Six-Gun Showdown. Delores Fossen
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Even now, after all this time and water under the bridge, Paige was still attracted to him. Something she shouldn’t be remembering. Not when she had more important things to deal with.
“That’s why you can’t involve your brothers,” she added. “If they go rushing to the area, he’ll know.”
“How?” he snapped.
“I’m not sure. Like I said, I suspect long-range cameras. Of course, that means he has the resources to set up something like that without being detected.”
His stare drilled into her. “Who is he?”
A heavy sigh left her mouth. “I honestly don’t know.”
No one did. The Moonlight Strangler had murdered more than a dozen women before he’d finally made a mistake and left his DNA at a crime scene. There’d been no match for the DNA in the system, but there had been a match of a different kind.
To Jax’s adopted sister, Addie.
“As you know, Addie doesn’t remember her father,” Paige said.
Of course, Addie had been just three when she’d been found wandering around the woods near the Crocketts’ Appaloosa Pass Ranch. When no one had come forward to claim her, Jax’s parents had adopted her and raised her as their own along with their four sons: Jax, Jericho, Chase and Levi.
“As fraternal twins, Cord was the same age as Addie when he was abandoned, and he doesn’t remember anything, either,” she went on.
Something Paige had in common with Addie and Cord since she, too, had been left at the hospital when she was a baby. Of course, she hadn’t been abandoned by a serial killer.
He got quiet again, but not for long. “Did you see the Moonlight Strangler’s face when he tried to kill you?” Jax asked.
This was one of the other questions she’d expected, but Paige had to shake her head and hope she could say the words without having flashbacks or a panic attack.
“He hit me with a stun gun when I was getting into my car in the parking lot of the CSI office in San Antonio,” she said. Her words rushed together, spilling out with her breath. “He was wearing a mask so I never saw his face. He said some things to me...cut me and strangled me until I lost consciousness.”
Jax pressed his lips together for a moment. “What things did he say?”
That required her to take a moment. Things that were hard to repeat aloud, though they repeated in her head all the time.
And in her nightmares.
“He said if he hadn’t managed to get to me, then he would have kidnapped Matthew to draw me out.” There. That was the worst of it. The absolute worst. “The next thing I remember after that was waking up with a San Antonio cop leaning over me.”
“The cop who helped you fake your death,” he mumbled. “Along with Cord.” Jax took the venom in his voice up a notch.
Probably because Cord was obsessed with finding and stopping the Moonlight Strangler. But Paige thought maybe she heard something else in Jax’s voice. Perhaps a little jealousy. She recognized it because she felt that same ugly emotion when Jax said Belinda’s name.
“It’s not like that between Cord and me,” she volunteered.
His glare didn’t soften any. “Then how is it exactly? Why don’t you tell me?”
Well, this was a can of worms that she’d hoped to delay opening. The emotions of it were still too raw, and Paige wasn’t sure she could tell him without choking on the words. But Jax had to know. Because it was hearing this that would hopefully get him to cooperate with her dangerous plan.
“When the killer was strangling me,” she said, but then had to stop to fight back the images of that nightmare. Always the images. “He told me my birth mother was one of his first victims and that he was killing me to make sure her spawn didn’t live another second.”
Judging from the way his eyes widened, Jax hadn’t expected that. “And you believed him?”
“No. But the DNA test I took later proved otherwise.” That required another deep breath. “According to the test, my birth mother was Mary Madison. Her body was found just a few days after I was abandoned in the hospital. I didn’t learn any of this until after I’d faked my death.”
“His victim’s daughter,” Jax said. He did some deep breathing, too, and she could almost see the wheels turning in his head. “That’s why he came after you?” But he didn’t wait for her to answer. “Then why hasn’t he gone after the children of his other victims?”
She had to shake her head. “Maybe my birth mother’s murder was more personal to him? Or he could believe I know something about him that the others don’t.”
“Do you?” he asked, and it sounded like some kind of accusation.
With good reason.
Cord wasn’t the only one who’d become obsessed with finding the Moonlight Strangler. She had as well, and even though Paige had dismissed it as part of her job as a crime scene investigator, it’d been more than that. She’d felt it bone deep.
And she’d been right.
She wasn’t just searching for a killer who had eluded the cops for nearly thirty years. Now she knew that she’d been looking for the man who’d murdered her mother so she could stop him from killing again. Of course, the obsession had come back to haunt her and just might cost her everything.
“I don’t know anything about his identity,” she continued, “but I do know how to stop him.”
However, it would cost her big-time. The trick was not to have that cost spread to Matthew and Jax.
Paige checked the time. The minutes were ticking away. “I heard you tell Belinda that you were going to the sheriff’s office, so she’ll be expecting you to leave soon. I suspect you were going to analyze the voice mail I left you.”
Jax nodded. “I thought maybe it was a hoax.”
Of course he had. Because he hadn’t thought she was capable of doing something like faking her own death. “I left the message because I thought it would lessen the blow of you seeing me.”
He looked her straight in the eyes. “Nothing could have done that.”
True. But she’d had to try. Just as she had to try now.
“So, your plan is to...what?” he asked. “Go to the Appaloosa Creek Bridge and meet a killer who’s hell-bent on finishing you off?”
Hearing it spelled out like that didn’t help, but Paige tried to push her fear aside. “I’m sure he’d like to finish you off, too. I can’t think of another reason he would say I could