Fully Committed. Janie Crouch
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“Well, for God’s sake, shut him up,” Jon said. “I’m going to get the doctor.”
Sherry had just backed away against the wall. Jon didn’t blame her. He’d stay out of this mess, too, if he was her. But she had lost all color and was shivering.
“Are you okay?” he asked, touching her gently on the upper arm.
She nodded without answering, her eyes still drawn toward the victim’s room.
Caroline and Zane had already entered. Jon could hear Caroline talking softly to the woman.
Jon looked at Sherry again. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He didn’t want her to collapse.
“I’m fine,” she said. It looked as though her teeth were about to start chattering, but he knew that couldn’t be right; it wasn’t nearly cold enough in here.
Sherry cocked her head toward the nurses’ station. “Just go.”
Jon took off running down the hallway to find Dr. Rosemont or Nurse Carreker. Either of them would help put an end to this without damaging Jasmine Houze’s psyche further.
He found them both just moments later. Neither woman wasted time and the three of them were soon sprinting down the hallway toward the victim’s room, Jon explaining as they ran.
The doctor and nurse, along with Caroline, distracted and comforted Ms. Houze as Jon and Zane both each grabbed one of Frank Spangler’s arms.
“Wait, I’m not finished talking to her,” Spangler all but screeched.
All three women surrounding the victim turned at the same time and said, “Yes. You are.”
Fortunately, Spangler didn’t put up a fight; he just walked out, huffing as he went. Jon immediately closed the door behind them.
“You better believe the captain’s going to hear about this.” Spangler’s eyes glared at Jon as if he were personally responsible for him being kicked out of the victim’s room. The older man then turned, gathered his things and left.
That was fine. Jon didn’t care as long as Spangler wasn’t allowed near Jasmine Houze or any of the victims again. And, yes, the police captain would hear about this. Jon glanced over at Zane, who just shrugged, shaking his head.
Caroline came out of the room, closing the door softly behind her. “They’ve given Jasmine a sedative. Her family should be here soon.”
Jon looked over to where Sherry had been standing against the wall when he had last seen her. He wanted to talk to her more, to apologize for the craziness, to make sure she was all right.
And to ask her to dinner.
But she was gone.
The next day Jon was ready to dig a hole and bury himself in it.
For one thing, it was one million degrees outside. He missed the Rocky Mountains of Colorado Springs where Omega Sector: Critical Response Division headquarters was located. He missed the crisp air, often cool even now in June, and the ability to go out and run first thing in the morning or even in the afternoons a lot of the time, and still be pretty comfortable.
Because this face-melting heat of Corpus Christi was probably going to kill him.
Not that he would be going out for a run anytime soon. Why run outside when he could just run in circles inside Corpus Christi Police Department, accomplishing nothing?
He was sitting in Captain Harris’s office, along with Zane Wales and Frank Spangler. Spangler was categorically dismissing the complaints that had been called in against him by Jasmine Houze’s doctor. He actually called both the victim and Dr. Rosemont “irrational.”
Wales had remained silent, refusing to either confirm or deny what had happened in the hospital room.
And while Jon appreciated that the younger man probably didn’t want to get Frank Spangler in trouble just before his retirement, Zane’s silence was not helping the case. If the Corpus Christi PD wasn’t careful, they were going to lose control of the case entirely. One phone call from Jon and this case would be under federal jurisdiction rather than local.
That was a last-resort option and Jon didn’t want to do that if he didn’t have to. But he wouldn’t hesitate if something like that happened again. He’d already made that clear to Captain Harris privately.
“We’re going to need another forensic artist,” Jon said to the other men.
“Well, that’s too bad, since I’m the only one currently licensed in the county. And in our county only people licensed in forensic art are allowed to talk to witnesses or victims in an official capacity.” Spangler sat back, secure in his own importance.
“My resources aren’t limited to your county, Spangler,” Jon said. “And believe me, I would go in there with a paper and pencil myself before I would let you further traumatize another woman like yesterday.”
Spangler let out a loud huff. “You see there, Captain? This sort of unfriendly attitude is what we have to deal with all the time from Agent Hatton, all but impeding our investigation—”
Jon resisted the urge to jump out of his chair. Barely. “Are you kidding me? You just had a complaint filed against you from one of the top trauma doctors in the state. And you want to say I’m impeding the investigation?”
“Boys, enough,” Captain Harris interrupted in his Texan drawl. “Hatton, please use your federal resources to find another forensic artist.”
The captain’s contempt for anything federal was evident by the way he said the word with a sneer.
“Fine.” Jon’s teeth were clenched, but he got the single syllable out.
“Now, if you don’t mind, Agent Hatton, I’d like to talk to Detective Spangler alone. Sort through some things.”
Somehow Jon didn’t think that the “sorting” would involve any sort of reprimand whatsoever. Spangler’s snigger and mock salute to Jon suggested the older man knew it, too.
Jon nodded, got up and left. He was afraid if he stayed he would end up punching Spangler, a man who was at least twenty-five years older than Jon’s thirty-one. Jon’s mom had taught him better than that.
Although Jon wasn’t entirely sure his mother wouldn’t have punched Frank Spangler herself if she’d been around yesterday.
He made his way over to the desk the department had given him in the darkest, stalest corner of the old brick building. It was right next to the copy machine and cleaning supplies, so it pretty much ensured that Jon dealt with a constant flow of interruptions and had a headache from the chemicals.
Still, it was better than being outside where his shoes would probably melt into the sidewalk. And this was nothing compared to August’s heat evidently. That made Jon, a Cincinnati boy at heart,