Not Quite Over You. Сьюзен Мэллери
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“You made it,” she said with a smile. “How was your flight?”
“Good. Easy.”
From Happily Inc he could drive to Los Angeles, Phoenix or Las Vegas, and then take a plane pretty much anywhere he wanted. For his trip to New York, he’d chosen to go through Los Angeles. His publisher always booked him first class and put him up at a fancy hotel. There was little to complain about.
“Hank’s already here,” Sara told him. “In the conference room.”
The first time he’d visited his publisher’s offices, he hadn’t known what to expect. He discovered that they were offices, kind of like every other business. Junior employees worked in cubicles and those higher on the food chain had nice private offices with windows. Instead of artwork, there were posters of book covers everywhere, and a gallery of author head shots. Pretty much every bit of wall space had bookshelves overflowing with books, but otherwise, there was little to distinguish this space from, say, an insurance broker.
Paper manuscripts had gone the way of the dinosaur—authors submitted digitally and were edited the same way. Copy edits were done with track changes, as were final page proofs. Cover art, from concept to finished product, was emailed. Jasper had started his writing career with a pad and pencil but had quickly learned if he was going to get serious, he had to work on a computer. Now he couldn’t imagine creating any other way.
“We’re all excited about the book you’re working on,” Sara said, leading him toward one of the conference rooms.
He chuckled. “Is that your not-so-subtle way of asking if I’m going to deliver the book on time?”
Sara smiled. “No, but now that you mention it...” She motioned him into a small conference room. “How is the book going?”
“I’m on track. I should be done in plenty of time.”
“That’s exactly what I want to hear.”
He walked in and shook hands with his agent. Hank was a small, thin man pushing fifty. His unassuming appearance belied his killer instinct. They’d met at the first writer’s conference Jasper had attended. He’d entered a contest where the finalists had their pages read by a New York agent. Hank was way too powerful to judge contests or bother with conferences, but when a junior agent at his firm had been too sick to attend, Hank had volunteered to go in her place. Jasper had won the contest, Hank had read the pages and signed him within a week.
“You made it,” Hank said as they sat down. “Everything good on your flight and with the hotel?”
“Couldn’t be better.”
When Jasper had sold his first book, he’d still been fairly messed up from his time in the army. PTSD, brought on by years of fighting overseas, had a way of doing that to a person. He’d agreed to go on a book tour before realizing what that meant. The itinerary—flying all over the country to speak at bookstores and then sign books—had terrified him. Crowds were tough and airports had been impossible. They’d compromised by spreading out the events and having him drive himself from city to city.
Over the years, he’d gotten better. Flying would never be fun, but he could do it. The same with speaking to a large group. The signings were easy because he liked meeting his readers. But while he’d relaxed into the process, Sara and Hank always monitored him, as if concerned he was going to have an episode at any second. He supposed he was enough of a jerk to kind of enjoy their tension.
One of the assistants brought in coffee. Sara waited until he’d left before speaking.
“You’d mentioned this was the second to the last book in the series,” she began. “Next year you’ll write the last book, then start something new.”
Jasper nodded. “I’ve been playing around with an idea for a military series.”
Hank and Sara glanced at each other. “We’re excited about the idea,” Hank told him. “Are you ready to write it?”
Jasper didn’t think he would ever be ready, but he was starting to think it was time. He’d already created the main character—an amalgamation of three guys he’d known back in Afghanistan. Three good men who had been killed. He wanted to tell their stories without violating their privacy. Creating one character that took the best of each of them solved the problem.
“I’ve got a good handle on what I want to do,” Jasper said. “I’m thinking of an open-ended series. Military crimes, some with a civilian connection.”
Sara’s eyes brightened. “We would love that. You’re the best at what you do. Just to be clear, next year you’ll write the last book in your current series, and then you’ll start the new series after that.”
Hank leaned forward. “Vidar needs a love interest.”
Jasper resisted rolling his eyes. “So you’ve told me.”
“Hank’s right,” Sara added. “It’s time. You have female readers who adore you, but come on. You need a fully realized woman in one of your books. One who is more than a one-night stand or a victim. It will help you grow as a writer. Vidar falling in love will make readers bond with him more and bring the series to a satisfying conclusion.”
A conversation they’d had before. Jasper knew the argument. Vidar, his ongoing hero, was too one-dimensional. He needed a personal life. A deeper backstory. Less grunts and more conversation.
His argument that the character borrowed heavily from the Norse mythology—the son of Odin and a giantess named Grid, Vidar was silent and known for his physical strength and therefore was unchangeable—was wearing thin.
What he didn’t tell them and would barely admit to himself was his resistance wasn’t about the story. He knew they were right in their assessment of his story arc. The problem was him—he wasn’t sure he knew how to write a woman and he sure as hell couldn’t figure out how anyone fell in love.
“I’ll see what he can do,” he told them.
“Excellent.” Hank nodded. “Now Sara has some interesting ideas about next year’s tour.”
Sara smiled. “I hope you’re going to be excited. We want to do something different.”
Their idea of exciting and his had little in common, he thought, but nodded to show he was willing to listen.
Sara leaned toward him. “We want to send you to Europe. All your publishers there are clamoring to see you. England, France, Spain, Italy and of course Germany.”
“You’re huge in Germany,” Hank reminded him.
“We’re hoping for three weeks.” Her tone was cautious. “If you think you could manage that.”
He’d never been to Europe, he thought. Never thought he’d go. He was fairly sure his passport was out-of-date, but that was easily rectified.
“Make it four weeks so I can have a day