Forbidden Secrets: His Secret Baby Bombshell. Michelle Celmer
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He wouldn’t leave until she assured him she was fine. “Just tired,” she told him, attempting to hold her head high and show as little weakness as possible, considering.
His brows dipped. “Are you coming down with something?”
Just a child.
If he didn’t think she was fine, he’d never get out of here. With all the energy she had left, Eve pushed herself out of the chair, forcing Graham to come to his feet, as well. She ignored his worried look and started toward the open foyer. Time to show her guest the door before she made a complete fool of herself and he figured out she was pregnant. She couldn’t tell him just yet.
“I’m running late,” she lied. “You let me know how we’re going to proceed after you talk to your brother.”
As she reached for the door handle, his hand covered hers.
“Don’t push me out.”
“We both have work.” Why was he so close? His familiar cologne enveloped her, but to her surprise, it didn’t turn her stomach. His warm breath tickled her cheek, and any other time she’d relish the moment. Now was definitely not that time.
“I mean mentally,” he corrected. Taking her by the shoulders he turned her around. “Whatever is going on with your dad, the courts and my brothers doesn’t have to affect us.”
Eve couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up. “You’re a fool if you believe that. It has already affected us. Until today, we’ve never kept our clothes on when you came here.”
His aqua eyes darkened. “I’m more than ready to rip that suit off you.”
And he would. Graham didn’t make veiled threats or empty promises. Right now, though, sex was not the answer.
Eve reached behind her and turned the doorknob. “You talk to your brother—we’ll talk about the suit ripping later.”
His eyes darted down to the V of her jacket, then back to her mouth.
“When I come back later, I want you to still have this on.”
With a quick, promising kiss that was anything but innocent and sweet, Graham walked out. Eve shut the door at her back and rested against the wood. How could she feel so nauseous and yet still be reacting to this man?
One thing was sure: until she knew where he stood with this whole inheritance issue, and until the ultrasound came back okay, she wasn’t telling him anything. They’d continue on as they had been...having sex and pretending the world around them didn’t exist.
“Tell me this is your idea and you’re not being persuaded by a woman you should consider our enemy.”
Graham eyed his brother, hating how much this paternity issue was eating away at them. They both just wanted answers...answers Sutton had, but refused to share. The man was dying. Why was he now choosing to be loyal to Cynthia? He hadn’t chosen her years ago, so this sudden burst of emotion was completely out of character.
And Brooks’s actions were also out of character. “This isn’t you,” Graham stated, eyeing his twin. “Being vindictive. I know you’re reacting out of frustration and hurt, but attacking Sutton in the media isn’t the way to deal with it.”
Brooks grabbed a tumbler from behind the bar in his study and poured two fingers of bourbon. Gripping the glass, he stared down at the contents as if weighing his actions. Eve wasn’t forcing Graham to do anything. What she said made sense, and Graham knew his brother wasn’t a hateful man. Brooks was fair, honest and loyal...quite the opposite of Sutton Winchester.
“Are you sleeping with her?”
The quietly spoken question hovered in the air. Brooks didn’t even look up, but Graham felt the punch to the gut just the same as if his brother had shouted the question.
“Are you going to ease off with the media?” Graham countered. “If you want Eve to cooperate, or any her sisters, we can’t come at them like we’re coming in for the kill.”
Graham winced at his poor choice of words considering the state of the old man. But still, Nora, Grace and Eve weren’t to blame. They didn’t choose to be born to a man as evil and self-righteous as Sutton.
Brooks tipped back the contents and slammed his glass down onto the polished mahogany bar. “You can’t be loyal to your lover and to your family. Your promiscuous ways are going to bite you in the ass.”
Graham paced across the room to the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the city below. This penthouse suite was perfect for a bachelor with a busy lifestyle. “I’ve gotten along just fine in my professional and personal life without your input.”
“If you think getting into bed with a Winchester isn’t going to do damage to our family, you’re even more blindsided by lust than I first thought. Didn’t we agree you’d stay away from her?”
Graham fisted his hands at his side. This was his brother, his twin. They were so similar, yet different. Brooks was the outgoing type, the go-getter, the grounded brother. Graham was definitely outgoing and a go-getter, but he also enjoyed a good time, a good woman. He’d been told often that his quiet charm won him cases and had women falling at his feet. He was just fine with that assessment.
But Graham wasn’t ready to give up what he and Eve were doing. Why should he? He’d never experienced anything like Eve before and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let Sutton Winchester’s will come between them. He’d find a way to make everything work, play the peacemaker and get the job done. Isn’t that what he excelled at?
“We didn’t agree on anything,” Graham stated. “Eve and I are adults. I know where my loyalties are and I won’t let anything stand in the way of getting Carson what is rightfully his and getting Sutton to tell us the name of our father. But attacking him in the press isn’t the way to go. We need to go in with a milder approach, for a stronger impact.”
Brooks quirked a brow. “And how do you suggest doing that?”
Pulling in a breath, Graham turned from the window. “Stop the press war and put a hold on the legal proceedings.”
Brooks opened his mouth, but Graham lifted his hand. “Leave this to me. We want Sutton to suffer, but not necessarily his daughters. They’ll be hurt, but we can make it less of a blow to them. Sutton is still alive, so as long as he is, we go straight to him. Play hardball with him. Introduce the evidence Roman has discovered and let Sutton make a choice. Tell him we’ll go to the media with all the facts, and the lineup of women claiming to have a child by him, or he can put Carson in his will as a beneficiary and give him his share. I’m demanding he give us the name of our father no matter what he chooses to do about the other issues. I refuse to back down on that.”
Brooks raked his thumb back and forth on his glass of bourbon, considering all the options. Graham knew he could make this work. He knew Eve would see his side so long as they quit attacking her father. Damn, but he admired her loyalty. Graham just wished she didn’t have to be