The Promise. Brenda Joyce
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She knew him well now. Alexi was an adventurer, like his seafaring father, and he could not stay on land for very long, or sit still, either. What were the boys up to? They hurried across the salon, and she realized that they were about to leave, their goal the terrace doors.
Pushing her golden hair behind her ears and smoothing down her blue satin dress, Elysse slid to her feet. “Wait,” she cried. She rushed over to them. “Where are you going?”
Alexi grinned at her. “Errol Castle.”
Her heart lurched. Everyone knew the castle ruins were haunted! “Are you mad?”
His blue eyes danced. “Don’t you want to come, Elysse? Don’t you want to see the old ghost who wanders the north tower in the light of the full moon?” Alexi leaned close. “They say he pines for his lady love. I know how you adore romance! She left him, you know, on a full moon—for another man. And so he killed himself, forever to walk the tower when the moon is full.”
“Of course I know the story.” Her heart beat with alarm and fear. She wasn’t brave like Alexi or her younger brother, Jack, or Ned, the earl’s heir, who stood with them. She had no desire to rush off into the night and meet the ghost.
“Coward,” Alexi said softly. He touched her chin. “I’ll protect you, you know.”
She jerked away. “And how will you do that? You are only a boy—and a mad boy, at that!”
His smile faded. “If I say I will protect you, I will.”
She believed he would do just that—even from a ghost. She hesitated, not wanting to go with them. “Ladies don’t have to be brave, Alexi. They must only be graceful, politic, polite and beautiful.”
“Of course they do! My stepmother has sailed the world with my father and even fought pirates at his side. She is brave and beautiful.” His eyes gleamed.
Ned stepped forward. “Leave her be, Alexi. She doesn’t want to come with us.”
Her younger brother, Jack, snickered at her.
Ariella walked up to them, having actually put down her history book. “I’ll go.” Her blue eyes were wide and bright. “I would love to see the ghost!”
Alexi gave Elysse a daring look.
“Fine!” she cried, furious that he had taunted her into agreeing. “But how will we get there?”
“It won’t take more than twenty minutes if we ride,” Ned said. “The girls can ride double, behind us. Jack can ride by himself.”
This was a horrible idea—Elysse simply knew it—but everyone else was wide-eyed with excitement. Within moments, she was following the boys and Ariella across the terrace to a paddock where they would steal their mounts. The boys often rode bareback, with just a bridle or even a halter. Now, she wished they were horrid horsemen—but they were not. The night was so dark and so quiet! As she followed them across Adare’s great gardens, she glanced up at the gleaming moon. It was full and bright. She prayed they would not encounter any ghost that night.
A few minutes later everyone was astride, and they were trotting away from the house. Elysse held on hard to Alexi, angrier with him by the minute. He was an excellent horseman, but she was a terrible rider, and she was afraid she would fall off.
“You are breaking my ribs,” he said, with laughter in his tone.
“I hate you,” she exclaimed.
“No, you don’t.”
They rode in silence the rest of the way. Ahead, in the moon’s odd yellow light, she saw the dark shadows of Errol Castle. It was huge.
It was so quiet now. All she could hear was the rhythmic clip-clop of their horses’ hooves and her own thundering heartbeat. Beneath her hands, she could feel Alexi’s breath come more rapidly and thought she could feel his heart, racing more swiftly than it should. They passed through the piles of eerily white stones that had once been the outer walls of the barbican. She wanted to turn around and go home! Suddenly a wolf howled.
Alexi’s slim body stiffened. Elysse whispered nervously, “There are never wolves this close to Adare.”
“It isn’t close.” They halted their horses by the gaping entrance in the stone walls of the castle, which had once been the front door. Through the shadows of the maze of stone walls inside, she could see the lone standing tower at the other end of the ruins. She swallowed dryly. Her heart thundered.
Alexi whispered, “They say he carries a torch—the same torch he carried for his lost love.” He gave her his hand, twisting a bit to do so. “Slide down.”
Elysse did so, keeping her balance by holding his hand. Everyone dismounted. Ariella whispered, “We didn’t bring candles.”
“Yes, we did,” Alexi said proudly. He produced a candle from a breeches pocket, and lit it with flint. “C’mon.” He swiftly started inside, clearly intent on leading the way.
Everyone followed. Her stomach churning with dread, Elysse balked. She did not want to go inside.
The group of children vanished into the darkness inside the ruined castle. Elysse bit her lip, breathing hard. She became aware of being absolutely alone in the dark night, outside of the ruins. And perhaps that was even worse.
Something moved behind her. She cried out, leaping in fright, only to realize that one of the grazing horses had bumped into her. An owl hooted, the sound ominous. She hated adventure! She liked parties and pretty things! But being outside alone was worse than going inside with everyone else. Elysse rushed after the other children.
It was almost pitch-black inside and she could not see. She could hear their whispers, somewhere ahead, and she ran, trying to follow them. But the interior of the ruins was a stone maze. She hit a wall, panicked and turned, found a corner, and turned that, too. Her foot caught, and she tripped and fell.
She started to call out to Alexi, to tell him to wait, when she saw a flash of bright light in the darkness on the other side of the castle where the tower was. She froze, crouching by the wall, afraid to cry out. Had she just seen the light of the ghost’s torch?
Afraid to move