Put It Out There. D. Graham R.
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He smiled in a nervous way that made me feel vicariously awkward.
It took a while, but I eventually came up with something to say to break the silence. “You grew a lot since I saw you last.”
His face winced slightly, maybe wishing I hadn’t reminded him he used to be smaller than me. “A bit.”
“And have you been working out or something?”
His cheeks definitely went red at that point, which wasn’t the effect I was going for. “I’ve been coaching tennis at the community centre.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you played.”
“I’ve been on the school tennis team since grade eight.” He looked a little hurt that I didn’t know.
“Right, I knew that,” I scrambled. Truthfully, football was the only sport I paid attention to since it was what Trevor had played in high school.
Steve chuckled, “I was on student council with you too. My name’s Steve. Do you at least remember that?”
I squished up my face and squinted exaggeratedly. “You look vaguely familiar,” I joked, and we walked into the students’ lounge, where the grade eights were all huddled around, chattering.
The chairs were set up in two rows facing each other. Our principal yelled for the mentors to sit along one side. Steve and I sat beside each other and talked as we waited for our buddies to be assigned. A tiny girl with strawberry curls sat down in the chair in front of Steve. She grinned shyly and her cheeks turned pink as if she thought Steve was one of the celebrities in Kailyn’s magazine.
“Hi. I’m Steve Rawlings.” He reached his arm out and shook her hand.
She scanned the room, as if she hoped her friends could see that she lucked out and got a hot guy as her mentor. My buddy was as small as the girl and even a little skinnier. He had dark hair and very pale skin. His eyes were hard to see because he wore wire-rimmed glasses, and he hadn’t looked up since he sat down.
“Hi. I’m Derian. What’s your name?”
He glanced up. His eyes were big and brown. He focused back down at his lap and said, with an adorable cartoon-pitched voice, “Nikolai.”
“Nice to meet you, Nikolai. Do you have any questions about high school so far?”
His head tilted up, but he didn’t speak.
“That’s what I’m here for. If you need anything at all, just ask me.”
He shook his head—not like he didn’t have any questions, more like he was too afraid to ask them.
“When I was in grade eight I wanted to know lots of things.” I pulled out the map from his student agenda and showed him where all the important things were. “This is where my locker is.” I marked it with a circle on the map. “If you need anything just come find me.”
He smiled a little and looked around nervously, as if he expected someone to spring on him or something. At that point, the principal shouted instructions again.
After we walked our buddies to their lockers and pointed them in the right direction for their first classes, I asked Steve, “Were we that cute in grade eight?”
“You were. I definitely wasn’t. What’s your first class?”
“Um,” I opened my binder and read my schedule. “English with Mrs. Tookey.”
“Kooky Tookey. Me too. May I have the honour of escorting you to class, Miss Lafleur?” He presented his arm so I could hook my arm around his elbow like a Jane Austen character.
“Certainly, my dear sir.”
We sat beside each other halfway down the aisle of desks in Mrs. Tookey’s classroom. She really was kooky. She breezed in with a trail of rainbow scarves twisting behind her. Her hair was clumped into long dirty-blonde dreads and tied into a ponytail with a red shoelace. It was a style that matched her long peasant skirt, Birkenstock sandals, and pink socks. I chuckled a little as she took in a deep breath and smiled at us lovingly. “Namaste,” she said.
The entire class stared at her, not sure how to respond.
She pressed her palms together in a prayer position and bowed. “All right, before we jump right into work I would like everyone to take a moment to set an intention for this year.”
Lisa Alvarez, who acted like a teacher’s pet and got away with things because of her looks, shot her hand up and asked, “Intention for what?”
Mrs. Tookey smiled adoringly. “Whatever you wish—the sky is the limit. If you want something to be, just think about it happening. The universe will provide it for you when the timing is right.”
Lisa glanced at Steve, he looked at me. A bunch of guys at the back of the class laughed. I could only imagine what types of things they were going to wish for. Steve shot a quick look at the guys behind him and smiled. Then he looked back at me and tried to appear serious again.
“Think of something in this world you wish would become a reality for you,” Mrs. Tookey continued. “All right, everyone close your eyes. Rest your feet firmly on the ground. Relax. Feel your breath flow in and out. Think about what you wish would come true for you—something that will bring you supreme happiness. Now put it out there.”
The guys at the back snickered again. Mrs. Tookey cleared her throat, annoyed. I thought about what I wanted my intention to be. The only thing I wanted with all my heart was for my dad not to be dead. There weren’t enough intentions in the world to make that true. Wishing for my dream car made me seem kind of materialistic since other people had way less than I did. Straight As were achievable without intervention from the universe. Hopefully, getting kissed for the first time was a milestone I could also achieve on my own accord. I clenched my eyes shut and set an intention that meant something: I will find a way to earn enough money to do the renovations so Granddad will be able to keep the Inn.
I opened my eyes. Steve stared at me eagerly. “What intention did you set?”
“Isn’t it like a wish? If I tell you, it won’t come true.”
He waved his hand to dismiss my concern. “Nah, the more people you tell, the stronger the intention will become.”
“What’s yours?”
“That you’ll go out with me on Saturday night.” He smiled and raised his eyebrows expectantly.
“Oh,” I muttered, totally unprepared for that.
His smile faded.
Thankfully, Mrs. Tookey lectured for the entire class, so Steve and I couldn’t finish the conversation about going out on Saturday night. I was not experienced at all in the world of dating. I needed to consult with Sophie before I gave Steve an answer. When Mrs. Tookey dismissed