Forever A Hero. Linda Miller Lael

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Forever A Hero - Linda Miller Lael

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nodded, set down her coffee cup.

      “My name’s Spence Hogan,” the man said, “and I’m the chief of police. Mind if I come in?”

      Kelly was only half kidding when she answered. “Not at all. Unless you’re here to arrest me for leaving the scene of an accident, that is.”

      His smile was the kind that probably caused a seismic shift every time it flashed across that tanned, rugged face. “You’re in the clear, Ms. Wright,” he said, crossing the room to stand a few feet from her bedside. “I’m here to take a statement, that’s all. And, unfortunately, to tell you that your rental car is a total loss.”

      “I figured it would be,” Kelly said, wondering why he’d come to the hospital personally rather than sending a deputy or someone from the office.

      Clearly, he’d guessed what she was thinking, because there was a spark of amusement in his eyes. “I came by to look in on a friend who’s recovering from an emergency appendectomy. It made sense to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, and pay you a visit, too.”

      “Oh,” Kelly said.

      He took a smartphone from his shirt pocket and tapped an icon. “I just need a few details about what happened,” he told her. His voice, deep and laconic, reminded her of Mace’s, a fact that both jangled and soothed her nerves. His eyes were clear and direct as he met her gaze. “First, though, I have some news. The rental car people have been notified, and they’re sending a replacement from Jackson. Should be here by the end of the day.”

      “That’s good.” Kelly hesitated, almost afraid to ask. “My things—my handbag and laptop and suitcases—were any of them recovered?”

      “The purse and the laptop came through all right—evidently, they were thrown from the car while it was rolling down the hill, because my deputy found them on the bank.” Spence Hogan paused, winced humorously. “I’m afraid everything else went up in smoke when the rig exploded.”

      Kelly gulped. “The car exploded?”

      “Yes,” Hogan answered, solemn now. He was probably thinking how easily Kelly herself might have been blown to flaming pieces; she certainly was.

      “But it wasn’t burning when Mace—Mr. Carson and I left. And the rain was really coming down hard.”

      Hogan raised one shoulder slightly, lowered it again. “Must’ve been some kind of delayed reaction. It happens.”

      A shudder ran through Kelly. She felt herself go pale and, for one awful moment, she thought she might throw up.

      Concern furrowed the chief’s brow, and he slipped the smartphone back into his pocket. “We’ll talk about the accident later,” he decided. “Do you want me to call a nurse or a doctor?”

      Kelly swallowed hard, shook her head, attempted to smile. “I’m okay,” she said.

      And she was. Thanks to Mace Carson.

      Talk about déjà vu.

      She’d come to Mustang Creek to see Mace again—but not for personal reasons; she was on an important mission for GGI, and he was a vintner with a flair for innovation. She was here on business, in other words.

      The opportunity to reiterate her gratitude for his help ten years ago was a bonus.

      Chief Hogan took a business card from the same pocket housing his phone and laid it on the bedside table. “When you’re feeling better, give me a call.”

      Kelly, busy breathing her way through the what-might-have-been scenario splashing across the screen of her mind, promised she’d be in touch. Hogan excused himself and left.

      Five minutes later, Dr. Draper, a titian beauty with shadows of fatigue under her eyes, arrived. “Hello, Kelly. Remember me?”

      Kelly smiled. “Yes. You were on duty in the ER last night, when I came in.” She paused. “Was that a test?”

      Dr. Draper laughed quietly. “It wasn’t, actually, but I would’ve been pretty concerned if you’d said no.” She came to stand beside the bed, took Kelly’s pulse. “How are you feeling today? Any double vision? Pain?”

      “No double vision,” Kelly replied, as Dr. Draper put the earpieces of her stethoscope in place and listened to her patient’s chest. “I had a slight headache when I woke up, but it’s gone now.”

      Dr. Draper nodded, tugged the stethoscope free of her ears and let it dangle from her neck like a strand of pearls. “Any dizziness?”

      “No,” Kelly answered.

      “I’m going to release you, then,” the doctor said. “I strongly suggest you see your own physician in a week or so, and obviously, if there are symptoms in the meantime, you need to seek medical assistance right away.”

      “Okay,” Kelly agreed. This woman wasn’t much older than she was. What was it about doctors, whatever their age, that made a successful, confident adult feel like a five-year-old?

      “Is there someone who can pick you up?” Dr. Draper asked. “I’d rather you didn’t drive for a day or two.” When Kelly didn’t answer, the doctor went on. “Some of the local hotels provide car service, or we could arrange for a cab.”

      “That won’t be necessary,” a familiar voice said from the doorway.

      Kelly’s heartbeat quickened when she saw Mace standing there, looking fabulous to the infinite power in an ordinary cotton shirt, jeans and boots. His dark blond hair was still damp from a recent shower, and a fashionable stubble accented his strong chin. Like Chief Hogan, he held a Stetson hat in one hand.

      Dr. Draper turned toward him. “Mace Carson,” she said wryly. “What a surprise.”

      He smiled guilelessly. “Just being neighborly,” he said. “I figured the lady would need a ride to her hotel.”

      The doctor looked back at Kelly. “Does that arrangement work for you?” she asked.

      Kelly blushed like a teenager. “Yes,” she answered.

      Dr. Draper nodded. “All right, then,” she said. “I’ll sign you out, but you’ll need to stop by the business office before you leave.”

      Mace saluted the doctor as she approached, and she gave him a shoulder bump as she passed, which made him laugh.

      A brief silence fell.

      Kelly broke it a minute or so later. “I have to get dressed,” she said, and immediately felt lame for stating the obvious.

      “I’ll be at the nurses’ station.” Mace started to turn away, then turned back, a question dancing in his eyes. “You need any help?”

      “No,” Kelly said too quickly.

      Mace grinned. “I’m sure one of the nurses would be glad to lend a hand.”

      “Go away,” Kelly snapped, her cheeks burning again.


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