Magnate's Mistress...Accidentally Pregnant!. Kimberly Lang

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Magnate's Mistress...Accidentally Pregnant! - Kimberly Lang

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she knew she was in paradise.

      The bustle of the marina fascinated her. Even though Savannah was close to the coast, she herself wasn’t all that familiar with boats. Here, though, sailing was obviously a serious pastime, and the marina buzzed with activity. Curious, and with nothing else on her afternoon agenda, she went to explore.

      There were no gates blocking access to the docks like the few she’d seen at home, so she wandered aimlessly. Boats of every shape and size and type bobbed gently in the water, and everyone greeted her with a wave as she passed.

      Tranquility. Miss Lizzie. Lagniappe. The fanciful names painted on the backs of the boats made her smile. Tailwinds. Skylark. The Nauti-Girl made her laugh out loud. Spirit of the Sea. The Lorelei. The Circe.

      The Circe was smaller than the boats around it, and while the others were tidy and gleaming, the Circe looked as though she’d seen better days. Planks from her deck were missing and long scrapings marred her paint. A second look, though, showed the scrapes had uniformity to them and a pile of fresh planks was stacked neatly on the dock.

      The Circe was getting a face-lift.

      “I assure you, it’s for her own good.”

      Ally jumped at the voice and the thump of something landing on the dock behind her. She turned and realized Tortola had spectacular scenery indeed.

      Holy moly. He couldn’t be real. No mortal man had a chest like that. She blinked, but the image didn’t change. Muscles rippled under bronze skin as he off-loaded the supplies in his arms. His pecs bunched, then flexed as he moved, and Ally felt a bit dizzy. Struggling to regain her equilibrium, she forced her eyes upward to the man’s face.

      But it didn’t help to steady her. Sunglasses hid his eyes but not the adorable crinkles that formed as he smiled at her. He wiped his hands over the battered khaki cutoffs hanging low on his hips, then slid the sunglasses up and off his face. Eyes the color of the water surrounding them grabbed her, and she found it hard to breathe.

      Real or not, she knew he’d be starring in her late-night X-rated fantasies for years to come.

      “Her previous owners neglected her a bit, but she’s going to be beautiful once I’m done with her.”

      The slight drawl made her think of home, and something about the pride and determination in his tone tugged at her. “I’m sure she appreciates it.”

      “I certainly hope so.” He reached to her right to grab the faded T-shirt hanging on the piling, bringing that bronze skin so close she could smell the sunshine and the musk of clean, male sweat. As he pulled it over his head, she stamped down her disappointment at the loss of the lovely view of his pecs. “I’m Chris Wells.”

      “Ally.” She shook the hand he offered. It was warm and strong and slightly calloused, indicating he worked with his hands. The thought of those hands on her…She snapped back to the conversation. “I’m sure she’s enchanting.”

      Chris cocked his head, sending a lock of blond-streaked hair over his forehead before he pushed it back. Those highlights were real—he obviously spent a lot of time in the sun.

      Ally cleared her throat. “Circe. The enchantress queen from the Odyssey.

      “Yes, I know. I’m just surprised you do. Not too many people know who she is.” He crossed his arms across that unbelievable chest and leaned against the piling.

      “I guess I’m a bit of a mythology geek.”

      Chris’s eyes traveled appreciatively down her body, leaving her skin tingling in their wake. “I definitely wouldn’t consider you a geek.”

      The heat of a blush replaced the tingles, and her brain turned mushy. “She so rarely gets the credit she deserves.”

      “She turned Odysseus’s crew into pigs.”

      Was that a challenge? “Some might say it wasn’t exactly a stretch.”

      “Ouch,” Chris said.

      “But she also gave Odysseus the information he needed to find his way home and avoid the Sirens. Odysseus owes Circe one.” Why am I babbling on about this? She needed to quit while she was ahead. Find another topic of conversation before he decides you really are a geek.

      But Chris egged her on with another of those smiles. “But they were lovers. That’s what Circe wanted from him.”

      Ally laughed and took the opening. Maybe he didn’t think she was babbling. “True, but I think that worked out better for Odysseus than for Circe.”

      “Excuse me?”

      She looked at him levelly. “Odysseus and Circe have a fling. After which, Circe gives him much-needed information, and he’s gone without a backward glance, leaving her pregnant with triplets. Not so great an ending for Circe.” She shook her head sadly.

      “What, no romantic sympathies for his desire to get home to Penelope?” Chris teased.

      This was fun. She leaned against the opposite piling and mirrored his crossed arms. “Oh, now Penelope has my sympathy. Odysseus, the original golden boy of ‘all style, no substance,’ goes out adventuring, leaving her at home to weave and take care of the kid. She remains faithful while he starts the tradition of a girl in every port. Odysseus was a player.”

      Chris laughed out loud. “You don’t sound like you like Odysseus much.”

      “I won’t deny there’s something attractive about him, but smart women don’t fall for that—at least not more than once.”

      A blond eyebrow arched upward. “You sound bitter.”

      She shrugged. “Let’s just say I know better. If you ask me, Odysseus got much better than he deserved.”

      “That’s a different take on a classic.”

      In her primmest voice, she said, “Homer was a man. I don’t think he sees it quite the same way a woman would.”

      “You have a point, Ally.”

      “Maybe.” When he didn’t respond, she was disappointed. Were they done now? Should she move on? She didn’t want to, but Chris did have a major project underway. He hadn’t moved from his lazy pose against the piling, but maybe he was just too polite. She’d wrap it up and let him get back to work. “But you’re doing a good thing, bringing Circe back to her former glory. I’m sure she’ll be lovely.”

      “She will be. Right now she’s just a money pit. I can see now why Odysseus left her. Too needy.” He punctuated the statement with a wink.

      Feeling better than she had in months, Ally let a giggle escape. “You’re terrible.”

      Chris shrugged. “You started it.”

      “Well, I stand by my earlier statement, regardless. Your Circe deserves the face-lift. I’m sure she’ll be a beautiful, enchanting ship when you’re done.”



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