Missing In Blue Mesa. Cindi Myers
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“He told you. We had been there an hour.”
“Yes, that’s what he told us, but that can’t be right, can it?” Ethan tried to keep his tone conversational, nonaccusatory. “Was the bonfire even over that long?”
She squirmed like a kid who had to go to the bathroom. “I didn’t have a watch with me.”
“Did you hear or see anyone else in the motor home while you were there?” Ethan asked. “Maybe someone in another room?”
She shook her head. “No. When you’re with the Prophet, it’s as if no one else is around.”
Out of view of Sunshine, Carmen rolled her eyes. “Did he say anything to you about anyone else?” Ethan asked. “Did he mention anyone by name?”
“He said if I saw Asteria, I had to pretend I hadn’t been with him,” she said.
“And you were okay with that?” Carmen asked. “Lying to another woman?”
“It wouldn’t be lying, exactly,” Sunshine said. “And I would be obeying the Prophet. You can’t be a good disciple if you aren’t obedient.”
A classic manipulator’s line, Ethan thought.
“Did you know that lying to the police is against the law?” Ethan asked.
“The Prophet answers to the highest law. I’m sure he wouldn’t ask me to do anything harmful.”
“So you admit you’re lying,” Ethan said.
Her expression clouded. “I haven’t seen or spoken to Asteria,” she said. “So I haven’t had to lie about anything.”
“What about how much time you spent with Metwater?” Carmen asked. “Are you lying about that?”
She wrinkled her nose, and her voice took on a strident edge. “I told you—I don’t wear a watch. I wasn’t keeping track of the time. He said it was an hour, so it must be an hour.”
“All right,” Ethan said. “Take me through the sequence of events last night. When did you arrive at camp?”
“The fire circle is always at dusk, so I got to the camp a little before—about eight thirty.”
“What next?”
“I walked into camp. The bonfire was going and a lot of Family members were already there. I found some women I knew and stood with them. We waited about fifteen minutes and then the Prophet came out.” A smile transformed her from sulky teen to beautiful woman. “He was wearing a loincloth and had painted his face. He was beautiful.”
“And he does what at these fire circles?” Every cult had its rituals. The researcher in Ethan was curious about Metwater’s rituals.
“First, he gave us a message about how we should live. He talked about sharing—about how the rest of the world lives in an economy based on hoarding, but in the Family, everyone shares, and that makes everyone better off, instead of only a few people.”
Carmen made a snorting noise. Sunshine gave her a sharp look. “Go on,” Carmen said. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“After the message, the drummers started up, and the Prophet led us in a chant. Then he began to dance. It was mesmerizing.”
“What do the rest of you do while he dances?” Ethan asked.
“We chant. And sometimes the Prophet asks other people to dance with him.” Her cheeks glowed pink. “Last night he asked me to dance with him. I was so excited I couldn’t even feel my feet touch the ground.”
“How long did you dance?” Ethan asked.
“Not long. We went around the fire and when we reached my place in the circle, the Prophet kissed my cheek. Everyone was watching and I felt so special.” Her eyes shone with the memory. Metwater certainly had her under his spell.
“What happened next?” Ethan prompted.
“The chanting and dancing went on for a little while longer. Then the drums quieted and the Prophet gave us his blessing. Then everyone left the fire circle and went to bed.”
“Where did you go?” Carmen asked. “Did you go with the Prophet?”
“Not right away. I stood around talking with some of the other women—Sarah and Moonglow—and a guy named Alex.”
“What did you talk about?” Ethan asked.
“Nothing in particular. I wanted to know more about what it was like to live in the Family. I want to join, but the Prophet says they aren’t taking any new members right now. Apparently, they had trouble with some cops pretending to be interested in joining and using that to spy on the group. Can you believe that?”
Ethan’s eyes met Carmen’s and he suppressed a smile. She had lived with Metwater and his followers for a couple of weeks last month, by pretending to be a prospective member. Her undercover work hadn’t revealed any evidence of criminal activity in the group, but it had led to contact with a Fish and Game officer tracking smugglers. Carmen had helped with the case and now she and the Fish and Game cop were engaged.
“So you didn’t go to Metwater’s motor home with him right away?” he asked Sunshine.
“No. I stood around and talked for a while. I was thinking I should probably go back to my car when the Prophet walked over and asked me to come back to his motor home with him.” She blushed again. “Just like that, he singled me out. It was amazing.”
“Did you see anyone or talk to anyone on your way to the motor home?” Ethan asked.
“No. He took my hand and practically dragged me back there with him.”
“What happened when you got inside the motor home?” Ethan asked. “What did you see?”
“Nothing, really. He had all the lights turned off. He took me to his bedroom and told me to undress. He started undressing, too. We got under the covers and started making out. And then you interrupted.”
“That doesn’t sound like it would take an hour to me,” Ethan said.
“I don’t see why the time matters so much,” Sunshine said. “The important thing is that we were together and I didn’t see anybody else—certainly not a hurt woman. I mean, I’m sorry she was hurt, but the Prophet wouldn’t do anything like that. He loves women.”
“He certainly loves to use them,” Carmen said.
Sunshine stood and brushed off her skirt. “Can I go now?” she asked.
“Yes, you can go,” Ethan said. “I’ll take you back home.” He dug in his pocket for his car keys but stopped when the front door of Ranger Headquarters burst open.
Starfall staggered inside, her face pale as death except for the bruising along her jaw and around her mouth. She stared