. Even the slightest connection sent electric impulses along his nerve endings

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