Cowboy Underneath It All. Delores Fossen

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Cowboy Underneath It All - Delores  Fossen

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happy.” She glanced at the stalls, hobbled around a little on her toes. “Now, if you don’t mind getting out of here, I have to pee. Like right now,” she added when they didn’t budge.

      Kane volleyed glances at them while Violet continued to hobble around. Just when Eliza was about to confess all, Violet hurried past them and into one of the stalls. Despite there being a door on the stall, Kane bolted out as if someone had scalded him.

      “We’ll talk when you’re finished,” Eliza told her sister. She followed Kane into the bar, not near anyone though, because Kane pulled her to the side.

      “When she comes out, you tell her the truth,” he demanded just as Eliza gave him another “I’m so sorry.”

      “The truth,” he emphasized. “And don’t apologize again. It won’t help. The only thing that’ll fix this is to tell Violet the way things really are.”

      “I will.” She paused. “But you don’t think it could wait until after the wedding? Just hear me out,” she added when Kane growled out a no. “It’s just for a couple of days, and then I’ll tell her the truth when she’s back from her honeymoon. I don’t want anything to put a damper on her mood.”

      “And this would?” He cursed, and it seemed to take him a couple of seconds and another round of profanity to find the words he wanted to say. “Why the hell would Violet care if we’re together or not?”


      He was not going to want to hear this, but she’d already told so many lies that she had to go with the truth. “Violet knows I’ve always had a thing for you. And she was worried about you, that you would take her engagement hard. Worried about me, too, because I broke up with my boyfriend. She thought this would be the perfect fix for both of us.”

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