A Mistletoe Vow: A Cold Creek Christmas Story / Falling for Mr December / A Husband for the Holidays. RaeAnne Thayne
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Mary made a face. “Charlotte was proud of many things about you, but perhaps most of all that despite every advantage you had, you always stayed grounded and didn’t let your head get turned by your mother’s fame or fortune. Now that I’ve met you, I understand what she meant. You’re a good boy, Flynn Delaney.”
She smiled and patted his hand again. Flynn looked a bit taken aback at anyone calling him a boy, but he only had time to give Aunt Mary a bemused sort of look before Olivia cut off anything he might have said in response.
“Are you ready, Daddy? I can’t wait to see Sparkle. I can’t wait.”
“Yes. I’m ready. We can grab our coats on the way out. Thank you all again.”
“You’re so welcome,” Faith and Hope said at the same time, almost as if they had rehearsed it. Chase and Rafe both nodded in the odd way men had of speaking volumes with just a simple head movement.
“Bye, Olivia. We’ll see you at the next practice,” Louisa said cheerfully.
They put on their coats quickly and headed out into the December evening.
The snow had increased in intensity, still light but more steady now. The air was still, though, with no wind to hurl flakes against them.
The night seemed magical somehow, hushed and beautiful with the full moon trying to push through the cloud cover.
Celeste was fiercely aware of him as they made their way to the barn. He was so very...male, from the jut of his jaw to his wide shoulders to the large footsteps his boots made in the snow beside her much smaller ones. He made her feel small and feminine in comparison.
To her relief, she didn’t have to make conversation. Olivia kept up a steady stream of conversation about the ranch. She couldn’t help noticing the girl had talked more that day than she had in all their previous encounters combined. Either she was more comfortable with Celeste now, or she was beginning to return to the girl she had been before the shooting.
If she wasn’t mistaken, the girl had hardly limped that afternoon or evening. That had to be a good sign, she supposed.
“Here we are,” she said when they reached the barn. The smell of hay and animals and old wood greeted them, not at all unappealing in its way.
She flipped on the lights and heard Mistletoe’s distinctive whinny of greeting. She took time as they passed the old horse to give Misty a few strokes and an apple she pulled from her pocket before she led them to Sparkle’s stall next door.
“Olivia, this is Sparkle. Sparkle, meet my good friend Olivia.”
After a moment of coyness, the reindeer headed to the railing of the stall.
“I’ve never seen a real reindeer before. He’s small!”
“Reindeer are generally much smaller than people think they should be.” She petted him, much the way she had Mistletoe. He lipped at her, trying to find a treat.
“Would you like to feed him an apple?”
“Can I?”
She glanced down at the girl and decided not to miss this opportunity. “I don’t know. You’ll have to use your left arm. He prefers it when people feed him from that side.”
That was an out-and-out lie. Sparkle would eat with great delight any apple that came his way, but she decided Olivia didn’t need to know that.
Flynn made a low sound of amusement beside her that seemed to ripple down her spine. She barely managed to hold back her instinctive shiver as she handed the apple to Olivia.
The girl narrowed her gaze at Celeste, obviously trying to figure out if this was some kind of a trick. In the end, the appeal and novelty of feeding a reindeer outweighed her suspicions.
She took the apple with her injured left hand and, with effort, held it out to the reindeer, who nibbled it out of her hand. Olivia giggled. “Can I pet him?”
“Sure. He won’t hurt you.”
She rubbed his head for a moment. “What about his antlers?”
“Go ahead. Just be gentle.”
She reached out and tentatively touched an antler. “It’s hard and soft at the same time. Weird!”
Sparkle visited with her for a moment, and it was plain he was happy to find a new friend. Any malaise the reindeer might have been feeling was nowhere in evidence. Maybe he really had been pining for her, but she doubted it. Maybe, like the rest of them, he just needed a little break from the hectic pace of the holiday season.
“What’s special about this particular reindeer?” Flynn asked.
She considered how to answer. “Well, he was the first reindeer Uncle Claude ever obtained, so he’s been here the longest. And he’s always been so much more affectionate than the others—not that they’re mean or anything, just...standoffish. Not Sparkle. He’s always been as friendly as can be. It rubs off on everyone.”
They watched the reindeer a few moments longer. When she heard a little sound from the stall at the end of the barn, she suddenly remembered what other treasure the barn contained. Clearly, she didn’t spend enough time here.
“I nearly forgot,” she said. “There’s something else here you might like to see.”
“What?” Olivia asked eagerly. The girl loved animals; that much was obvious. Perhaps she and Flynn ought to look into getting a dog when they returned to California.
She didn’t want to think about that now, not when the night seemed hushed and sweet here in the quiet barn.
“Come and see,” she answered. She led the way and pulled open the stall gate. Olivia peered in a little warily but her nervousness gave way to excitement.
“Puppies! Dad, look!”
“I see them, honey.”
The half dozen black-and-white pudgy things belonged to Georgie, one of the ranch border collies.
“Can I pet them?”
“Sure. I’ll warn you, they’re probably not super clean. You’re going to want to wash your hands when you’re done.”
“I will. I promise.”
She knelt down and was immediately bombarded with wriggling puppies.
Celeste felt her throat tighten as she watched this girl who had been through so much find simple joy in the moment. Flynn had almost lost her. It seemed a miracle that they were here in this barn on a snowy night watching her giggle as a puppy licked her hand.
“She did all right today at the rehearsal,” she said in a low voice to Flynn as they watched together. “I know you were concerned about the noise and confusion, but