Strangers in the Night. Kerry Connor
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She was no innocent, that was for sure. The rashness of her actions and the cool resolve in her eyes told him that. Everything about her screamed guilt. He didn’t have to know she was involved with Taylor to know she was in this up to her eyeballs. Which meant he had to proceed very carefully.
“Could you give me some air?” she said, shoving against his chest.
He relented, granting her a modicum of space by taking a step back. Enough to let her feel that he was no longer invading her space, not nearly enough for her to try to run.
“You want to tell me what that was about?” he asked.
The eyes that lifted to meet his were utterly blank, revealing nothing. “Just someone I didn’t want to run into, that’s all.”
“Someone who scares you to death?” She blinked, startled. “Yeah, I noticed. That guy had you terrified.”
She waved a hand. “Look, don’t worry about it. I appreciate your help, but you’re better off not getting involved. Trust me.”
“In case you didn’t notice, I’m already involved. You made sure I was.”
Annoyance twisted her mouth. “Then I apologize for taking up three valuable minutes of your time. I’ll let you get back to your life.”
“I’m not going anywhere until I get some answers.”
“What are you? A cop?” Though he couldn’t miss the sarcastic edge, he also heard the uneasy note in her voice.
“No, I’m not a cop. But that’s not a bad idea. If you don’t want to tell me, you can tell the police.”
Even in the dim light, he could see her go pale. Exactly as he expected.
He feigned surprise. “You were planning on reporting this, weren’t you?” He didn’t bother to keep the sarcastic edge from his words.
Not that she noticed. He could see her thinking quickly. Her tongue darted out to moisten parched lips, the motion betraying her tension.
It also captured his attention, drawing his gaze to her mouth. Her lips retained a sheen of wetness that made them shine.
Now those lips quivered. “Look, there’s no reason to bring the cops into this. It’s a personal matter. I can take care of it myself.”
“With a little help from strangers?”
One eyebrow shot up. “I don’t think I’ll make that mistake again.”
He might have been amused if the situation wasn’t so dire. He was losing her, and whatever he did, he couldn’t risk that. Two minutes ago he would have given anything to get his hands on Taylor. Now he had someone he suspected was more important, whoever she was. He’d haul her back to his truck if he wasn’t sure she’d make a scene and bring Taylor back. One woman he could handle. A woman and Taylor—that would be tricky.
Taylor could be out there now, about to double back and find them. They didn’t have time for this.
Twisting his features into something a little less forbidding, he said, “Look, at least let me walk you home. It’s not safe for a woman to walk alone at night in a neighborhood like this.”
She wanted to say no. He could read it in every inch of her expression and the rigid lines of her posture. But he doubted she could think of a good reason to say no that wouldn’t arouse his suspicions more. He was counting on it.
And still she hesitated.
He kept his expression neutral, even as he felt the seconds tick by as steadily as the pulse throbbing at his neck.
“You really want to stand here arguing? Your friend could still be out there,” he reminded her softly.
She searched his face again. He recognized the exact instant she made her decision. Her jaw tightened and the corners of her lips gave a violent twist as she pursed her mouth.
“Fine,” she said. “Let’s go.”
With that, she spun out of his grasp and hurried back down the alley she’d first emerged from.
Allowing himself one small, satisfied smile, Ross fell into step behind her and followed her into the darkness.
P RICE C HASTAIN rolled off of the woman beneath him and jerked their tangled limbs apart. She gave a little gasp of shock—either not finished herself or not finished faking it. The sound barely pierced his concentration. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he checked the clock on the nightstand. It was well after midnight. He should have heard something by now.
She laid her hand on his bare back. “What’s the matter?” she murmured, running her hand across his shoulders. “You were barely with me there.”
He shrugged off her touch. The contact was making his skin crawl. “Get out. I have business to take care of.”
If she was annoyed by his tone, she didn’t show it. Smart girl. The mattress sagged as she climbed off the bed. He didn’t bother to look as she padded naked to the bathroom.
As soon as she was gone, Chastain rolled his shoulders to shake off the lingering sensation of her sweaty palms and twisted his neck until he felt that satisfying crack. Mariana was a great lay, but lately she was starting to ask questions, nothing dangerous, certainly nothing about what she had to be hearing in the news, but little things. She was starting to get clingy. He was going to have to get rid of her soon.
He hated women who asked questions. That was exactly how he’d found himself in his current situation.
He checked the clock again. Less than a minute had passed.
The phone remained silent.
Taylor had told him the woman got off work at eleven CST. He should have her by now.
Something had gone wrong.
He grabbed the phone and hit the speed dial for Taylor’s cell. Taylor picked up on the fourth ring. “Hello?”
“It’s me.”
Taylor’s silence buzzed across the line.
“Well? Do you have her?” Chastain couldn’t even bring himself to say her name.
A few more seconds of silence, followed by a reluctant “No.”
Chastain gripped the receiver so tightly his hand went numb. “No?”
“I lost her.”
He nearly hurled the phone across the room. “What do you mean, you lost her? You assured me the situation was under control.”
“She must have figured something was up. She bolted.”
“She can’t have gotten far. Find her.”