Urgent Pursuit. Beverly Long
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He wasn’t going to let this be easy. She understood. She deserved this. “When,” she corrected. “When I hurt you.”
He looked up. “I guess I’d really just like to know what happened.”
“You left,” she said.
“I enlisted. We had discussed it. You said you would wait.”
She had intended to. And she had wanted to. Then things had happened. But nothing she could tell Bray about. Nothing she could ever tell anyone about. “I met someone,” she said. It was the story she’d stuck to for fifteen years.
“Gary Blake.”
She nodded.
“He’s a real prize,” Bray said, his tone bitter.
Gary hadn’t always been this way. In the beginning, he’d been...fine. Attentive. Hardworking. And she’d thought it would be enough. “Bray, did you ever marry?” she asked tentatively.
The silence in the room stretched out. Finally, Bray shifted in his chair. “At the church, you said that Gary had never beaten your kids. There was something you didn’t say.”
“What’s that?”
“That he’d never beaten you.”
She was so weary. So damn tired of protecting everybody else’s interests. “He didn’t. And I would not have thought him capable of it. But about two months ago, we got into an argument because he was supposed to pay some fees for Keagan’s sports. But he was really late and the coach had told me that he was going to have to suspend Keagan. Gary got really mad and pushed me down. And...and then he kicked me. My back got pretty bruised up.”
She saw a wave of emotion cross his handsome face. “Kicked you like a stray dog,” he said, his tone bitingly sharp.
She put her hand out. Touched him. His skin was so warm. “It’s over,” she said.
“Did you report it to the police?”
“He is the police.”
“He’s got to have a boss.”
She shrugged. “I made a decision. I did what was best for me and my family.”
“By what happened today, I don’t think he’s turned over a new leaf. The next time he might really hurt you. What are you going to tell your children when you’ve got a broken jaw and a busted eye socket?”
The image made her sick. “That’s not going to happen,” she said.
“Maybe somebody needs to make sure of that,” he said.
She stood up. “Don’t you even think about getting involved, Bray Hollister. You can’t waltz back in here and...and mess things up.”
“Mess things up? Honey, I thought that was your department.”
She would not cry. She would not. “My children are hungry,” she said, her voice flat. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to fix them dinner.” She walked over to the door that led to the garage, opened it and reached to turn on the garage light.
She heard a sharp bark and saw that Mitzi was outside, peeing in the front yard. Trudy, already in her nightgown, stood on the front porch, staring across the street. Great.
Bray followed her out of the house. She stood to the side and let him walk past.
Trudy waved. “Nice to see you again, Brayden. I wondered if you’d be back for the wedding.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Bray said. “Nice to see you again, Mrs. Hudder.”
She wondered how he could sound so polite. Her voice would have come out strangled. She felt as if her throat were closing up.
Without a backward glance, Bray got in his car and started it. He backed out of the driveway and sedately drove off.
Fifteen years ago, there’d been screaming tires and a racing engine.
She closed the garage door, went back inside her house and then very carefully let herself slide down the back of the door until she was sitting on the floor.
Then she started to cry.
* * *
BRAY TEXTED CAL, telling him that he wouldn’t be there for dinner. It was the chicken’s way out, he knew, but he simply wasn’t up to the questions that either would be asked or, if everyone decided to give him a pass, would be hanging in the air, hovering, threatening to smother them all.
So, what was it like, seeing Summer after all these years?
Jarring. Exhilarating. Disappointing. Painful. His emotions were all over the place.
She was still beautiful. He’d always loved her red hair. In high school, she’d worn it longer, but now it just touched her shoulders. Her skin was still lovely, freckle-free unlike most redheads. There were a few lines by her pale green eyes that hadn’t been there fifteen years ago, but still, she looked more like twenty-seven than thirty-seven.
Her children were the undisputable proof that the years had truly gone by. Adie was a doll, with her strawberry blonde hair and her big blue eyes. And Keagan, well, he supposed he’d be a good-looking kid if he bothered to get rid of the disdain that poured off his skinny adolescent frame.
Bray appreciated that the kid had hoofed it into the kitchen quickly upon hearing that his mother had brought home a man. That told him something. It didn’t happen often. Not that that mattered. Summer hadn’t said it, but the message had been clear. We’re done. Been done for a long time.
When he’d first heard that Chase and Raney intended to get married in Ravesville, he’d fleetingly wondered if he might run into Summer while he was home. He hadn’t dwelled on the possibility, had merely considered it, decided that it would be no big deal and moved on.
All that proved was that at age thirty-seven, he was living in denial, maybe not all that different from a kid hooked on meth who said he could stop anytime he wanted.
He drove through Ravesville, making a full stop at the end of every block. The same irritating four-way stop signs had been there when he’d been seventeen. Then, he’d done a casual rolling stop, too cool in his old Cutlass convertible to be bothered by rules. And more often than not, Summer had been at his side, her pretty red hair blowing in the wind.
He turned right at the edge of town. Just like old times. On most warm nights, of which there were a lot in Missouri, he and Summer had gone to Rock Pond, the local swimming hole.
They never did a whole lot of swimming there. Instead, he’d pull the old sheet out of his trunk, spread it on the ground, and in the dark of night, he’d make love to Summer.
And afterward, she would cling to him, her sweet young body so firm, yet so soft, and tell him that she loved him and that she would always be his.