The Marriage Charm. Linda Miller Lael

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The Marriage Charm - Linda Miller Lael

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of wild sex with a man she’d vowed to avoid for the rest of her life.

      Bex and Hadleigh were going to strangle her for getting involved with Spence again—if she ever told them about this. Not to mention that it was Sunday morning. She was normally a regular churchgoer, but she’d just renewed her sinner’s card, instead, by making love with Mustang Creek’s most notorious bachelor.

      Not to mention her stupidity card.

      His breath was warm against her mouth, and his lashes lowered. “I’d like to make it up to you if you have the time. My unseemly speed, I mean.”

      There was nothing to make up.

      “I have to feed my cats. I haven’t done it yet this morning.”

      He laughed, his eyes a crystalline blue as he gazed at her. “Can I get a better excuse than that, please?”

      The second time they made love it was slower, more measured but just as intense, and she held herself together a little longer, but by the third time she hit that sweet spot, Melody wasn’t even sure she could remember her own name.

      In bed he deserved a Hollywood star on a sidewalk somewhere.

      Out of it, she wasn’t positive they understood each other. At all. Emotionally speaking.

      The buildup to the wedding had been trying, although she supported Hadleigh and Tripp with all her cheerleader might, even in those torturous shoes, pom-poms waving. They’d all been cheerleaders in high school, way back when...

      Spence said something, and she registered the cadence of his deep voice, but she was tired, physically and mentally. The sheets were soft and smelled faintly like him, and all the bustle of the past few days came crashing down. She and Bex had been running around like headless chickens, handling all the details to keep Hadleigh sane. Melody nestled into the pillow like a bear finding a cave as the weather turned cold.

      “Hey, Sleeping Beauty, I just asked you a question.” A gentle hand caressed her shoulder.

      “Hmm. What?”

      “You want to talk about this?”

      “About what?”

      He chuckled softly. “I’m going to run into town. Do you want me to feed your cats while you take a nap since I’ll be in the vicinity?”

      What did he say? Nap. Yeah. What a glorious word. She mumbled, “Sure.”

      Then drifted off to sleep.

      * * *

      SPENCE WASN’T POSITIVE what to do.

      Okay, he needed to get this straight. For the first time since the dawn of human beings, since creatures crawled out of seas or grabbed an apple in a garden somewhere, depending on what school of thought you followed, a man wanted to talk to a woman about their relationship, and she just went to sleep.

      It was supposed to be the other way around.

      So...he watched her sleep. Melody had half turned toward him before she’d conked out, one hand under her cheek, her lashes casting shadows on her cheekbones.

      It wasn’t even noon.

      Harley whined at the bedroom door. Spence had shut him out—he didn’t want a canine audience while he and Melody were making love—and it was getting close to lunchtime. Spence got out of bed, pulled on his jeans again and headed toward the kitchen. Melody didn’t stir.

      After he fed his dog, he figured he ought to rustle up some human-grade food. Trouble was, he didn’t have much in the house.

      He dumped the high-end kibble—the stuff he traveled twenty miles one way to buy—into the dish and Harley went at it, gobbling it up with a gusto that made that trip worthwhile. Then he said, “Want to go into town?”

      Harley did an imitation of a champion high jumper by the door out to the back porch.

      Big yes.

      Spence got his keys and hers, since they were on the counter, grabbed a piece of paper from the drawer and wrote a note for Melody, which was an ironic twist to an already unusual morning. Then he hit a number on his phone. The owner of the Ride ʼem Café answered on the fourth ring and he said, “Good morning, Carly.”

      “Back at you, Chief. You sound chipper.”

      He was feeling chipper, although he was fairly sure that was a word he’d never use to describe himself. But yes, he was in a very good mood. There was a beautiful naked woman in his bed—naked except for that bracelet. He was going to have to ask Melody if she ever took that off. And it was a bright sunny day.

      Carly Riggs was from the South, which could account for her killer fried chicken, and he ordered two dinners to go, the usual sides. He remembered his first date with Melody and added two slices of cheesecake. If they were meandering down memory lane, they might as well go all the way. She didn’t do much in the dessert arena unless she’d changed a lot, but she’d always loved cheesecake.

      Be back with lunch was what he’d written.

      He hesitated but that seemed clear enough, so he left it at that. Harley jumped into his truck once they’d hot-footed it outside, and he drove to town.

      Beautiful day, birds singing, cartoon cupids darting around with their arrows...

      What had he just done? Spence’s hands curled around the steering wheel as he took the turn off the property. He’d seduced Melody.

      She might have joined in with a flattering amount of enthusiasm, but he knew she hadn’t come to the ranch expecting a roll in the hay, so he had to take responsibility. It was all on him.

      He really wasn’t some kind of Lothario, but that was his reputation. It had come about mostly because once he started dating women who weren’t Melody, he was quick to lose interest.

      He wondered how she’d feel if she found out how old those condoms were. Surely they held up pretty well in those foil packs. He didn’t sleep around, no matter what everyone gabbed about. At one time, especially after their breakup, he’d dated lots of women, but his heart hadn’t been in it, and that was a problem, as he’d discovered.

      “Her cats are weird according to what I’ve heard from Tripp,” he said to Harley as he drove into Mustang Creek proper. “You’ll have to stay outside.”

      His dog gave him a look that spelled out clearly he thought all cats were weird.

      That was a valid point in Spence’s view. He took a breath and expelled it. “I wasn’t looking to get involved again,” he confided. “At least I didn’t think so. Not until this weekend...”

      Sprawled in the passenger seat, Harley whined in commiseration, his white paws crossed.

      Some jerk was speeding, going the other way on Main, and as they passed he took a moment to radio that in. He was never truly off duty, but that was fine.

      He pulled up at Melody’s house, took Harley as far as the front porch and told him to

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