Stealing The Cowboy's Heart. Debbi Rawlins
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Landon looked at the old clock on the wall beside the pantry and smiled. The picture of a fancy cupcake was captioned with I Bake in big bold letters, followed by so I don’t strangle people in a dainty cursive used to hang in her kitchen. “You still have that.”
“I tried getting rid of it but somehow it just wouldn’t stay in the donation box.” Her laugh ended in a sigh at the sight of the mangled cupcake. “Too bad you don’t like chocolate cupcakes.”
“Who says I don’t?”
“Are you kidding? I must have made thousands of cupcakes over the years, and I don’t think you touched a single one of them.”
“Only because I knew you were filling orders. I didn’t want to screw up your count.”
She hadn’t yet iced the six extra she’d made for the display case, so she snitched one from under the dish towel, then turned to Landon. “Well, you were the only one.” She should’ve known, she thought. Landon had always been considerate like that. And Gary, who should’ve been supportive of her fledgling home business, well, he’d been just as bad as the rest of his thoughtless buddies.
At times he’d treated her like his personal maid, minus a paycheck. And what had Kylie done about it? Nothing. She’d made excuses for him, to herself, to her friends, to her mom...although that was easy. Her mother never had a problem giving a man a pass.
Thinking back to those horrible days shamed Kylie to her core. She couldn’t bear to imagine what Landon had thought of her lack of backbone. And then to make things worse, she had a sudden flashback to that day she and Landon had almost kissed.
At the memory, her cheeks flamed. Why did her brain have to dig all that up now? This was exactly why Kevin was the right kind of man for her. She’d always know where he stood, and that job emergencies notwithstanding, when he’d be home each night.
“Kylie?” Landon’s tone suggested this wasn’t the first time he’d tried to get her attention.
Finally she looked at him, but it wasn’t easy.
“What are you gonna do with that?” he asked, nodding at the ruined cupcake. “I’d be happy to take it off your hands.”
“I thought you watched what you ate.”
“Yeah, well, I’m allowed to cheat now and then. Especially when something smells this good.”
Kylie heard the jingle of the bell over the door and handed Landon the cupcake. “I’ll be right out,” she called as she took off her apron.
“Take your time,” Joe Hopkins replied in a gravelly voice.
“Stay here while I talk to Joe.”
Landon put his hands up. “Whatever you say.”
She didn’t believe that for a minute.
True to his word, Landon stayed in the kitchen. Though he didn’t understand why she wanted him to hang back. Maybe she thought he’d butt in, which he wouldn’t have done since he knew very little about carpentry.
He liked the other possibility better...that he was too big a distraction. Fair was fair. Thinking about her had given him a broken leg.
In the long run it didn’t matter that he’d stayed in the kitchen. He could hear every bit of the conversation thanks to Joe’s loud voice. The counter and cabinet didn’t seem to be very complicated, and Landon was pleased that she asked about his idea for the bench seats. But after Joe quoted her a price for the whole job, Kylie was quick to ask him to give her a separate number for just the counter and cabinet. It took the guy a few minutes to revise his price, but even then, Kylie didn’t commit to anything.
The fact that she wanted to keep the same rustic feel as most of the shops in town, but still give it an urban twist made it impossible for Landon to judge whether either quote was reasonable or not. All he knew for sure was that it had given Kylie pause.
Leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, he checked out the stout, middle-aged man as Kylie walked him to the door. Joe eyed him back and Landon gave him a friendly nod.
As soon as the man was gone, Landon stepped out of the kitchen. “You think he’s charging too much?”
Kylie glanced at him, her brow furrowed in thought. “I honestly don’t know,” she said, then turned back to studying the wall as he moved over next to her. “You know,” she said, without looking at him, “the bench seats really are a good idea.”
“Joe seemed to think so, too.”
“Yeah,” she said, angling her hands in front of her as if she were visualizing the booths. “They’ll still have to wait. I won’t know for a while if this coffee bar idea will even work.”
“What if you didn’t have to pay for anything but the material?”
She looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. “I have my hands pretty full ruining cupcakes.”
“I’ve got nothing but time for the next couple of weeks. I could probably handle it.”
Her brow furrowed again. “With a busted leg.”
“I’m not completely helpless. And there’s got to be a local kid who could use a few bucks for helping me with the lifting. Right?”
“I think what you’re supposed to be doing is recuperating.”
“Right, but I still have to keep myself busy enough that I won’t go insane. Seriously, Kylie, it can’t be all that difficult.” He hoped.
“What do you know about carpentry, anyway?”
“I grew up on a ranch. You think I didn’t have to do my share of repairs?”
“That’s not the same as building something from scratch.”
She had a point there, but when she folded her arms across her chest, he couldn’t seem to make heads or tails of what that point was.
But he didn’t let his gaze linger. He needed to get a tight grip on his control or he was going to blow his best shot at getting close enough to Kylie to see if they could have something.
She studied him for a long time, but before she could speak, a couple of women walked in and while they clearly knew Kylie, they seemed to be a lot more interested in looking him over.
He needed to make himself scarce. It was easy to slip back into the kitchen and listen to the women chatting up a storm, while using the opportunity to call his brother. Chad was the handy one in the family.
“Hey, you got a minute?”
Chad snorted. “Yeah, I’m fine. And you?”