Always A Lawman. Delores Fossen
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At first anyway.
Then, there were definitely footsteps, and they appeared to be coming from his parents’ bedroom. No more pausing for him. Gabriel hurried up the stairs and to the landing so he could pivot in that direction.
No one was in the hall, so he went toward the bedroom, passing several others along the way. He kept watch around him. The doors were all closed, but that didn’t mean someone wouldn’t open one of them and start shooting. Or running anyway. He was still hoping this would turn out to be nothing.
By the time Gabriel made it the forty or so feet to his parents’ room, he’d worked up a sweat. And it wasn’t helping his temper. This was not how he wanted to spend his afternoon.
He kicked open the door, and he nearly fired when he saw the movement. But it was just the white gauzy curtains fluttering in the breeze.
“He’s out back, and he’s getting away!” Jodi shouted.
Gabriel hurried to the window to look out, and the first thing he spotted was the ladder propped up against the back of the house. But there were no signs of the person who’d put it there.
However, there were signs of Jodi and Jameson.
He saw them run into the yard, such that it was. Once it’d been a manicured lawn, but now it was overgrown with weeds and underbrush.
“Stop or I’ll shoot,” Jameson called out.
Gabriel saw the guy then. He was dressed all in black, like some kind of ninja, and he was running into the woods. There were plenty of places to hide there and even some old ranch trails where the guy could have stashed a vehicle. Gabriel wanted to stop him because he had some answering to do about that knife.
Jameson and Jodi went after him, and that sent Gabriel hurrying, as well. He didn’t go down the ladder because that would have made him an easy target in case the intruder was armed. Instead, he barreled down the hall and stairs and hurried out the back door.
Jameson and Jodi had gotten way ahead of him by now and had disappeared into the woods. With any luck, they were on the intruder’s heels. Well, hopefully Jameson was. Gabriel didn’t like it that a civilian was in the mix of things. Especially this civilian. Despite Jodi’s attempt at trying to keep her composure when she saw the knife, Gabriel knew it caused her to have a slam of bad memories.
Once he was in the backyard, he had to hurdle over some of the underbrush, and it took him several long moments of hard running before he spotted Jameson and Jodi again. He’d hardly gotten a glimpse of them before Gabriel heard something else that caused his heart to jump into overdrive.
A cracking sound.
A shot being fired through a silencer.
Gabriel cursed again because neither Jodi’s nor Jameson’s guns were rigged that way. That meant the shot had come from the intruder. Well, that blew his theory that this was all some kind of sick prank. If the idiot had come here armed, then he meant business.
But what kind of business exactly?
If he’d wanted to kill them, he could have done that when Jodi and he had been talking earlier.
Jameson and Jodi thankfully ducked behind some trees, and using massive oaks as cover, Gabriel darted behind them as he made his way to Jodi. Jameson was only several yards away, and both of them had their guns and attention directed at a thick cluster of bushes and weeds.
Jodi was breathing through her mouth, but other than that, she was holding it together. And she looked like the trained security specialist that she was.
“Did you get a look at his face?” Gabriel wanted to know.
She shook her head and spared him a glance. Gabriel saw it then. The fear. But he also saw the determination to get her hands on this guy.
“Do you see him?” Jameson asked.
Gabriel peered around the tree for a glance. But he didn’t get much of a look. That’s because a bullet smacked into the bark just inches from his head. A second shot quickly followed.
He cursed and pulled Jodi to the ground. Gabriel hadn’t intended to land on her, but that’s what happened. The front of his body right on her back. They’d never been lovers, but being pressed against her gave Gabriel a jolt of attraction. A jolt he quickly shoved aside so he could adjust his position in case he got a chance to return fire.
The intruder fired again, and Gabriel tried to pinpoint the shot. Hard to do with the silencer, but he was pretty sure he knew the guy’s general area.
“Stop shooting and come out with your hands up,” Gabriel shouted out to him.
He didn’t expect the intruder to do that.
And was stunned when he did.
“I’m coming out,” the man said.
Jodi went stiff and practically shoved Gabriel off her so that she could get to her feet. Gabriel did the same, and he muscled her behind him just in case this was some kind of trick.
But it wasn’t.
The man stood, his hands raised in the air. In addition to the black clothes, he was also wearing a ski mask and gloves.
“Where’s your gun?” Gabriel snapped.
“On the ground near my feet.”
Gabriel didn’t want it anywhere near this fool. “Walk toward us. Slowly. Don’t make any sudden moves, and remember that part about keeping your hands in the air.”
The guy gave a shaky nod, and he started toward them. Jameson came out from cover, his gun trained on the guy. Gabriel and Jodi did the same, and the moment he was close enough to Jameson, his brother hurried to the man, put him facedown on the ground and frisked him.
“Keep watch around us,” Gabriel told Jodi.
Her eyes widened a moment, and she must have realized that this man might have brought a friend or two with him.
Gabriel went closer to the guy, too, and handed Jameson a pair of plastic cuffs that he took from his pocket. Jameson immediately put them on him.
“Who the hell are you?” Gabriel asked the man.
Gabriel stooped down and yanked off the ski mask. His head was shaved, and there were several homemade tattoos on his forehead and neck. Definitely not someone Gabriel recognized, and judging from the way Jameson shook his head, neither did his brother.
“I’m not saying nothing until I talk to my lawyer,” the guy answered. He sounded pretty defiant for someone who’d just surrendered.
But Jodi had some defiance of her own. She got right in the guy’s face. “Where did you get that knife?”
He smiled. A