Fascination: The Sicilian's Ruthless Marriage Revenge. Carole Mortimer

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Fascination: The Sicilian's Ruthless Marriage Revenge - Carole  Mortimer

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beneath the onslaught of his, her body pressed hard against him as her fingers became entangled in his hair and she returned his kiss with a hunger that made his control slip dangerously low.

      Cesare pressed her back against the car as he deepened the kiss. Tongues battled briefly before he plundered the moist cavern of her mouth in the same rhythm as his hips thrust against hers, slowly, surely, until he felt he would burst with his need to be inside her.

      He continued to kiss her as he pushed her dress up about her waist, pushed her panties aside, his fingers seeking to caress her, touching her moisture, feeling her readiness for him even as he found the centre of her pleasure and began to stroke her, driving his body against her as he felt the spasms that began to shake her body.

      Robin wrenched her mouth from his. ‘Not here, Cesare!’ she breathed, her body trembling with arousal. ‘We can’t make love here,’ she protested weakly.

      Cesare looked down at her, his eyes black, a sensual flush to his high cheekbones. ‘I want you now, Robin. I am not sure I can wait until we reach my suite!’ he told her shakily, the hardness of his thighs still pressed throbbingly against her.

      Robin could feel Cesare’s urgency, knew that same throbbing need herself, wanting to tear the clothes from his body and have him take her—right here, right now.

      ‘Don’t you understand? I want to make love to you too, Cesare!’ she groaned. This was so much more intense than the last time they had made love; Robin was being driven wild with wanting him. ‘I want to touch and caress you in the same way you’re touching and caressing me. I want—I want it all, Cesare!’ she told him passionately.

      His hands—subtle, sensuous hands that knew how to caress her to wild abandon—moved up to cradle each side of her face and he looked down at her searchingly. ‘Then you shall, Robin,’ he finally murmured gruffly, before taking her hand firmly in his as he marched over to key in his personal code for the private lift.

      The two of them stepped inside. Robin was aware of their sexual tension heightening to an impossible level as they waited impatiently for the lift to stop at the penthouse suite, their earlier discord totally forgotten in that need.

      ‘I am yours,’ Cesare promised, as they stepped out of the lift, maintaining that hold on her hand as he strode forcefully down the hallway to his bedroom and closed the door behind them, raising dark brows as Robin switched on the light.

      ‘I want to look at you,’ she explained huskily, her fingers shaking in anticipation as she slipped his jacket from his shoulders and unbuttoned his shirt, to strip that from his body too and throw it down on the carpet beside his jacket. ‘All of you,’ she added intensely, as she unzipped his trousers and drew them down the long length of his legs.

      She had never undressed a man before, and never delighted in each new discovery. Cesare’s legs were long and muscled, covered with the same dark hair that lay on his bared chest and then went down in a vee into his fitted underpants. These she also drew down and discarded, releasing his manhood to her caressing gaze as she knelt in front of him.

      A caress that her hands quickly followed, touching him there, and she watched the way his body leapt in reponse before she moved to trail her tongue moistly down that hard shaft, encouraged to deeper intimacies as Cesare gasped breathlessly and his hands became entangled in her hair.

      Robin relished the feel and taste of him, relished the way Cesare couldn’t hide his response to her caresses. His breathing was ragged as he reached down suddenly to draw her to her feet.

      ‘I want to be inside you!’ Cesare groaned, even as he deftly dealt with the zip on her dress, dropping the garment to the carpet, his eyes darkening to jet as he looked at the firm thrust of her bared breasts. Her creamy lacy panties and those oh-so-delectable stockings were her only clothing now.

      He lowered his head to capture one of those pouting nipples with the heated warmth of his mouth, his tongue a rasp as he suckled, knowing by the way Robin trembled that she was as aroused as he was.

      ‘You are so beautiful, Robin,’ he breathed as he raised his head to look down at her, his body pulsating with the need to be inside her. ‘I am afraid I cannot be gentle this first time!’ He shook his head as he stripped the cream lace from her body. ‘Next time I will go slower,’ he promised, even as he laid her down on the bed and moved between her parted thighs. ‘Next time we will both go slower!’ he groaned, as her thighs moved up to meet his, and with a single thrust Robin took him deep inside her.

      Even as Cesare fiercely claimed her mouth with his, he knew he had never experienced pleasure like this, never wanted a woman in the way that he did Robin.

      She took him deeper inside her with each thrust. Minutes later he could feel the release building inside him, knew it was too urgent to be controlled. Robin’s back was arching in the same need as he wrenched his mouth from hers to suckle hungrily on her breast and draw it deep inside his mouth, and her nails were digging into his back as her cries of release matched his. Their pleasure exploded into a kaleidescope of feelings and emotions, of pleasure that seemed never-ending.

      Robin felt dazed and wondrous as she lay beneath him, her hands moving caressingly across the damp width of his back even as she acknowledged that this lovemaking with Cesare was beyond anything she had ever known before—that never in her years of marriage had she ever reached a wild and uncontrollable climax like the one she and Cesare had just shared together.

      She didn’t understand what it meant …

      Did it mean that she was a more physical person than she had ever dreamt possible?

      Or had this been so different because she had feelings for Cesare?

      Because she might even have fallen in love with him …?


      ‘WHAT IS IT?’ Cesare lifted his head to look down at Robin as he sensed her mental withdrawal from him. ‘Robin, tell me what is wrong?’ he prompted, lifting his weight from her to lie down beside her and look down at her searchingly.

      ‘Wrong?’ she echoed emotionally. ‘What could possibly be wrong?’ she choked. ‘I’ve just—we’ve just ripped each other’s clothes off and taken each other like two—’

      ‘Do not do this to yourself, Robin,’ Cesare silenced her, his expression dark as he saw exactly where she was going with this conversation. ‘We wanted each other—’

      ‘Exactly!’ she cried, turning away from him to move to the edge of the bed and sit up. ‘I don’t know myself like this!’ she groaned as she buried her face in her hands.

      ‘Robin …’ Cesare reached out a hand to touch her creamy back.

      She stiffened beneath his touch. ‘Please don’t!’ she instructed shakily, standing up to move away from him, unknowingly arousing in those silk stockings she still wore. ‘I have to go.’ She shook her head. ‘I need to go!’ she said determinedly, and she bent down to pick up her dress.

      Cesare moved swiftly, stilling her movements as she attempted to pull the dress back on. ‘And I need you to stay,’ he told her huskily, his gaze intent on hers as she looked up at him uncertainly. ‘I very much need you to stay, Robin …’ he repeated gently. ‘If only to show you that just now was only one of the many ways in which we will find happiness together.’


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