The Daughter of the Manor. Бетти Нилс
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‘No. We have not. Mr Beamish will have bacon for his breakfast and one or two of those mushrooms Mrs Fleming sent over. The cake’s almost finished too.’
‘Oh, I’ll make another one, Nanny—there’ll be time before lunch…’
‘There’s the doorbell,’ said Nanny in a voice which suggested that she was much too busy to answer it. So Leonora opened the door, to find Dr Galbraith towering over her. She stared up into his calm face and felt a ridiculous urge to burst into tears. She didn’t say anything and presently he said placidly, ‘I’ve come to see your father.’
‘Yes, but—yes, of course. Do come in…’
‘You were doing something urgent. If I’m interrupting do go and finish.’ He looked her over slowly. ‘You look put upon. What’s the matter?’
As Tony came into the hall, the doctor said, ‘Ah, yes, of course,’ in a very quiet voice, and added a much louder, ‘Good morning.’
‘Ah, the local GP. Good morning to you. Come to check on the invalid, have you?’
‘Yes.’ Dr Galbraith turned towards Leonora. ‘Shall we go up?’
‘I’ll come along too—the old chap’s always glad to see me.’
The doctor was saved the necessity of answering as Nanny came into the hall with the coffee-tray.
‘I’m putting your coffee in the drawing room, Mr Beamish; you’ll need to drink it while it’s hot.’
Tony, although he didn’t like her, did as he was told, mentally promising himself that once he was married to Leonora one of the first of his acts would be to get rid of Nanny.
Going up the staircase, the doctor noted that Leonora looked less than her best; her hair was tied back and hung in something of a tangle down her back, and she was without make-up, not that that mattered for she had clear skin and a mouth which didn’t need lipstick; moreover, she was wearing an elderly skirt and a sweater with the sleeves rolled up. But none of this really detracted from her undoubted good looks.
‘Is Lady Crosby at home?’ he asked casually.
‘No, I’m sorry, but she’s having coffee with the Howeses—you’ve met the Colonel and his daughter…’
He had dined with them on the previous evening but he didn’t say so.
‘Don’t you care for visiting?’ he wanted to know.
‘Me? Oh, yes, it’s nice meeting people. But today—well, the weekend, you know, and then I didn’t know Tony was coming so there’s a bit more to do.’
They had reached her father’s door and the doctor didn’t answer.
Her father was sitting in his dressing gown, looking out of the window. He turned as they went in, saying, ‘Leonora? Is that my coffee? It’s past ten o’clock.’
He saw the doctor then. ‘Good morning. You see how much better I am. I shall get dressed presently and go downstairs for lunch.’
‘Why not?’ The doctor sat down beside him. ‘Such a delightful view from this window even at this time of the year. How is the cough?’
‘Better—much better—and I’ve taken those pills you left for me. Leonora sees to that, don’t you, my dear?’
Leonora said, ‘Yes, Father,’ and admired the back of the doctor’s head.
‘A splendid nurse,’ her father went on. ‘We are indeed lucky to have a daughter who takes such good care of us both.’
‘You will miss her when she marries,’ observed the doctor, taking his patient’s pulse.
‘Yes, yes, of course, although Tony has a great liking for this house; I’m sure they will visit us as often as possible.’
The doctor didn’t hurry but tapped Sir William’s chest, listened to his heart, asked a number of leisurely questions and finally pronounced himself satisfied. ‘Stay indoors for another day or so,’ he advised, ‘and when you do go out wrap up warm.’
Tony came out of the drawing room as they reached the hall.
‘Well, what’s the verdict? I’m not surprised that Sir William has been ill—this house may look a thing of beauty but it’s riddled with damp. Needs money spent on it. More sense if he found something smaller and modern.’
Leonora gave him a surprised look. ‘Tony, you know as well as I do that Father and Mother will never move. Why should we? We’re happy here—it’s our home.’
He took her arm. ‘Darling, of course it is. Come and have some coffee.’ He nodded at Dr Galbraith. ‘Nice to meet you,’ he observed.
Leonora frowned. Tony was being rude. ‘Thank you for coming, Doctor. I’ll keep an eye on Father. You won’t need to come again?’
‘I think not, but do give me a ring if that cough doesn’t clear up within the next week or ten days.’ He shook hands, ignored Tony and went out to his car, got in and drove away.
‘You were rude,’ said Leonora, leading the way to the drawing room.
‘Sorry, darling. I can’t stand the fellow, looking down that long nose of his. Thinks he knows everything—I’ve met his sort before.’
‘He’s a good doctor,’ said Leonora, ‘and everyone likes him—except you.’
‘Let’s not argue about him. I’ve come to spend the weekend with you, so let’s enjoy ourselves. Heaven knows, it’s hard enough to get away.’
Tony had sat down again. ‘How about getting into something pretty and we’ll go out to lunch?’
‘Tony, I’d love to, but I can’t. When you got here I was making beds—and when I’ve done that I must get lunch and see about making a cake and getting something made for this evening. Father has to have his coffee and his lunch, and Mother will be back presently. They like their tea at half past four and dinner has to be cooked…’
‘For heaven’s sake, Leonora…can’t Nanny deal with all that?’
‘No, she can’t. The kitchen has to be cleaned, food has to be prepared, she has to answer the door and Father’s bell if I’m busy and one of us will have to go to the village and do some extra shopping.’
‘Well, I thought I would be welcome,’ said Tony sulkily, ‘but it seems I’d better leave as quickly as possible!’
‘Don’t be silly,’ said Leonora briskly. ‘You know how glad I am to see you, but what’s the use of pretending that I can sit here, nicely dressed and