The Chain of Destiny. Бетти Нилс

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The Chain of Destiny - Бетти Нилс

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old family documents. An adequate salary would be paid and there was the use of a small flatlet. Pets not objected to. Good references were essential. Application in the first instance to be made in own handwriting. A box number followed.

      ‘Well,’ declared Suzannah and drew a great breath. ‘Do you suppose it’s real?’

      ‘Course it is, m’dear. Now you just go into the room at the back and write a letter, and it’ll go with the noon post.’ Mrs Coffin rummaged through a shelf of stationery behind her. ‘Here, take this paper, it’s best quality and it will help to make a good impression.’


      ‘You can nip round to the vicar and Dr Warren when you’ve written it. You just sit yourself down and write.’

      The dear soul pushed Suzannah into the little room at the back of the shop and pulled out a chair, and, since she had nothing to lose, she wrote.

      Three days went by and, though she had made up her mind not to depend too much on a reply, she was disappointed to hear nothing. She got up early on the fourth morning and wrote out her own advertisement once more, and was putting it into an envelope when the postman pushed several letters through the letterbox. There were still outstanding matters arising from her aunt’s death and, trivial though they were, she had dealt with them carefully; she leafed through the little bundle to discover most of them were receipts of the small debts she had paid, but the last letter was addressed in a spidery hand on thick notepaper and bore the Marlborough postmark.

      Suzannah opened it slowly. The letter inside was brief and written in the same spidery hand, informing her that her application had been received and, since her references were satisfactory, would she be good enough to go to the above address for an interview in two days time? Her expenses would be paid. The letter was signed by Editha Manbrook, an elderly lady from the look of her handwriting, which, while elegant in style, was decidedly wavery.

      Suzannah studied the address on the letter: Ramsbourne House, Ramsbourne St Michael. A village, if she remembered rightly, between Marlborough and Avebury. She could get a bus to Marlborough and probably a local bus to the village, which was only a few miles further on.

      She went to Mrs Coffin’s shop after breakfast, told her the good news and posted her reply, and then hurried back to the lodge to worry over her wardrobe. There wasn’t all that much to worry about. It would have to be her tweed suit, no longer new, but with a good press it would pass muster; it was grey herringbone and did nothing to improve her looks, but on the other hand she considered that it made her look sober and serious, two attributes which would surely count when it came to selecting a candidate for the job? There was a grey beret to go with the suit, and a pair of wellbrushed black shoes and her good leather handbag and gloves. She tried them all on to make sure that they looked all right, with Horace for an audience.

      The appointment was for two o’clock; she had an early lunch, told Horace to be good while she was away, and caught the bus to Marlborough. There was a local bus going to Avebury several times a day and she caught it without trouble, arriving at Ramsbourne St Michael with time enough to enquire where Ramsbourne House was and then walk for ten minutes or so to the big gates at the end of a country lane.

      The drive was a short one, running in a semicircle between shrubs, and it opened out before a pleasant Regency house, painted white and with wide sash-windows. The drive disappeared round one side, but Suzannah went to the canopied porch and rang the bell.

      An elderly maid opened the door and Suzannah said, ‘Perhaps I shouldn’t have come to this door—I’ve come for an appointment about a job…’

      The woman smiled and ushered her inside. ‘That’s right, miss, I’ll show you where you can wait.’

      She opened a door to one side of the entrance hall and Suzannah went past her into a pleasant room with wide windows overlooking the side of the house. She paused only for a moment, and then sat down in the nearest chair.

      She hoped that her surprise hadn’t shown too clearly upon her face; it had been foolish of her to suppose that she would be the only person after the job. She murmured a rather belated good afternoon and took a surreptitious stock of the other occupants of the room. There were four of them, and each of them had the look of a woman who was skilled at her work and knew it. One of them said loudly now, ‘There is no mention of shorthand and typing, but I imagine it will be an absolute must for this kind of job.’ The others agreed and Suzannah’s heart sank into her shoes. Her journey was a waste of time; she could have put her advertisement in the paper three days ago and perhaps by now she would have had some replies; time was running out… She checked her thoughts; fussing wasn’t going to help. She watched the other young women go in one after another until she sat alone, and presently the last one came out and gave her a cursory nod. ‘You can go in.’

      So Suzannah knocked on the door at the end of the room and went in. The room was large, opulently furnished in an old-fashioned style and very warm. Two old ladies sat on either side of a bright fire and neither spoke as she crossed the room over the polished wood floor towards them. When she was near enough she wished them a good afternoon in her quiet voice and stood patiently while they took a good look at her.

      One of the old ladies took up her letter and read it. ‘Suzannah Lightfoot? A pretty name. What do you know about cataloguing and indexing documents?’

      ‘Nothing—that is, I have never done it before, but I think it must be largely a matter of common sense and patience. I’m interested in old books and papers, and I know I would very much like the work, but I can’t do shorthand nor can I type.’

      The second old lady said thoughtfully. ‘From your references I see that you had a place offered you at Bristol University reading English Literature. You didn’t mention that in your reply to my advertisement.’ And when Suzannah didn’t answer, ‘Modesty is always refreshing. We think that you will be very suitable for the post. The salary we offer is by no means large; indeed, we were left with the impression that it is quite inadequate when it was mentioned to our other applicants. But there is a small flatlet where you may live while you are here.’

      ‘I have a well-behaved cat,’ said Suzannah.

      ‘We have no objection to your pet, but perhaps you may object to the salary we offer.’ She mentioned a sum which, while modest, was a good deal more than Suzannah had hoped for.

      She said quickly, ‘I’m quite satisfied with that, thank you, Miss Manbrook.’

      ‘Then we shall expect you—let me see—in four days’time? I think it best if we send the car for you, since you will have luggage and your cat. We have your address, have we not?’ She glanced at the other lady. ‘You agree, Amelia?’ and when that lady nodded, ‘Then you will be good enough to press the bell; you will wish to see the flat.’

      The same elderly maid answered it and led Suzannah away, back across the hall down a passage and out of a side door. The small courtyard outside was encircled with outbuildings: a garage with a flat above it, storerooms and what could have been a stable, now empty. At the end of these there was a small door which her companion opened. There was a tiny hall leading to a quite large room with a cooking alcove in one corner and an open door leading to a small bathroom. There were windows back and front and a small Victorian fireplace. It was nicely furnished and carpeted and, although the front window looked out upon the courtyard and the side of the house, the view from the back window was delightful.

      ‘Oh, how very nice,’ said Suzannah, and beamed at her companion. ‘Would you tell me your name?’


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