The Rancher's Christmas Match. Brenda Minton
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It was a fairly new motto, put in place when the latest disappointment, a friend, had exited her life with a large chunk of her business profits.
“He’s fine,” she answered her daughter. “Just a little under the weather.”
“You think he’s drunk,” Allie stated, with a knowing tone to her voice.
“Allie, that isn’t for you to say.”
“I know, Mom.” She now sounded contrite. Rebecca didn’t have to look at her daughter to know the tone wouldn’t match the look on her face.
Rebecca sighed and reached for the door. “I’m going to make sure he’s okay, and then we’ll head on to the ranch for the appointment with Mr. West. Are you okay?”
Allie nodded, but her attention was glued to the man in the ditch. He had straightened and now shifted his cowboy hat, wiping his brow with his arm. He glanced toward Rebecca as she got out of the car.
“Need help?” she asked.
“Nope.” He trudged up the hill, slowly, but far more steady on his feet than he’d been when they first met.
Bad boy or not, he was easy on the eyes. Tall, just broad enough through the shoulders to think he’d be easy to lean on, and even in late November he’d held on to a golden tan. His hair was dark and his eyes were the gray of clouds bringing a winter storm.
She nearly sighed at her own ridiculous inventorying of his good looks. He was a cowboy. The kind that wore faded jeans and scuffed up boots. He was obviously trouble. And she needed to stay on task and not fall prey to anything or anyone that would distract her from her mission.
With Aunt Evelyn gone, Rebecca and Allie were the closest they’d ever been to being on their own. But they had each other, a nest egg to fall back on and a plan. Part of that plan included meeting with Jack West.
The cowboy had returned to the shoulder of the road and he seemed a little more clear-eyed than he’d been a short time ago. A shaky hand brushed through his hair before he replaced his black cowboy hat, neatly hiding the scar that had drawn her attention. It snaked from the side of his face to the portion of his scalp just above his ear.
She guessed he was one of Jack West’s veterans.
“Ready to go?” he asked, as he walked with her to the driver’s side of the car. He opened her door and motioned for her to get behind the wheel.
“Yes. And thank you.” She didn’t know what else to say as he closed her door and headed back to the passenger side.
Moments later they were easing down the paved driveway of Mercy Ranch. It appeared to be a sprawling place, with rolling hills of winter-brown grass. White vinyl fencing split the land, creating corrals, smaller pastures, then wide-open fields. Her passenger pointed toward a large, log-sided home, but beyond that she saw an older white farmhouse, a metal building that appeared to be living quarters and, to the left, a large stable.
She parked next to the log house. The place glittered in the late-afternoon sun as the light reflected off the windows. A dog, a big yellow Labrador, lazed on the front porch.
“Here we are,” he said. But he sat there a moment, not moving.
“Are you going to be sick again?” Allie asked from the back seat. “Does your head hurt? Is your vision blurry?”
“Allie,” Rebecca warned.
He didn’t seem offended. But he did turn and ask Allie to repeat what she’d said. She did and he smiled.
“I do have a headache and I’m not going to be sick. And my vision is just fine.”
He got out of the car and said to Rebecca, “If you need to see Jack, I can get him for you. Oh, and I’ll take my keys.”
She handed him the keys she’d dropped in her purse. “I’m thirty minutes early.”
“He won’t mind that you’re early.” Isaac closed the door and walked away.
She hadn’t planned on getting out, but the cowboy had stopped walking and leaned against the front of her car.
“I think he needs help, Mom,” Allie piped up.
Rebecca closed her eyes and sent a rare petition for aid from above. “Come on, let’s help him to the house and we’ll see if Mr. West is available.”
“Good!” Allie jumped from the car and hurried around to pet the dog that had meandered off the porch to greet them.
“Allie, you don’t know the dog.” Rebecca called out the warning, but it was too late. Allie had her arms around it and the animal didn’t seem to mind.
“Decide to come on up to the house?” the cowboy asked.
“Allie thought you might need assistance.”
“That’s kind of her. It isn’t usually this bad.”
“Maybe you should see about getting help.”
He didn’t take her advice at all seriously. Instead, he leaned on her a bit.
She considered putting some distance between them, but at that moment he stumbled. She put a steadying hand on his arm.
“If you can help me to the house, I’ll get Jack for you.”
They were halfway there when the door opened and a man stepped out on the porch. He looked like an older version of the cowboy, but broader through the shoulders, and his dark hair had grayed. At the sight of the two of them, he shook his head.
“Isaac, I’ve been wondering what kept you.”
Isaac. She groaned, because now she understood his amusement with her name. Isaac and Rebecca, the Bible couple, parents of Jacob and Esau. She wanted no part of it. She didn’t want to be a biblical reference.
“Dad, let me introduce you to Rebecca. She gave me a ride home when it appeared I might be intoxicated.” He winked at her. “Rebecca, meet Jack West.”
Jack stepped down off the porch, his left side trembling as he navigated the stairs. His arm jerked a bit and he said something under his breath. Even with his obvious physical problems, he appeared strong, and he smiled at her with all the charm she’d expected after reading articles about him and speaking with him on the phone.
“Miss Rebecca, I’m glad you’re here. And that must be your little girl, Allie. I’ll apologize for Isaac. He isn’t as funny as he thinks he is. But he’s most definitely sober.”
With a tip of his hat, Isaac headed for the stairs. “Sorry to disappoint you, darlin’, but I needed a ride home