Not on His Watch. Cassie Miles

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Not on His Watch - Cassie  Miles

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“This is our most recent photograph of Khalaf.”

      Their screens displayed a sharp picture of a trim, older man, dressed in a tailored military uniform. Though his expression was stiff, his dark eyes burned with a sinister inner flame.

      Whitney continued her briefing. “This trip is highly unusual. Sheik Khalaf seldom leaves Imad, especially now when he appears to be building up his military.”

      “What’s the reason for the buildup?” Quint asked.

      “Money,” Whitney answered. “The bottom line is always money. Unless Quantum starts buying oil from him again, the sheik’s regime will go broke. He might attempt to gain leverage by taking over the country to the north of him—Anbar.”

      “We’re friendly with Anbar,” Law said.

      “Yes,” Whitney said. The photograph on the screen changed. “This is Prince Javid Haji Haleem of Anbar. He’s next in the line of succession for the throne of Anbar.”

      With curling black hair and dark piercing eyes, he was a good-looking man. Even Quint would call him handsome, and Quint didn’t generally notice such things about other men. “I’ll bet the ladies are standing in line to join this guy’s harem.”

      “Not funny,” Whitney chastised as she displayed a series of photos of Javid. “The future ruler of Anbar believes in treating women as human beings and not chattel. In many ways, he’s an enlightened leader, promoting literacy and education among his people. He travels all over the world as a goodwill ambassador for Anbar, and he investigates.”

      “Investigates what?” Quint asked.

      “Javid is an expert on terrorism. With his assistance, a lot of tragedy has been averted.”

      The last in the series of pictures showed a subtle difference. Javid’s features were honed by a sharper edge. “Whoa,” Quint said. “Was this picture taken on a bad day?”

      “Very observant.” Whitney sounded impressed. “That photograph is not, in fact, Javid. It’s his identical twin brother, Prince Zahir Haji Haleem. Notorious international playboy.”

      Her information came as a surprise to Quint, who generally kept up on events in oil-rich countries around the world. He knew there were brothers in Anbar, but he didn’t know they were twins.

      “Both Zahir and Javid are half-American and were raised here. Now, they both live in the Middle East. It’s important to keep in mind that Zahir is more than a jet-setter,” Whitney said. “He’s been involved with supposed freedom fighters in the Middle East, most recently with Khalaf when he deposed the government in Nurul. Which brings up another issue.”

      Quint leaned forward, listening carefully to this complex explanation. “Does this have something to do with Khalaf’s daughter?”

      “Good guess. Miah Mohairbi’s lineage links her to the throne of Nurul. If Zahir marries her, his claim is solidified.” Whitney brought up the map again. “Nurul is on the Red Sea by Yemen.”

      Law frowned at the screen. “I’m familiar with Nurul. Quantum isn’t buying oil from them until the political situation settles down. Other distributors, Petrol included, are following their lead.”

      “How does Zahir fit into the picture?” Quint asked.

      “If he’s allied with Imad,” Law said, “his tactics are questionable.”

      “As in terrorism?”

      Law shrugged. “There’s no stated U.S. position as yet.”

      Whitney spoke into the intercom that connected with the front desk. “Kathy, would you please escort our guest into the special-ops room?”

      While waiting for the electronic door to open, Quint scrolled through the data on his screen to a section with information on Quantum Industries. In his dealings with the megapowerful oil distribution giant, he’d met many of the principals, including the CEO, Henry Van Buren. He noticed an unfamiliar face in their briefing notes, a very lovely face. He paused on her photograph. Natalie Van Buren, vice president in charge of public relations. Her soft brown hair fell neatly to her shoulders. Her green-eyed gaze was cool and direct and somehow mysterious, as if she had a secret. Why was the photograph of a public relations vice president included in a briefing about terrorists?

      As soon as the electronic door whooshed open, their screens went blank.

      Whitney stood. “Gentlemen, I’m pleased to introduce Prince Javid Haji Haleem, future ruler of Anbar.”

      In person, Javid was impressive. Though he was probably only in his early thirties, he carried himself gracefully. As he shook Quint’s hand, he said, “I know you.”

      “No, sir, I don’t believe I’ve had the honor.”

      “We have not met. I know your reputation.” His slight accent made his speech seem formal. “You have led wildcat oil crews.”

      “Not for a long time.” In his twenties, Quint built the resources of Crawford Oil by wildcat exploration around the world, usually in Central and South America. He quit traveling when he settled down with Paula, five years ago on his thirtieth birthday.

      “You discovered oil in many nations,” Javid said. “Yet, you never exploited the local population. Instead, you created employment. In some cases, you won freedom for oppressed peoples. I admire you, Quintin Crawford.”

      “Thank you, sir.” Embarrassed by the tribute, Quint got back to the topic at hand. “How can Chicago Confidential be of service to you?”

      Javid strode around the table and sat beside Vincent. “I believe my brother, Zahir, helped in the overthrow of Nurul by Sheik Khalaf. It is no secret that Khalaf would like to put Zahir on the throne in Nurul. The alliance between these two is perilous for my nation. If Imad and Nurul combine their military resources, they could conquer Anbar.”

      “If they conquer Anbar,” Law said, “they might become the most powerful force in the Middle East.”

      “Unfortunately, yes.” Javid frowned. “I have come to you because I am also convinced that Zahir was involved in the Reykjavik bombing.”

      “Do you have proof?” Quint asked.

      “Not direct evidence.” A pained look crossed his face. “It saddens me to think my own brother is linked with terrorists, but I am not naive. Zahir is capable of…anything.”

      Quint said, “We just heard that Sheik Khalaf is coming to Chicago. How about Zahir?”

      “He will be here soon,” Javid said. “There are rumors he is betrothed with the estranged daughter of Khalaf, but his stated purpose in coming to Chicago is to meet with Quantum and to discuss the future sale of oil from Nurul. And possibly to convince them to buy from Imad.”

      “But he supposedly bombed Quantum in Reykjavik,” Andy said.

      “My brother negotiates with one hand,” Javid said. “He plots with the other.”

      Andy nodded, seemingly unconcerned about human treachery. “What can you tell us about the incendiary?”

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