Sizzling. Сьюзен Мэллери

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Sizzling - Сьюзен Мэллери

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woman bowed slightly and left.

      He began putting dishes on the table. “I know you’ll want to get another taste of the food. It’s excellent. Our executive chef, Park, has been with us about six months. I didn’t like all the changes he wanted to make, but I’ve let him do a few things.”

      “The Waterfront went through the same sort of thing when it reopened,” Dani said with a smile. “Penny Jackson was determined to get her way. But who can argue with brilliance?”

      “I can and do,” Jim told her. “It’s my place. What I say goes.” Without bothering to ask what she liked, he dished up the food onto two plates.

      Dani took hers and studied the eclectic offering. There were several kinds of dumplings, tempura vegetables, a casserole that smelled heavenly.

      Jim poured her tea, then added a small amount of sugar. Okay, maybe it was just her, but this was a guy who enjoyed taking charge just a little too much. She would be lucky if he didn’t cut up her food and put it on her fork for her.

      “I’ve been looking for a manager for a while,” he said. “I need someone who can respect my vision. This restaurant is me.” He shrugged. “I’ve been called difficult.”

      Dani thought about all Gloria had done, letting her work her ass off and think she had a chance with the company only to finally admit Dani would never do better than Burger Heaven.

      “I can handle difficult,” Dani said. “As long as there are clearly defined goals and targets.”

      “Hey, that I can provide.” Jim dug into his food and urged her to do the same. “Isn’t it great?” he said when he’d chewed and swallowed.

      She sampled the various dishes and had to agree. When they’d finished, Jim rose and invited her to tour the restaurant with him.

      He explained about the specific arrangement of tables and how regulars who spent big had special seating areas. He preferred overbooking and didn’t mind sending people away.

      “Won’t they be unhappy and unlikely to return?” she asked.

      “Some will be, but in my experience people want what they can’t have and for a lot of them, that’s dinner at my place.”

      Dani wrinkled her nose. She was more of a “please the customer at all costs” kind of manager.

      They walked through the swinging doors that separated the front of the store from the back. As they stepped into the pristine, open kitchen, she braced herself for flying insults and swearing in several languages. Instead there was an unnatural silence.

      She stared at the men all working hard—chopping, blanching, prepping. The tallest of the group walked toward him. The embroidered name on his white jacket identified him as the executive chef.

      “Park, this is Dani Buchanan. She’s interviewing for the manager job.”

      Park turned to face her, then bowed slightly. But he didn’t speak.

      Dani had worked with enough brilliant chefs to expect attitude, opinion and a volume that would shatter the eardrums of the uninitiated.

      “Hi,” she said brightly. “I loved the sample menu. This is one place where making recommendations would be easy.”

      Nothing about Park’s handsome face changed. He blinked slowly.

      Before she could figure out what else to say, there was a loud clang in the back of the kitchen as two metal bowls fell into a metal sink. Jim immediately turned and spoke harshly in a language Dani didn’t understand. Everyone froze in midmotion, even Park.

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