A Texas Holiday Reunion. Shannon Vannatter Taylor
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“I remember all the pieces I build. The same as you probably remember all of your designs.”
She did. And those had been a challenge. When the order had been placed, she hadn’t been sure she could make rustic wingbacks come together. But in the end, it worked. And the second generation owners, neighbors and friends had placed more orders, until only Rusticks Log Furnishings complemented Chasing Eden Dude Ranch.
Silence hung loud and heavy, and turned awkward. He shifted his weight.
“I’m sorry about Felicity.” There, she’d said it. And she was sorry. Why was it so hard for her to say his wife’s name?
His eyes dimmed. He was obviously still grieving her. “Thanks.”
The doors opened. “Heads up.” Devree, her wedding planner, entered the dining room. “I gave the guests a nudge in this direction, so we’re about to be inundated.”
“We’re all set here.” Resa sidestepped Colson, but he chose the same direction and she smacked into him. It was like running into a brick wall.
“Whoa.” His breath fanned her forehead.
He was still solid. Her cheeks went hot as she stepped around him and opened the door to the foyer.
Mac beamed at her. “Resa, so good to see you.” Colson’s dad gave her a warm hug.
“You, too, Mac. Thank you so much for doing the best man thing again.”
“Wouldn’t have missed it.” He was such an honorable man. If only his son was as loyal.
“Please come in,” she called to the guests, gesturing toward the tables. “You’ll find name cards at each place setting and the ushers will help you find your seat.” Her smile felt forced.
Partly because of Colson. But mostly because after the reception, Mom and Dad were leaving and would be gone until Christmas Eve. They were finally taking the time to realize their dream of a Mediterranean cruise. Leaving Resa to oversee Rusticks Log Furnishings and the family ranch.
Her gaze landed on her brother. Fun-loving, charming ladies’ man. He didn’t take anything seriously and didn’t have a speck of dependability in him.
Even though Mom had asked him to come home to help run things during their absence, Emmett would probably leave as soon as he took their parents to the airport. At least Resa wouldn’t have to worry about keeping him in line, along with everything else.
Once the reception ended, Colson would leave, too. Then maybe her heartbeat would get back to normal and she could focus on designing furniture and keeping the ranch and the store running smoothly through the Christmas rush.
Just get through this day. Concentrate on Mom and Dad. Not Colson.
* * *
The reception got under way and Colson tried to blend in. Resa’s mom was radiant as she chatted with guests at the head table.
Colson stiffened, immediately on guard when his gaze landed on Emmett sitting just down from his mom. He hadn’t noticed Resa’s elusive, prodigal brother. Hadn’t expected him to show.
But Cheyenne was safely tucked away at the McCalls’ house with his stepmom. Protected from the one man who could turn her world upside down.
With a yawn, Emmett’s ice-blue eyes scanned every attractive female in the room. Nothing had changed since high school. He was still a playboy who was always in trouble, who left a string of young girls heartbroken. But he wouldn’t get a chance at Cheyenne.
Emmett was the epitome of a spoiled rich kid, while Resa never gave off our-parents-are-loaded vibes. A kind, caring Christian. If only Colson had listened to her in high school when she’d tried to tell him about Jesus.
His life would have been so different.
But he wouldn’t have his little girl. Cheyenne was proof that good things could come out of bad decisions.
“Can you believe Maryann asked Emmett to help me at the store while they’re gone?” his dad whispered.
Colson’s insides tilted. “He’ll be here?”
“I sincerely doubt it. I’m surprised he even showed up for the ceremony. He’ll probably leave as soon as they do.”
Colson couldn’t possibly stay here if Emmett did. No way around it, he’d have to let Dad down.
Seated at the head table, Resa avoided his gaze. Maybe he should have stayed in the truck. Steered clear of Emmett. And her.
But one glimpse of Resa still twisted his insides into a pretzel.
Forget-me-not blue eyes still beautiful despite the hurt he’d put there—turned icy when she looked at him. Her silken inky hair, creamy skin, delicate features always turned heads. Her lacy red dress only highlighted her beauty. Yet she’d never married. Never even dated after him, from what he’d heard through the grapevine.
After what he’d done to her, she probably thought he and all other men were just like her brother. And Colson had purposely let her think it.
His father pushed his plate away. “There was a time when I thought you might marry her.”
Colson’s breath caught. “Who?”
“Who.” Dad chuckled. “That girl you haven’t taken your eyes off of. That spring when you worked at the ranch and y’all dated, I thought it would last.”
“I had to do the right thing.” He’d turned his back on her. “Felicity needed me. And now that she’s gone, I have to focus on Cheyenne.”
“But things are different now. And Cheyenne could use a woman in her life.” Dad patted his knee. “Just because your marriage wasn’t good—just because your mother divorced me—it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give love a chance. Look at them.”
The elder McCalls exchanged a kiss. There was a lifetime of love obvious in their smiles.
But his mother hadn’t only left Dad behind. She’d left Colson. Not because she’d died, but on purpose. One day, she’d thrown him the perfect birthday party. The next day, she ran off with another man. Never looked back, called, sent letters or emails. Nothing.
At the tender age of nine, he’d decided to never love another woman. And he hadn’t. Not even Felicity. Until Resa McCall got to him. Took him to church. Introduced him to Jesus. And by trusting in a man he couldn’t see, he’d learned to trust her. Had fallen for her.
But then his past mistakes had caught up with him. Felicity had dropped her bomb. In doing the right thing, he’d left Resa feeling abandoned, just as he’d felt when his mother had left. Trashed any chance of anything happening with the only girl he’d ever loved. Trashed her heart in the process.
Her gaze met his, then skittered away.