Romancing the Crown: Kate & Lucas: Under the King's Command / The Prince's Wedding. Justine Davis
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“You did before.”
“That was different.”
“You helped me get into the palace. You were risking your job then, too.” She narrowed her eyes. “You know, if anyone found out about the bribe I gave you, that could get you in a lot of trouble.”
“You wouldn’t tell anyone. You’re wanted for murder. I know you killed the king’s nephew. You saw him that day.”
“And who was it that let me into Desmond’s quarters, Edwardo?”
“I didn’t know you were going to kill him.”
“It doesn’t matter what you thought. If I get arrested for murder, you’ll be arrested as my accomplice.”
“You wouldn’t—”
“If I go down, you go down, Mr. Palace Guard Scarpa.” She watched the realization of his predicament spread across his face. Good. She wouldn’t have to seduce him, after all. Blackmailing him into helping her was better. Actually, it was even more exciting to exert control over a man this way. She preened, enjoying the sensation of power. “So tell me, Edwardo.” She smiled and took his arm. “How soon will you get me that boat?”
Chapter 7
“Two fishing boats and a seventy-foot yacht,” Sam said as he climbed to the sloop’s deck from the cabin. “Sector C is getting busy.”
“Do we have enough personnel to track them?” Kate asked.
“Yeah, no problem. We’ve got four vessels in the area. They’ll keep us posted.”
She hovered beside the wheel, her hand lifting to the gold chain she wore around her neck. “With so much activity in that sector, we should send a spotter plane for backup.”
“Already done.”
“Sam, do you think this is working?”
“What? You mean the search?”
“Yes. Maybe we would have been better off trying to put together a conventional patrol. It’s been nine days now.”
He noted the way she rubbed a fingertip over the tiny charm that hung from the chain. Even if he hadn’t heard the tension in her voice, the gesture would have given it away. She often fiddled with her necklace when she was agitated. “We already ruled that out,” he said. “We didn’t have access to enough Navy vessels to provide the coverage we need, and we didn’t want to scare Chambers into going underground. Give it a chance, Kate. Our strategy is sound.”
“Sure, but—”
“But our visit to the palace made the mission more personal, right?”
“Yes, it did. I wish we’d met the king in his offices instead of being part of that family celebration.”
“They’re nice people for a bunch of blue bloods. I think it was beneficial to be reminded of why we’re doing this.”
She dropped her hand and sighed. “I know what you mean. I can’t forget the expression on Lucas’s face.”
Neither could Sam. Even though Lucas was rich beyond most people’s dreams and was destined to rule this prosperous, picturesque island, anyone could see the man wasn’t happy.
That was the problem with love, Sam thought. When you gave your heart to a woman, you were left completely vulnerable.
He took the wheel from Kate and watched as she made her way toward the bow. She moved lithely, her body shifting effortlessly to compensate for the roll of the deck. It was a warm day, so she had dressed in loose, pleated shorts and a modestly cut tank top. Sam knew her garb was in keeping with their guise of vacationing tourists, that this was all in the line of duty, but he was having a hard time keeping his gaze off her legs.
She’d always had fabulous legs, long, tanned and firm, but it seemed as if they were more appealing than ever. Maybe it was because of all the running she did. Or maybe it was because he was slowly going crazy being able to look but not touch.
He wished he could still be annoyed, but the annoyance he’d felt a week ago at the indifference she displayed toward him had faded. The bruise to his ego had healed even faster than the bullet wound in his side. Too bad. That made the situation all the more difficult.
It didn’t seem to matter what she said or how many times she took refuge behind her duty, the old connection was there. And despite her resistance and the demands of their mission, that connection was strengthening with every day they spent together.
She could go ahead and change her hair and change her attitude, but she was still his Kate.
“Over there,” she called, pointing toward the port side. “There’s something dark near the shore.”
Sam took his binoculars out of the locker beside the wheel and focused on the area she had indicated. “I see it.”
“Was there anything reported in this sector today?”
“A white cruiser moving southeast of our position.”
“Then that couldn’t be it.” She ducked under the boom and climbed to the cabin roof to get a better vantage point. “I can’t tell whether it’s a boat. If it is, it’s a small one.”
“Perfect for getting in close enough to pick up a passenger.”
“We’d better take a look.” Kate leaped down to the foredeck and was already moving to trim the spinnaker when Sam spun the wheel. The sloop responded quickly, the bow slicing through the waves as it swung toward shore.
The coastline along this part of the island consisted of tumbled rocks at the base of towering cliffs. If a boat could navigate through the rocks, there were innumerable small coves where it could stay concealed.
They lost sight of the object briefly as they tacked against the wind. Sam kept them on a course that would bring them past a low peninsula where waves crashed against jagged rocks. He was counting on the height of the cliffs to block the wind and provide calmer water closer to shore.
He was right. The moment they cleared the peninsula, the wind dropped and the waves calmed to lazy swells.
“Can you see it yet?” Sam called.
Kate scanned the shore through her binoculars. “Yes. It’s not a boat, it’s some kind of dark area in the cliff.”
“Dark area?”
“I think it’s a cave, Sam. Right at the waterline.”
“A cave? How big?”
“Large enough to hide a small boat.”
“Radio in our position. We’ll take the dinghy and check it out.”
Ten minutes later, they had anchored the sloop in the cove and lowered the small wooden dinghy that