Deadly Illusions. Brenda Joyce
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Evan stared, his forehead creased. “Fran, it is over?” Doubt filled his tone.
She knew she should not have raised the subject. “He broke it off with her when I accepted his proposal.”
Evan spoke with care. “What I love most about you is your loyalty and trust.”
“What does that mean?” she asked with dread.
“Fran, I don’t know how to say this, but he keeps her still!”
She stiffened. “If you mean she continues to live in his house, the house he bought for her, I know that. He promised her six months and will live up to that agreement. But he stopped seeing her the day I accepted his proposal. I happen to know that for a fact—I was spying on him with Daisy when he told her he would be faithful, Evan. And Daisy even admitted he no longer sees her now that he is engaged.”
Evan laughed, visibly relieved. “I am so pleased! I did not know.” Then he sobered. “But Fran, everyone thinks she remains his mistress. It is unwise for him to allow her to live in that house.”
Francesca stared. “Do you mean that society assumes Calder has a mistress, in spite of his engagement to me?” she cried in dismay.
“Yes, I do.”
She gaped, and then she was furious. “But it’s not true! Is that really what everyone says?”
He sighed and took her hand. “I’m afraid that it is the obvious conclusion to be drawn. And why is Hart being so honorable with such a woman?”
She pulled free. “He is quite noble, Evan, I have learned that in the few months since we met. He gave his word and he is keeping it.” Now she really began to worry. “If Father learns of this, we are through! He dislikes the match enough as it is.”
“I agree with you,” Evan said. Then, ruefully, he added, “I am sorry to be the one to burst your bubble, Fran.”
She walked away, still angry but also somewhat mortified. “They are all gossips and hypocrites,” she huffed.
“Many of them are. Is that why you look so worried? Because Daisy still resides in that house?”
She slowly faced him and did not speak.
He stared for a long moment. “Francesca?”
“I am such a fool,” she whispered. And she felt tearful again. “I think I have fallen in love with Hart, Evan. What will I do?”
He quickly came forward, taking her hands. “But that is wonderful. You will marry for love! As you, of all people, should, Fran. And Hart—well—” he smiled “—I think he has finally found his match.”
She pursed her lips and it was a moment before she could speak. “Even if I am his match intellectually, I am not half as lovely as Daisy or the other women he has been with.”
He was incredulous. “Is that what is bothering you?”
“Yes…no. I am in love with a dissolute man, Evan. How will I manage to avoid a broken heart?”
Evan was silent for a moment. Then he put his arm around her and guided her to the sofa, where they both sat. “Well, if anyone can answer this question, I suppose it is me. I certainly qualify, do I not?”
She knew that he referred to his own womanizing ways. She nodded.
“I won’t lie to you, Fran. You may be in for heartbreak and sorrow. But on the other hand, there is a saying, and it is said for a reason. Every dog has its day. Hart would not be the first rake to be reformed by a good woman.”
For a long moment she stared, terribly desperate for reassurance. “What do you really think?” she finally asked.
He was grim. “I like Hart. I think he is very fond of you. But…he is the most jaded man in town. I can’t help but worry about the future—the way that Father does.”
She nodded, hating what he had said.
He said, “If you break this off, though, you will never know what might have been.”
Francesca looked at him. “I don’t want to break anything off.”
“Then don’t. Give him the benefit of the doubt. So far he has treated you with the utmost respect.”
That was true. She nodded, feeling a bit better. “And he has never even considered marrying anyone until he met me,” she added.
“That is true, and it does speak volumes.” Evan smiled again and stood. “I have to get back to work. Is that why you called?” He became teasing. “To ask your black-sheep older brother for his questionable advice?”
She also rose, relieved to change the subject. “Actually, no. I came to tell you about the case I am on, because I am just a bit worried about Maggie.”
His reaction was instantaneous. “Is Maggie in danger? Are the children in danger?” he demanded.
Francesca was so surprised by his vehement tone that she blinked. “I don’t know. I hope not. Have you read about the Slasher, Evan?”
His eyes widened impossibly. “Damn it, Francesca, get to the point! Is Maggie in any way involved with the Slasher?”
She touched him. “Calm down. She is not involved with the Slasher. There was a third victim on Monday, and she died. She also lived two doors from Maggie. I merely want Maggie to be cautious. I suggested that she and the children stay with us next Monday, as we suspect the Slasher will adhere to his pattern and strike again then.”
Evan was quite pale. Then he said grimly, “I hate the circumstances she lives in! How can she raise those children in such a hovel? Before I walked out on my fortune, I had wanted to get her and the children situated in a better area. But it was not my place and she is so proud, I knew she would refuse. Now I have no funds. Francesca, it is simply intolerable for her to live in that slum.” His blue eyes blazed.
His passionate outburst amazed her. “Evan, I know you are fond of the Kennedy children, but is there something more? Are…are you more than fond of Maggie herself?” Francesca heard herself boldly ask, in real confusion.
And he was clearly startled. He backed up. “What? I mean, of course I am fond of Mrs. Kennedy. How could I not be? She is a wonderful woman, so kind, so compassionate, so caring. And my God, she has raised those children on her own, working herself almost to death to give them a good home. But what, exactly, are you suggesting?” His disbelief grew. “Surely you are not suggesting some kind of romantic attachment on my part?”
“I don’t know,” Francesca said carefully.
He laughed in disbelief and walked away, then began to pace in consternation.
Francesca watched him carefully. Was it possible that Evan did have a romantic attachment but that he refused to admit it, even to himself?
He turned. “I want