Big Sky Country. Linda Miller Lael

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Big Sky Country - Linda Miller Lael

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up at the register and headed for her car, pushing that stupid cart through the gravel.

      A dog, a thin, dirty yellow Lab with burrs in its coat, sat near the front bumper, like some disconsolate hitchhiker hoping to cadge a ride.

      Joslyn hadn’t had a pet since Spunky—she’d been too busy to give a dog or a cat the attention it would need—but she was a soft touch when it came to any animal, especially when it was so obviously down on its luck.

      “Hey, buddy,” she said, after putting her groceries in the backseat of the car and pushing the cart aside. She could see that the dog was wearing a collar, and there were tags dangling from it. She could also see his ribs. “Who do you belong to?”

      He shivered visibly, but he didn’t run away. Maybe he didn’t have the strength, the poor thing. From the looks of him, he’d been on his own for a while.

      The best thing to do, Joslyn instructed herself silently, was get into her car and drive off. Just go home, put away the groceries, check Kendra’s office again and cook something. The dog had tags, after all. Someone would see that he found his way back to wherever he belonged.

      Or not.

      It was just as likely, she supposed, that he’d been dumped by some heartless jackass who hadn’t bothered to take off the collar. Joslyn took a cautious step toward the creature, one hand extended so he could get her scent. He sniffed her fingers warily, shivered again, but remained where he was.

      “You wouldn’t bite me now, would you?” she prattled, moving closer, her hand still in front of the dog’s muzzle. “Because I’m not going to hurt you, fella—I just want a look at those tags, that’s all.”

      She crouched in front of him, looked into soulful brown eyes, full of baffled sorrow and the faint hope that some small kindness might befall him. Carefully, Joslyn lifted the first of two tags. The numbers on the pet license had been partially worn away, but the second tag was more informative. The dog’s name was Jasper, and there was a local phone number.

      Joslyn rummaged for her cell phone and dialed. One ring. Two. And then a recorded voice, deep and more formal than friendly, sounded in her ear. “This is John Carmody,” the voice said. “I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave your name and all that and I’ll get back to you, if I think it’s a good idea.”

      Despite the warmth of that June day, a chill prickled down both Joslyn’s arms, raising the fine hairs as it passed.

      She’d been away from Parable for a long time, but she’d known about Hutch’s dad’s death. Kendra had emailed her the news, and she’d sent a condolence card immediately. Obviously, no one had gotten around to erasing Mr. Carmody’s voice mail, with the peculiar result that, even though she knew better, Joslyn felt as if she’d just had a conversation with a dead man.

      And here was that dead man’s dog. Not seeing the point of leaving a message, she simply closed the phone and dropped it back into her purse.

      “I’m so sorry, boy,” she said, stroking the dog’s head gently.

      He shivered again.

      She straightened, moved to open the back door of the car and began transferring her grocery bags to the trunk.

      Jasper watched her the whole time, still hopeful.

      “Come on,” she said, when the backseat was clear. “Let’s get you home to Whisper Creek Ranch.”

      Jasper hesitated, as though debating the matter, then limped obediently over and jumped into the backseat, landing with a little whimper.

      Was the dog hurt? Should she take him straight to the nearest veterinarian? Her head was beginning to ache.

      Joslyn slipped behind the wheel of the car and glanced into the rearview mirror. Jasper’s big mug filled the glass.

      “Everything’s going to be all right,” she promised him.

      He sighed and settled in to wait for further developments.

      Joslyn got her cell phone out again. She didn’t have Hutch’s number, but Kendra was on speed dial.

      Her voice mail came on, and Joslyn figured her friend was either at the real-estate closing she’d mentioned earlier or busy showing somebody around the chicken farm.

      “Give me a ring, ASAP,” she said. “I need Hutch’s number.”

      She hadn’t even gotten out of the lot before Kendra called her back.

      “Why?” Kendra asked, not bothering with a hello.

      Joslyn stopped the car, making sure she wasn’t blocking incoming or outgoing traffic, and sighed. “Why, what?”

      “Why do you need Hutch Carmody’s phone number?” Kendra was probably trying to sound nonchalant, but it wasn’t working.

      A slow smile spread across Joslyn’s mouth. Kendra Shepherd and Hutch Carmody? They were polar opposites, those two—she was prim and proper, some would say a control freak, and Hutch was a hell-raiser who liked to take life as it came.

      And those things were just the beginning of their differences.

      Still, stranger things had happened, especially in the realm of romance.

      “I need the number,” Joslyn replied smoothly, “because I’m looking for a night of wild, irresponsible sex, and I figure Hutch will make as good a partner as anybody.”

      Kendra sucked in a breath—and then laughed. “Well, if you’re looking for ‘irresponsible,’” she quipped, “Hutch is definitely your man.”

      Zing, Joslyn thought, still smiling.

      “Actually, I found his father’s dog just now, and the poor thing looks pretty bedraggled and very much in need of some tender loving care.”

      “Jasper?” Kendra asked. “You found Jasper?”

      “Yes,” Joslyn replied patiently. “That’s what his name tag says. And when I called the number, I got John Carmody’s voice mail.”

      “That must have been strange.” There was a pause. “Hold on. I’m scrolling for Hutch’s contact information.”

      “Holding,” Joslyn confirmed, thrumming her fingers on the top of the steering wheel.

      “555-6298,” Kendra finally said.

      Joslyn wrote the number in the dust on the dashboard of her car, using her fingertip for a pen. “Thanks,” she said. “By the way, I checked the office before I left home. Nobody there.”

      “That figures,” Kendra said, sounding tired all of a sudden.

      Since Kendra was usually annoyingly optimistic, Joslyn picked up on the contrast right away, subtle though it was. “Are you okay?” she asked.

      “My feet hurt,” Kendra said, “and still no offer on the chicken farm.”

      Joslyn chuckled. “You didn’t change out

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