Good Girl or Gold-Digger?. Kate Hardy
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Chapter Three
DAISY headed back to the workshop and grabbed her mobile phone. She speed-dialled her sister-in-law, willing Alexis to be there; she almost sagged with relief when the line connected and the answering machine didn’t kick in.
‘Lexy? It’s Daisy. I need your help.’
‘Sure, hon. What’s up?’
Before she’d had children, Alexis Bell had been a make-up artist—a seriously good one. If someone could make a silk purse out of the sow’s ear Daisy knew herself to be, it would be her sister-in-law. ‘I need a makeover. And I need it, um, right now.’
‘Excuse me? Am I hallucinating, or have you been drinking?’
‘Neither.’ Daisy explained the situation.
‘He said what?’ There was a dangerous edge to Alexis’s voice.
Daisy repeated it.
‘When are you meeting him?’
‘Get over here by half-past five and we’ll sort it.’
‘Thanks, Lexy. I owe you.’
Daisy just about managed to concentrate on her work for the rest of the day. At ten to five, she collected her bicycle from the back of the workshop, and Titan jumped gracefully into the wicker basket on the front, settling onto his cushion. She cycled home, fed the cat, picked up some fresh underwear, then called at the village shop just in time to pick up some flowers for Alexis before cycling over to Ben and Alexis’s house. She was grateful that her oldest and favourite brother had decided to settle in the next village; it made life much easier.
Alexis greeted her with a hug. ‘They’re lovely, hon, but you didn’t need to buy me flowers. I’m going to enjoy glamming you up.’
Not too much, Daisy hoped.
‘So where are you going?’
Daisy named the hotel, and Alexis whistled. ‘Right. Go and have a shower and wash your hair. I,’ Alexis told her firmly, ‘will deal with the rest. Luckily, you’re the same size as me.’ She grinned.
‘I’m really grateful for this,’ Daisy said humbly.
‘If you’re that grateful,’ Alexis said, moisturising Daisy’s face and then drying her hair, ‘you’d let me do this more often.’
‘It’d be wasted on the fairground.’
‘When you’re in chief mechanic mode, yes, but not when you’re doing talks to schools. Though we’ll argue about that later. As well as the fact that you really hurt Ben last week. If you’d called him, you know he would’ve come straight over and helped you clear up.’
Daisy shifted uncomfortably. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘You’re too proud. And I bet Annie told you to call him.’
‘Yes.’ Daisy sighed. ‘OK, take it as read that I’m a horrible woman and I don’t deserve your help. But, please, just make me look girly enough for tonight.’
Alexis hugged her. ‘You’re not horrible. I love you and so does Ben. I know he doesn’t agree with your career choices, but he’s learning to lump it—and he really would’ve helped out if you’d given him the chance.’
‘And treated me like a baby.’ Daisy couldn’t help glowering.
‘Honey, you’re his little sister. And he’s a bloke—he’s hardwired to do the overprotective big brother thing, so you’re just wasting energy if you fight it. He’s not going to change. But, if it makes you feel better, he tells me you’re better at fixing things than he is—and yes, I know he doesn’t tell you that. That’s men for you. Now, sit still and close your eyes.’
Given the array of cosmetics on the table, Daisy was feeling just a little nervous. But she sat still and let Alexis paint her face and finish her hair. Then she changed into the dress and low-heeled court shoes Alexis lent her, which was followed by a speedy lesson from her sister-in-law in how to walk like a model on a catwalk.
‘Right. You can look in the mirror now,’ Alexis said.
Daisy barely recognised herself as the petite, curvy woman whose hair was a mass of shining waves.
‘This is really me?’ She blinked. ‘Blimey, Lexy. You’re even better than I thought you were. Thank you so much.’
At that moment, the front door opened. Ben did a double-take. ‘Who are you and what have you done with my little sister?’
‘Ha, ha.’ Daisy scowled at him.
‘Daze, you look amazing. For you to wear a dress and let Lexy do your face, he must be special.’
‘I’m not going on a date,’ Daisy said through clenched teeth.
‘Dressed like that?’ He spread his hands. ‘No way. It has to be a man.’
‘Yes, and it’s business. So don’t you dare breathe a word to Mum, or I’ll tie you to a tree and wax your chest. Slowly.’
Laughing, Ben held up his hands in surrender. ‘Why on earth did the parents call you Daisy? They should’ve called you Godzilla.’
‘Well, excuse me, I have to go home and beat my chest before I book a taxi.’
‘You can’t cycle home in that dress.’ He looked at his wife and then at Daisy. ‘I’ll stick your bike in the back of the car and drive you.’
‘I can manage,’ Daisy said, with dignity.
‘Yes, but you don’t have to.’ He sighed. ‘You’re so ridiculously independent.’
‘Because I hate you treating me as if I’m a baby.’
‘Well, you are my baby sister. OK, OK, I know.’ He held his hands up in surrender again. ‘So what’s the business?’
She told him.
‘Are you sure about this? Because if this guy thinks you’re part of the deal…’
‘He doesn’t,’ she cut in gently. ‘And you don’t have to look after me, Ben. I’m a big girl now.’ She kissed him, leaving him a perfect lipstick-imprint on his cheek. ‘Though I appreciate you watching my back.’
‘Hmm.’ He looked faintly embarrassed. ‘Why don’t you borrow the MG, Daze? It’ll save you waiting for a taxi. I’ll drop your bike back at yours, and you can bring my car back tomorrow.’
‘You’d trust me with your car?’ She knew how her brother