Brandishing a Crown. Rita Herron
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Stefan raised a hand to warn Edilio to calm down. The last thing he wanted was to cause an incident with the local police. Or for this reporter to capture it. “No need for apologies, Edilio. Let Miss Cameron follow her protocol.”
He gave Jane a seductive smile. “Take my prints, Jane. You will only prove that you are wrong about me. That even if you have a problem with me because I am a prince, that I am an honorable man, one you can trust.”
THE SUBTLE INNUENDO in Stefan’s voice sent a quiver up Jane’s spine. She didn’t really believe that the prince had anything to do with the bombing, and she had no idea why she’d baited him, but his presence totally unnerved her.
“I do not have a problem with you because you are a prince,” Jane lied.
Rather because he was a man.
She didn’t trust any man, especially a royal who could have any woman on any continent he desired. A man with wealth and power and people heeding his every beck and call.
She wanted him gone. Away from her so she could breathe normally again. So her fingers would stop sweating and her heart racing, and her mind would stop straying to dangerous avenues.
Like wondering what he thought about her. If he liked what he saw. If his hands were as sensual as they looked. And what it would feel like if he actually touched her with that sultry mouth.
Good grief. She was a moron to even think such nonsense.
“I’ll need your shoes,” Jane said.
“I will follow you to your lab and you may have them there,” the prince said in a tone that brooked no argument.
“Fine.” Jane grabbed the evidence box to transport to the lab, and strode toward her vehicle, but just as she crossed through the crime scene tape, the reporter shoved a microphone in her face.
“Can you tell us what you found? Who was in the car?”
Jane shook her head. “The department will issue a statement once the evidence has been processed and the victim identified. Now, please move, so I can do my job.”
Stefan smiled as she elbowed her way past the leech. It had irritated him when she had used that tone on him, but amused him now.
“Prince Stefan,” Edilio said. “Are you certain you want to cooperate with this woman?”
Stefan shrugged. “I think she will be useful in giving us information.”
“Such a crass female,” Edilio said. “I cannot fathom why some American women dress and talk like men.”
Stefan’s mouth quirked. Crass was not the word he would have chosen. Intriguing, sexy, smart. Not the type of woman he was accustomed to, but he would meet her challenge.
Still, responding to Edilio would only invite questions, so he refrained from comment.
Edilio drove and he tried to tame his libido as they followed Jane to the lab, parked and went inside. The crime lab was located in the brick courthouse in Dumont on the second floor and consisted of several offices and laboratories. Jane catalogued the evidence into their filing system, then settled at a workspace. With the late night hour, the lab was virtually empty, the halls reeking of pungent odors and chemicals.
“Find us some coffee,” Prince Stefan said. “I will phone Efraim and update him.”
Edilio nodded, then walked down the hall, and Stefan stepped into an empty corridor across from Jane’s lab to phone his friends.
“The driver was killed,” he told Efraim. “And there was blood in the backseat, but Amir was not inside.”
“Then he could have crawled away after the explosion, and he still may be alive.”
“It is possible,” Stefan said. “But Amir’s cell phone was discovered at the scene in the bushes. And there were tire tracks from a second car.”
Efraim grunted. “There was a witness?”
“Either that or the second vehicle belonged to the bomber. If he saw that Amir was still alive, he could have kidnapped him.”
Efraim cursed. “We must not let this information become known. Not until we discover the truth.”
“I agree.”
“I will handle making excuses to delay the summit,” Efraim said.
“Thank you, Efraim. But do not give up on it. We will make this happen.” Stefan’s phone beeped that he had another call. “I am sorry, it is my brother. I should take this.”
“Be careful, Stefan,” Efraim warned.
“You do the same, my friend.” Stefan connected his brother’s call.
“Stefan,” Thaddeus said. “We just received word that there was an attack on you and the COIN members. Are you all right?”
Stefan sighed. So much for staying out of the news. “I am fine.” He contemplated sharing about Amir but decided to hold off. Sometimes his brother had a loose tongue. “And yes, there was a bombing but we were not inside the limousine at the time.”
Thaddeus emitted a sound of relief. “Good. Now listen, Stefan. Father does not wish to frighten you but his condition is worse.” Thaddeus’s voice sounded anxious. “I think you should agree to the marriage with Daria and alleviate Father’s worries about leaving our country in turmoil.”
Stefan’s fingers tightened around the handset. “I do not intend to debate this matter with you, Thaddeus. I have made my decision and it stands.”
Suddenly the lights flickered off, and Stefan tensed. A noise sounded. Footsteps. Something fell. Then a loud, shrill scream pierced the air, and Stefan’s blood went cold.
Chapter Four
Jane screamed. Someone was attacking her, had grabbed her by the neck…
She grappled for something to use to defend herself, but her fingernails barely scratched the surface of the metal table, and she stumbled. The lab was pitch dark.
Who the hell was on top of her?
She struggled, pivoting to try to see his face, but a hand closed around her throat, choking her. Frantic, she raised her knee and kicked backward, thrusting her foot into her attacker’s shin.
He grunted and slammed his fist against the side of her head. Jane screamed again, flailing as she went down. Her head hit the corner of the table and pain ricocheted through her skull.
The darkness spun around her in a drunken rush, disorienting her. Then footsteps sounded. The back door to the lab swished open as if someone was leaving, but more footsteps pounded from the opposite direction.