Romancing The Crown: Drew and Samira: Her Lord Protector. Carla Cassidy
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‘‘I can be. Have dinner with me tonight.’’
She tipped her head to one side. ‘‘Where?’’
‘‘Why don’t I surprise you?’’
‘‘I like surprises. But somewhere with people around, I think.’’
‘‘A reasonable precaution. Perhaps I should mention that while I may be goal-oriented, I play by the rules.’’
‘‘You did say something about being conventional. But then, there’s your hair.’’ It was too long, too curly. It contradicted the hard face and remote expression, hinting at sensuality, even exuberance. The color was a pure, pale ash-brown. She wanted to touch it.
Impulsively she did. ‘‘Soft…and hardly businessman-short. It doesn’t fit the rest of your image, does it?’’
His face tightened. ‘‘I’m not a soft man. Just a busy one. I’ve been forgetting to get it cut.’’ He caught her hand and drew it between them, toying with her fingers. ‘‘You’re rough on your hands.’’ He ran a finger along a scabbed scratch on her thumb.
‘‘I—’’ She glanced to where he held her hand in his. And stopped breathing.
After a moment, unsteady, she said, ‘‘I make jewelry. Little nicks are inevitable.’’
‘‘Is some of the jewelry here yours?’’
‘‘Most of it.’’
‘‘You have talent.’’ He carried her hand to his mouth and placed a kiss, almost chaste, on the tips of her fingers. ‘‘Be ready at seven. Where should I pick you up?’’
‘‘Here. We…my aunt and I live above the shop. Use the stairs at the side of the house. Will you be wearing your pearls?’’
‘‘It will be a dressy sort of surprise, but not formal enough for pearls. You would be lovely in black.’’
She said something and he didn’t stare at her as if she were crazy, so she must have sounded reasonable. Then he left. She managed to respond appropriately when two more tourists, both female, wandered in while her aunt was ringing up a purchase for the Greek family. Rose sold her tourists a bracelet, three postcards and a beautiful ivory vase.
But all the while her mind was whirling. She’d recognized his hand. She’d seen it quite recently. For the first time, the only time, she had been touched while walking a fire dream. Touched by his hand. While around them the airport burned in a vision that now—thank God—would never come true.
Rose had no idea what it meant. But the slamming of her heart against the walls of her chest felt very much like fear.
Chapter 4
Rose wasn’t surprised when her aunt joined her that evening while she was getting ready. ‘‘I had hoped you would take another look at that ring,’’ said Gemma, settling on the edge of the tub.
‘‘I haven’t decided yet.’’ Rose leaned over the sink, shut one eye and stroked color on the closed lid.
‘‘You didn’t pick up any feeling of urgency when you held it?’’
The hopeful note in Gemma’s voice made Rose smile. ‘‘No. And you ought to be ashamed of yourself, wishing danger on some poor woman so you can coerce me into working with my Gift.’’
‘‘I never would! But there must be some reason the ring came to you. You need to find out what that is.’’ She cocked her head like a curious parrot. ‘‘You aren’t wearing that to go out with Lord Andrew, are you?’’
Rose grinned, studied the smoky color on one eyelid and applied herself to making the other match it. She was wearing black, as Drew had suggested—a skinny silk swish of a dress with straps thin as spider silk. ‘‘Don’t you like it?’’
‘‘What there is of it. I hope you know what you’re doing.’’
‘‘Where would be the fun in that?’’ She dropped the eye shadow in the caddy that held her play-pretties and dug through the brushes, boxes, tubes, crayons and pencils. Rose didn’t always bother with makeup, but when in the mood to indulge, she did enjoy her paints.
Red lipstick, she thought, but not siren red. More of a mauve, maybe…then she saw her aunt’s face and paused, creamy color dialed but unapplied. ‘‘Zia? What’s wrong? This isn’t exactly the first time I’ve gone out with a man.’’
‘‘This one is different.’’
Rose couldn’t deny that, since it was his difference that intrigued her. Quickly she smoothed color over her lips. ‘‘I like him.’’
Suddenly vehement, Gemma stood. ‘‘It isn’t him you like, it’s his silence. You thought I hadn’t noticed? My Gift may be small, but I’d have to be spirit-blind not to notice that nothing at all comes from Lord Andrew Harrington. If you were to close your eyes when he kissed you, you wouldn’t know he was there. And that’s why you’re going out with him.’’
‘‘Well, yes.’’ Rose turned, a smile tugging at her mouth. ‘‘But trust me. If he kisses me, I’ll know he’s there.’’
Gemma tossed her hands in the air. ‘‘Rose, this man is trouble. Even if he weren’t wild…oh, the stories I’ve heard about him! I’m sure they can’t all be true…but some of them must be, and his birth, his family—you must see how impossible it is. Lord Andrew is looking for fun and games, love. A playmate, nothing more.’’
‘‘Maybe I want to play. Have I shocked you?’’ She put an arm around her aunt’s plump shoulders. ‘‘Surely not. You know what it’s like. If anyone knows, you do.’’
Gemma’s eyes were troubled as their gazes met and held. ‘‘You mustn’t think that because I’m alone, you will be. You’re only twenty-seven. There’s time.’’
‘‘I suppose. But—’’ the twist Rose gave her mouth landed between a smile and a grimace ‘‘—I don’t think I’m made for celibacy.’’
Gemma turned and put her hands on Rose’s shoulders. ‘‘So, you want a fling? With that man? Bambina, I didn’t raise you to be stupid.’’
‘‘Is it stupid to go out with a man I find attractive? Whatever happens, it will be my choice. I want—oh, just to be normal. For once, to be normal.’’ Too much bitterness colored that last statement. She moderated her voice, dug deep and found amusement. ‘‘I don’t have my heart set on a flaming affair. I may have hopes, but no definite plans.’’
‘‘That, I gather, is supposed to reassure me.’’ Gemma’s voice was tart. ‘‘You are going to be hurt.’’
‘‘Hey.’’ Rose dropped a kiss on her aunt’s soft cheek. ‘‘I’m supposed to be the seer around here. No dire predictions, please. I don’t expect to be hurt, but if I am, what of it? Most women my age have stumbled